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1867 letter to England with forerunner franking (before printing the overprint stamps MADEIRA in 1868); Portuguese stamp Mi.24, Luis I. 120R blue, cancel. 51 and CDS FUNCHAL, LONDON, LIVERPOOL, perfect quality, exp. Holcombe, rare "Vorläufer" U:A5
1871 letter to New York with tricolor mixed (!) franking, two issues, Mi.9 ,11 (1868) and Mi.15 (1871), Luis I. 10R, 100R and 50R; numeral cancel 45, CDS FUNCHAL, LONDON, N.YORK, additional over-printing plate (Port payé jusqu´a Destination); nice and unique letter! U:DR
1873 letter to Pensylvania, with Mi.16 (2), 21, Luis I. 2x 20R and 120R, cancel. 45 and CDS FUNCHAL, LONDON / SHIP LETTER, N. YORK, "over-printing plate" and postage due 2 CENTS, and blue commercial pmk JOHN PAYNE & SONS / MERCHANTS / MADEIRA; stamps stuck over margin - short teeth, on left unprofessionally opened, after all extraordinary letter! U:A5
1875 letter to Hamburg, with Mi.18II, Luis I. 50R green, interesting shifted Opt MADEIRA, with cancel 45 and CDS FUCHAL, LIVERPOOL PAID, LONDON PAID, at the back arrival postmark HAMBURG; very nice quality, exact franking U:A5
1874 letter to Hamburg, with pair Mi.19, Luis I. 80R orange, on stamp shifted Opt MADEIRA; with cancel. 45 and CDS FUCHAL, LONDON PAID, at the back arrival postmark HAMBURG; very nice quality and rare "over-printing plate" franking! U:A5
1879 Reg letter to Germany franked 3x Mi.28A, Luis I. 50R blue with Opt MADEIRA, CDS FUNCHAL and numeral cancel 45, via London to Colmar, rarely with arrival Reg label "Vom Ausland..."; at the back missing lapel, overall very nice quality, rare franking and destination, ex. S. Blum 1959 U:A5
1880 Portuguese Registered P.Stat. envelope 25R used on Madeira, uprated with 2x Mi.31A and sent to Germany, cancel. 45, CDS FUNCHAL, LONDON /REGISTERED, rarely with German arrival Reg label, signs of age, quite extraordinary offer! U:A5
1883 Registered letter to London, with Portuguese Mi.41, Luis I. 100R lilac, with oval cancel CORREIO FUNCHAL, Reg label Funchal, signs of age U:A5
1883 Registered letter to Germany, franked with Portuguese stamps Mi.40x and 2x Mi.55y, with oval cancel CDS CORREIO FUNCHAL, LONDON, PLYMOUTH, arrival KEHL, Reg label Funchal; perfect quality, rare mixed franking - issues 1870/1882! U:A5