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1866 Mi.20x, State Coat of Arms (without flashes) 5 Koruna, block of four, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1875 Mi.25xII, State Coat of Arms (without flashes) 7K, plate variety - interrupted horn, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1875-84 Mi.28x, 35-36A, State Coat of Arms (without flashes), comp. 3 pcs of stamps, c.v.. 210€ U:A5
1866-1918 comp. of stamps on 2 cards A5, i.a. nice postmarks U:A5
1908 Mi.69, State Coat of Arms 10kop. dark blue, blk-of-25, perf 14¼:14¾;, irregular cut, 4 line printing defects in/at value štítlu, one stmp light hinged, according to supplier c.v.. 212€ U:A5
1889-1908 comp. 15 pcs of bloks of four, partially with margin, placed on card A5 U:A5
1910 Mi.77-79B, 81Ab, State Coat of Arms , comp. 4 pcs of sheets, c.v.. 90€, standard folds, partly detached in perforation U:A3v–
1910 Mi.77-81, State Coat of Arms (with flashes), comp. 7 pcs of stamps, 77-80Dyb, 78-80Cx line perforation 12½; (value 3R - hinged), 81Axa; c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1910-22 comp. of stamps on card A5, i.a. blocks of four and stamps with overprint R.S.F.S.R. U:A5
1915 Reg letter to Switzerland with Mi.99-102, War Charity, popular issue, CDS PÉTROGRAD, horiz. folds out of stmp, otherwise nice U:A5
1913-18 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 12 pcs of bloks of four, placed on stock-sheet U:O4
1918-32 comp. of stamps on card A5, i.a. overprints and contribution stmp famine relief in Southeast, without guarantee U:A5
1919-46 comp. of stamps on stock-sheet, contains also stamps from period of 30. years U:A4
1922 Mi.2, Official for embassy in Berlin, 24M / 3R, overprint type unresolved, mint never hinged, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1922 Mi.209B, 211A, Forces of Revolution, comp. 2 pcs of sheets, c.v.. 140€, standard folds U:A3v–
1923 Mi.215A, 217-219A, Forces of Revolution, comp. 4 pcs of sheets, c.v.. 110€, standard folds, partly detached in perforation U:A3v–
1919-20 NORTH-WEST ARMY (Gen. Yudenich), WRANGEL- ARMY selection of 55 pcs of stamps on stock-sheet A5, interesting U:A5
1930-34 selection of 31 pcs of stamps, placed on stock-sheet, c.v.. 1375€, viewing of quality recommended U:A4
1931 Mi.402-405C, Polar Flight, comb perforation 12:12½;, c.v.. 195€ U:A5
1932 Mi.406A+B, Zeppelins, comp. 2 pcs of stamps, line perforation 12½; and line perforation 14, very lightly hinged, c.v.. 58€ U:A5
1932 Mi.416CY, 15. anniv of revolution, perf 12½;, front side nice, on reverse small folds in gum, hints sheet offset and black background, it is worth seeing, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1933 Mi.453, Stratospheric Flight 5k blue, c.v.. 150€, light hinged U:A5
1933 Mi.457-461, Bakuští komisaři, value 4k - light fold (excluded from sum), c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1934 Mi.462-466X, Y, Airmail, value 20k - wmk X, 10k short teeth and chip of wood in paper - excluded from sum, cat. over 400€ U:A5
1933-41 comp. of 9 complete sets, contains Mi.450-52, 558-65, 588-94 602-13, 614-17, 741-74, 753-57, 806-09 and 812-13, good quality, c.v.. total 66€ U:A5
1938 Mi.657-664, National sport, complete set with first hinge., c.v.. ca. 35€ U:A5
1941 Mi.826, Obrana homeland 30k blue, good stmp, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1941 Mi.826, Vstup to of Red Army, 30k blue, well centered, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1947-54 comp. of 10 complete sets, it contains e.g. Mi.1131-36, 1459-60, 1480-83, 1535-36, 1541-43, 1548-51, 1566-69, 1608-12, good quality, c.v.. total 158€ U:A4
1950-59 Mi.1459-1460, Congress odborů in London, complete set + postage stmp Mi.2138, 2198 and 2230, all mint never hinged, c.v.. total 65€ U:A5
1950 Mi.1513-1514, 130. anniv of discovery Antarctica, mint never hinged, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1950 Mi.1527-1530 and 1532-1534, Tower Buildings, incomplete but sought set, missing only 1 stamp. (Mi.1531), c.v.. 245€ U:A5
1956 Mi.1871, Makhmud Aivazov, 1871 IA, type I - str-of-4 (Мухамед), 1871 IIC, type II - pair (Махмуд), improved/repaired issue; c.v.. 224€, sought U:A5
1957 Mi.1922B, VI. World Youth Meeting (I.), value 60k imperforated, lower corner blok of 4, cat. min. 200€ U:A5
1957-58 selection of 20 pcs of imperforated stmp, contains Mi.1922B, 1945B, 1948B, 1949B, 1980B; 1995B-99B; 2061B-63B; 2068B-69B; 2114B, 2118B and 2119B; wide margins, all stamp. with first hinge., c.v.. as ** 243€ U:A4
1957 Mi.1978B, International exhibition of stamps in Moscow, imperforated vertical pair, upper piece with label, the bottom stmp mint never hinged U:A5
1958 comp. of 4 various imperforated issues, motives "100 years of Stamp" and "Aviation", contains Mi.2114B, 2118B and 2119B in vertical pairs + Mi.2106-08B, 2169-71B and 2193B, all mint never hinged, c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1961-65 comp. of 7 various imperforated issues, contains Mi.2473-75B, 2521-22B, 2634-36B, 2670-71B, 2763-65B, 2922-28B and 3032B, various motives (flowers, chess, cosmos), all mint never hinged, c.v.. 35€ U:A5
1961 Mi.2540, 2541 I. + II., Congress of Communists (aluminium foil), comp. 4 pcs of stamps, both overprint types, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1961-65 Mi.2540-2541, Congress of Communists (aluminium foil), both marginal + Mi.3042-3043, Cosmos (all aluminium foil), total c.v.. 103€ U:A5
1961-65 Mi.2540, 2541, Congress of Communists, 3042-43, Cosmos (all aluminium foil), comp. 8 pcs of stamps; c.v.. 196€ U:A5
1962 Mi.Bl.30, miniature sheet North Pole Station with overprint, red Opt, c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1963-81 Mi.2782-83, 4728-29, 5049-50, Cosmos, comp. of 3 complete PB, rare !! U:A3v–
1964 Mi.Bl.33, miniature sheet Tokio, numbered, №; 019371, printing only 35.000 pcs, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1923-26 comp. 12 pcs of entires, from that 6x as Registered; various condition U:A4
1926 postcard with design stamps Mi.155, Liberation of the Work 40R, to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.311, CDS ROSTOV 8.9.26; interesting U:A5
1926-48 comp. 4 pcs of entires sent to Czechoslovakia, 2x Reg and airmail letter, 2x ordinary letter with Mi.312, 446; small defects U:A5
1932 Reg letter sent from Moscow (Москва) to Prague, with Mi.255B + 269, CDS MOSCOW/ 23.12.32, Reg cancel with additionally written number, on reverse control mark Mi. VIa with postmark, arrival postmark. PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 26.XII.32, mailing collector's výměny, envelope wrinkled, rather viewing of quality recommended, after all interesting U:A5
1949-53 comp. 3 pcs of entires addressed to Czechoslovakia, 1x uprated postal stationery cover, 1x Reg letter, 1x sent by air mail pohlenice, franked by stmp.., good condition U:A5
1942-60 [COLLECTIONS] quality business supply, mainly complete issue, těžiště in/at 50. year, minimum stamp. hinged, nice quality, in stockbook A4, only used issue through/over 1000€, c.v.. total 1970€ U:Z
1910-17 CHINA Mi.20-33, 35-48, comp. of stamps on card A5 U:A5
1899-1910 CHINA selection of 25 pcs of bloks of four, placed on stock-sheet A4 U:A4
1907-13 LEVANT letter sent as printed matter from Jerusalem to Bohemia, franked with. overprint stamp. 10 Para, Mi.40V, CDS JERUSALEM/ 2/III 07; postcard Smyrna to Bohemia, franked with. overprint stamp. 10 Para, Mi.40XII, violet CDS SMIRNA/ 22.12.13; good condition U:A5
1909-10 LEVANT added-print on stmp Mi.29-37, I - Beyrouth, II - Constantinople, IV - Jaffa, V - Jerusalem, VI - Kerassunde, VII - Mételin, VIII - Mont Athos, IX - С.Афонъ, X - Rizeh, XI - Salonique, incomplete U:A5
1900-04 LEVANT selection of 67 pcs of stamps, part with overprint "Р.О.П.иТ." U:A5
1899-1921 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA, LEVANT and FAR EAST semifinished collection on album sheets Stiburek, mostly cheaper pieces, good quality, cat. over 200€ U:Z
1891-1912 Mi.U36B, postal stationery cover 5k Coat of arms violet sent as Reg to Hungary, rich additional franking 1+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+10k, CDS PETERBURG/ 22.NAJA.1891 + round Reg cancel, on reverse CDS PETERBURG/ 25.11.91 and hints after sticking in collection + Mi.U37B, postal stationery cover 7k Coat of arms blue, uprated with stamp 3k, CDS RYPIN/ 7.9.12, good condition U:A5
1902-26 comp. 4 pcs of PC with supplementary postage, contains Mi.P13 2x, various varieties of paper, both addressed to to Bohemia + P23A, answer part + USSR Mi.P5, text French - ukrajinsky - Esperanto, as Registered to Czechoslovakia, uprated by. 2+2+10k, CDS KIEV/ 29.12.26, good condition U:A5
1907-59 nice selection of 57 pcs of PC, all with supplementary postage and addressed to to Czechoslovakia, 1x as Registered, 1x surtax etc.., usual quality, interesting selection of, it is worth seeing U:O5
1954-76 comp. 7 pcs of double PC, Mi.DP1II, 3x address information card (адресная почтовая карточка), PC "Книга–почтой;" and 2x double PC; interesting U:A4