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1888 SEDANG - formal independent kingdom in region Annam (middle Vietnam) 1888-1890, Coat of arms 1 - 4 math (as 10-40 centimes), 1 mouk (1Fr), 1$ (5Fr), local currency was used according to Chinese currency; ex. Harry F. Rooke, rare! U:A5
1889 SEDANG, so-called. 2nd or Parisian issue, without dash in value, imperforated TCP Coat of arms 1 math - 4 math, 1 mouk, ½$ and 1$; 2 pcs with thins, otherwise nice and very rare U:A5
1889 SEDANG, so-called. Parisian issue, ½; math - 1$; complete set, cancel. DEH SEDANG/PELEI AGNA / 1889, ex. Rooke U:A5
1889 SEDANG, so-called. Parisian issue, ½; math - 1$; complete set, very nice quality, mostly appear with cancel. "from favor" DEH SEDANG / PELEI AGNA / 1889, ex. Rooke U:A5
1889 SEDANG, so-called. Parisian issue, 1math violet, outer block of 10 , postmarks DEH SEDANG/PELEI AGNA/1889, extraordinary multiple ex. Rooke, very rare U:A5
1889 SEDANG, so-called. Parisian issue, block of 5, 1m green - blue, rarer color, cancel. "from favor" DEH SEDANG / PELEI AGNA / 1889, in blocks rare, ex. Rooke U:A5
1889 [COLLECTIONS] SEDANG, part of old specialized collection, so-called Parisian issue, ½; math - 1$; semifinished perf 11 and 13½;, papers, types of postmarks and others., i.a. complete unused set, rare unused block of four ½math brown with unusual perf 13½;; all on 2 sheets, ex. Rooke U:Z