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1945 Pof.353, Košice-issue - hands 1,50 Koruna, 2 pcs of stamp. with shift vertical and horiz. perf to picture adjacent stamps U:A5
1945 Pof.354-356Ms(4), Košice-issue, 4-stamps vertical gutter in str-of-4, upper margins, at value 2 Koruna smaller flaw in paper between stamps (thin place), otherwise good quality, cat. min. 2000CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.354-56Mv, Košice-issue, horiz. gutter with upper and bottom margin from rozřezaných crosses (rare), 2-lines 4-stamps, No. 355 in two expressive shades, No. 356 L block of four lighter, R blk-of-4 deeper blue color, one stmp by/on/at No. 355 brown svrnka in 5 (production flaw), overall nice, cat. min. 6300CZK (without margins) U:A4
1945 Pof.354, Košice-issue 2 Koruna, block of four with private pin hole, light ribbed paper, zajmavé U:A5
1945 Pof.354, Košice-issue 2 Koruna, vertical pair with production flaw big stain before/(in front of) value numeral U:A5
1945 Pof.355, Košice-issue 5 Koruna, expressive paper crease, light hinged, wide margins U:A5
1945 Pof.356, Košice-issue 6 Koruna, 2 pieces, 1x stmp with upper margin and production flaw 6/A (white circle after/behind 6), small dirt in paper, 1x stmp with significantly smudge print, both stamps wide margins U:A5
1945 Pof.357, Košice-issue - hands 9K, block of four with significant shift pin hole L to picture, nice, cat. min. 3200CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.357, Košice-issue - hands 9K, vertical pair, very shifted vertical pin hole, interesting, mint never hinged U:A5
1945 Pof.358, Košice-issue - hands 13 Koruna, block of 8 with lower margin with mixed pin hole under the pos. 87-88 U:A5
1945 Pof.353, 357, 358, 359, Košice-issue - hands, complete 4 values in/at miniaturách, total 16 pcs of bloks of four, LL blocks of four with plate number A1, cat. min. 1800CZK U:A4
1945 Pof.359, Košice-issue - hands 20K, 2 pcs of horiz. pairs with shift horiz. and vertical perf to picture adjacent stamps U:A5
1945 Pof.359, Košice-issue - hands 20K, block of 8 with significant shift pin hole transport, nice, c.v.. ca. 6400CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS with signature president Dr. Edvard Beneš incl. pass letter presidentské office, rare! U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, 2 pieces, both with plate variety broken paw, according to Čtvrtečka AP2/111, on stmp 6 Koruna 1x thin/light print and 1x stronger (rare) print name/-s Gajdzica, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 8, plate variety - score in tail lion, nice quality, c.v.. 6500CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, plate variety broken paw, in addition significant circle between ocasy lion in large emblem, exceptional and still nepublikované, very fine U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, shift background print, mint never hinged U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, flaw print two horiz. bands nedotisků in/at background print, upper band is klínovitého shape and passes from L meandru over the stmp 2 Koruna then below big emblem to to stamps 5 Koruna, other band is also klínovitý and is 2mm below the first, is from L meandru and končí in stamp 2 Koruna in face soldier, miniature sheet have/has on/for sticky side 2x smaller přílepek from other miniature sheet, light fold paper and smaller fold, after all extraordinary U:A5
1945 Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, production flaw shift red color downward through/over perf, nice, c.v.. 8000CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.363-371, Bratislava-issue, complete set 200-stamps sheets (only 367 slit on/for two middle) with all plate variety and types, 365 with TV184 - significant red stain and retouch complete L side/party pos. (rarest defect), on reverse partial machine offset (on 3 pos. significant) - still unpublished, very good condition, high catalogue value U:A3v–
1945 Pof.364, Bratislava-issue 1CZK, blk-of-10 with two tenkými paper creases, 1 + 3 stamps U:A5
1945 Pof.365, Bratislava-issue 1,50CZK, block of four with thin paper crease through/over two the bottom stamps, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava-issue 10K, blk-of-25 with upper margin, stmp T II. in the middle block, combination types possible all directions, contains also plate variety on pos. 7 (rozlitý cross), light wrinkled in upper margin, otherwise good quality, cat. min. 1700CZK, profitable U:A5
1945 Pof.381, Moscow-issue 5h, LL corner blk-of-4 with margin, in margin folded paper, omitted perf hole on pos. 91-92, by/on/at folded paper short detachment/section in perforation and tearing (underglued), overall good U:A5
1945 Pof.382, Moscow-issue 10h, vertical bnd-of-10 with margin, in the middle joined paper, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.383, Moscow-issue 20h, LR corner blk-of-4 with margin, in corner perf folded paper, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.383, Moscow-issue 20h, UR corner piece with margin, at top omitted perforation, nice, c.v.. 1800CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.384, Moscow-issue 50h, vertical pair with upper margin, without upper perf, nice, c.v.. 1800CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.385, Moscow-issue 1 Koruna, blk-of-12 with L sheet margin, joined paper (!), rare, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1945 Pof.385, Moscow-issue 1 Koruna, UR corner piece, without upper perf, nice, c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.385, Moscow-issue 1 Koruna, vertical pair with upper margin, joined paper; horizontal pair with lower margin, joined paper, but only stick-on label with print part/-s stamps, interesting U:A5
1945 Pof.385, Moscow-issue T. G. Masaryk 1 Koruna, whole upper bnd-of-20 with margin counter sheet, with omitted horiz. perf in/at upper line, in addition in/at devíti vertical lines omitted perf hole on/for upper sheet margins, exceedingly interesting, mint never hinged U:A3v–
1945 Pof.386, Moscow-issue 2 Koruna, block of 8 with R margin, two stamps in margin without vertical perf R, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.386, Moscow-issue 2 Koruna, horizontal strip of 3 with L margin, in margin double perf, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.387, War Heroes 5h, 2x corner blk-of-4 and 1x pair with plate number IA, various offsets plate number, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.389, War Heroes 20h, UL corner blk-of-4 with margin, in corner perf folded paper, decorative U:A5
1945 Pof.393, War Heroes 50h, LL corner blk-of-4 with margin, plate mark IA, in corner folded paper, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.396, War Heroes 1,50CZK, L + UR corner blk-of-4, with margin, inverted comb perforation, pos. 9 in gum light spot printing color, otherwise nice, c.v.. 4500CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.396, War Heroes 1,50CZK, UL corner blk-of-4 with margin, in corner perf folded paper, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.406, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 4,50K, horizontal pair with oblique paper crease, nice U:A5
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, 2 pieces, AP4+7, both wide margin, nice U:A4
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, AP1, wide L margin, small light folds corner and margins, otherwise well preserved U:A4
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, complete set 9 pcs of miniature sheets according to souvenir sheet fields AP1-AP9, good quality, c.v.. 2500CZK U:A4
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, significant shift picture of stmp values 4,50K outside marked perf + wide (10mm) L margin, good condition, very rare! U:A4
1948 Pof.485, Gottwald 1,50Kčs, horizontal strip of 5 with R margin sheet, shift vertical perf to picture of stmp, for specialist interesting, mint never hinged U:A5
1948 Pof.A492 K. Gottwald, 12 pieces, comp. of 10 types and 2 subtypes, without marking, nice, c.v.. 900CZK U:A4
1949 Pof.503, Vančura, block of 6, 3 stamp. joined paper in 6 line, this position seting up still unknown U:A5
1949 Pof.503, Vančura, vertical strip of 3 with upper margin, joined paper, the bottom stmp brown spot in gum, otherwise nice U:A5
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.507ZT, Jirásek, master die, black color, in margin label, otherwise nice, expert Benes U:A5
1951 selection of, Pof.574 production flaw, Fučík, block of four, significant stain below "Č" Fučík, used stmp with gum, partially machine offset, rare! U:A5
1951 Pof.578N, International Women's Day 1,50Kčs, imperforated, mint never hinged, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1951 Pof.621N, Friendship Month, imperforated, mint never hinged, mark Pofis U:A5
1952 Pof.650, Agricultural Work , block of four with R margin, plate variety 40/1,2 (reflector), upper stmp light gum, the bottom browny gum, otherwise nice, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1952 Pof.A691/692, miniature sheet BRATISLAVA, significant shift stamps 3Kčs L-wards - to to perf (!), hinged on/for upper margin miniature sheet, stamps mint never hinged, UL corner thin/light fold, sought by specialists! U:A5
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.693, Bratislava, master die in black color (Švengsbír), on chalky paper without gum, exp. by Karasek U:A5
1953 Pof.729 plate variety 43-44/1, Buildings of Socialism 3Kčs, LR block of 6 with plate variety - line between stamps, superb U:A5
1949 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, comp. 3 pcs of complete 30-známkových counter sheet, values 5Kčs, 20Kčs and 50Kčs, value 50Kčs - shifted perforation to picture of stmp, warped margin, partly detached in margin, interesting U:A4
1949 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, comp. 3 pcs of gutter, values 5Kčs, 20Kčs and 50Kčs, without horiz. perf, vert. perf to picture of stmp, very unusual U:A5
1949 PLATE PROOF 5. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, unissued stmp, without nominal value, blue color, imperforated 2x 25 pcs of stamp. sheet with vert. gutters, very expressive paper crease, on reverse partial print on gummed side, interesting document used printing technique, exceptional! U:A3v–