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1852 SG.9, Tall Ship 1C black / purple, nice piece on cut-square with CDS DEMERARA, ex. Caspary (auction Harmer New York 1957) and ex. Burrus (auction Robson Lowe London 1963); certificates P. Holcombe - "exceptional condition" and Dr. G. Bolaffi; cat. £5.500 + ca. 30%; similar piece on cut-square ex. Du Pont was sold in 2014 for 15.600€! U:DR
1861 SG.40, "Tall Ship" 1C brown-red; very nice piece with perfect perf; cat. £475 U:A5
1862-64 TRIAL PRINT for SG.45, "Tall Ship" (Colonial Seal) 4C light blue, IMPERFORATE, on thin paper; on reverse signed as "ESSAI"; interesting piece in very nice quality, certificate BPA U:A5
1863-187 SG.69var and 70var, "Tall Ship", wide format, 2x 6C blue and green-blue, both with "dot before VICISSIM"; cat. still doesn't evaluate, price for basic stamps £400 U:A5