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1858 SG.Z3, forerunner usage before issueing first stamps of this colony, Great Britain QV 2P 1858, plate 7 with cancel. A02; at top repaired perf, otherwise very nice and mainly rare stamp with certificate BPA, cat. £1.000 U:A5
1932 SG.81-90, George V. - Motives ½P-5Sh; complete set, part stamps mint never hinged, cheap value ½P short tooth, cat. £225 U:A5
1861-1862 SG.4, Chalon Head 1P dark red (lake), "rough perforation." 14-16; unwatermarked, perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £650, extraordinary quality! U:A5
1861-1862 SG.5, Chalon Head 4P dull pink, "rough perforation." 14-16, unwatermarked; VF, certificate BPA, cat. £1.400, rare stamp! U:A5
1861-1862 SG.6a, Chalon Head 6P light dull violet; perfect piece with certificate BPA, cat. £3250, rare stamp! U:DR
1881 SG.42, Chalon Head 1P scarlet, wmk "Crown CA"; very nice quality, certificate RPSL, cat. £475 U:A5
1882 SG.43, Chalon Head 4P pink, wmk CA; in certificate mentioned "thin spot" - quite small thin place at upper margin, overall very fine, original deep shade color, certificate BPA, cat. £850 U:A5
1918 SG.93a, outer vertical pair 1P black / red with Opt WAR TAX, lower stamp with printing error DOUBLE OVERPRINT ONCE INVERTED; very nice quality, with certificate RPSL, cat. £850 ++ U:A5
1916 SG.S1c, 5P black / orange SPECIAL DELIVERY, INVERTED OVERPRINT; very nice piece with certificate The Philatelic Foundation N.Y. and BPA; cat. £1.300, rare U:A5
1901 SG.58, imperforated TCP for stamp "Queen´s Staircase Nassau" 1Penny black / red, corner pair with plate number 2 from both printing plates, in definitive colors on thin stamp paper WITH INVERTED WATERMARK CC; several light folds, overall very nice, certificate BPA, ex. De La Rue U:DR
1863 SG.34a, Britannia 1Sh blue color, instead of black color, LEGENDARY COLOR ERROR; 14 pcs recorded, mostly with removed pen stroke and more or less damaged, this example damaged in upper part in the place of original stroke, otherwise nice and very representative piece, full "rough perforation"; certificate A.P.S. and Friedl Exp. Committe - H. Bloch and E. Müller, according to notice on certificate bought in auction Harmer, Rooke Co. 1959 by Ezra D. Cole, then ex. Peter Jaffé (Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, Tapling Medal, FIP Class d’Honneur), cat. £18.000, one from the rarest rarities of the British Empire! U:DR
1938-53 SG.116-121d, George VI. 2Sh-£1; complete set of highest values, £1 short tooth U:A5
1856 Mi.1, Sc.1, block of four Coat of arms 3C dark carmine; very nice and rare multiple, cat. $800++ U:A5
1856 Mi.1, Sc.1, marginal block of 4 Coat of arms 3C dark pink, significant background print, part of outer wmk "FRIMARKE"; very nice and rare multiple, cat. $800++
1865 Sc.4, Coat of arms 1/2 Real black / light green, laid paper, black framed pmk; signs of age, otherwise very nice quality, without thins, cat. $475 U:A5
1925 Reg letter franked with 20x Coat of arms 1/2 Centavo violet / black, issue 1920, to Bremen (Deutschland), CDS PUERTO PLATA, NEW YORK, BREMEN; perfect quality, rare multiple franking (outer and corner blocks of 10) from interesting destination! U:A5
1858-1860 SG.Z1, "forerunner", stamp of UK Victoria 1P red / pink (SG.40) with Grenada postmark A15; short teeth, otherwise very nice and rare 1. stamp used on Grenada, cat. £450 U:A5
1858-1860 SG.Z3-Z5, "forerunner" of UK Victoria 4P, 6P, 1Sh; complete issue 1857 with Grenada pmk A15; very nice quality, chosen pieces with whole postmarks, cat. £1.920 ++, recorded only 3 letters with SG.Z5 U:DR
1867 BRITISH POSTAL AGENCY - HAITI, SG.Z30, Victoria 5Sh pink (SG.126) with pmk C59 (town JACMEL); VF piece with whole postmark, cat. £500 + min. 75%, very attractive and rare stamp! U:A5
1935 SG.96-107, George V. - Motives; complete set, cat. £200 U:A5
1897-1898 2 envelopes "Ejercito de Operaciones", field post of Spanish army on Cuba, closely before the war with USA, with CDS PUNTA BRAVA (very small village) and postmark of municipal council and with postmark of infantry regiment De Murcia, rare offer U:A5
1897 SG.1-15, Victoria ½P-1Sh, set without rare 5Sh, cat. 330£ U:A5
1987 Engines, values 55C and 1$ (6 various), IMPERFORATED corner blocks of 20, imprimatur in definitive colors; in addition each value two other block of 20 of TCP - phase prints and black-prints, all on original paper with gum, OVERALL 420 pcs of IMPRIMATUR and trial printings; black prints and imprimatur with marginal inscription "Format International Security Printers Ltd.", very interesting offer, originate from important thematic collection! U:A4
1867 SG.18, St. Ursula 1Sh black / pink-carmine, marginal block of 4, white paper; luxury, cat. £720 ++ U:A5
1867 SG.20, St. Ursula 1Sh black / pink-carmine, wide frame, greyish paper; VF, certificate RPSL, cat. £750 U:A5
1887-1889 SG.32, St. Ursula 1P red, 2 complete sheets of 24, 2 shades; very fine, cat. £360 ++ U:A4
1888 SG.42, St. Urshula 1Sh black / pink-carmine with violet Opt of new face value 4P, 3 single pcs and strip of 3 with sought plate flaw "LONG S" in "Islands" and two pairs; on sheet from specialized collection; perfect quality, cat. min. £1.760, rare U:A4
1888 SG.42d, St. Ursula 1Sh black / pink-carmine, pair with violet Opt of new face value 4P, on cut-square with pmk A91; perfect quality, exp. Holcombe, cat. £450 as single, pair on cut square ca. £600, at the back notice ex. Dale-Lichtestein, interesting piece from famous collection U:A5
1866 TCP SG.3, St. Ursula 6P in violet color on original paper, litography, 46x38mm; perfect quality, rare trial printing! U:A5
1886 ST. CHRISTOPHER SG.25a, Victoria 4P / 6P green, pmk A12, printing error - without dots after "d" in overprint "4d"; small thin in the place of wmk, otherwise very nice, cat. £300 U:A5
1881 SG.33a,33b, strip of 4 of overprinted provisional bisected QV 6P green with red Opt 1/2P, on right pair ERROR "without fraction line" in pair with normal Opt; on left pair uncatalogued plate flaw " single quote mark by nr. 2"; very nice multiple with original gum, cat. £4725 ++, extremely rare U:DR
1987 Mi.1067, "ARSENAL" 2$, 4x complete counter sheets of 10; imperforated black print and 3 print phases, rare occurrence, favourite motive U:A4
1987 Mi.1068, "LIVERPOOL" 2$, 5x complete counter sheet of 10; UNISSUED - imperforated definitive PB 2$ with yellow inscription ST. VINCENT., black print and 3 print phases, COMPLETE SET OF PB from process of production, favourite motive U:A4
1987 Mi.1069, "DERBY COUNTY" 2$, 4x complete counter sheets of 10; UNISSUED - imperforated definitive PB 2$ with yellow inscription ST. VINCENT., black print and 2 print phases, rare occurrence, favourite motive U:A4
1853 SG.14, Britannia 1P blue on blued paper, so-called I. lithographic issue - local print in colony (engraver Charles Petit), pmk "1"; small thin in lower margin, otherwise perfect piece with wide margins, certificate BPA, cat. £1.900, rare stamp! U:A5
1856 SG.16, Britannia 1P blue, so-called. III. lithographic issue - local print in colony (engraver Charles Petit); worn plate, repaired thin at the back, cat. £4.500, rare stamp for very low price! U:A5
1860 SG.19, 2x Britannia 1P grey and dark blue-grey, so-called. V. lithographic issue - local print in colony (engraver Charles Petit); worn plate, one stamp with small thin, otherwise perfect pieces with nice margins, cat. £800 U:A5
1935 Pof.230-238, Landscapes 1C-72C; complete set, mint never hinged, cat. ca. £130 U:A5
1867-1881 SG.3, 17-19, Victoria 1Sh pale blue, and 3 overprinted 1/2P various types; exceedingly quality stamps with certificate BPB, cat. min. £710 U:A5
1881 TURKS ISLAND SG.26, 28, 2x Victoria 6P black with Opt of new face value 2½P; very nice quality, ex. Vestey; cat. £650 U:A5
1881 SG.47, Victoria 1P dull red with Opt "4" (pence), with nice pmk "T I"; signed, cat. £475 U:A5
1900 SG.101-109, Coat of arms 1/2P-3Sh; stamps 1/2P and 1P used, rest mint; perfect quality, cat. £130 U:A5
1909 SG.115-126, Edward VII. 1/4P-3Sh; perfect set, cat. £110 U:A5
1913-1921 SG.129-139, 154-161, 2 various sets George V., 1/2P-3Sh, 1/4P-1Sh; perfect, cat. £88 U:A5
1913-1921 SG.143c, George V. 1P, horizontal pair with Opt WAR TAX, Opt ONCE OMITTED; attractive pair in very nice quality with certificate BPA, cat. £650 U:A5
1922-1928 SG.162-175, 176-186, 2 various sets George V., 1/4P-3Sh, 1/2P-10Sh; perfect, cat. £125 U:A5
1900 TCP for issue "Coat of arms of colony" small size SG.101-107, print gravure without value in black color on chalky paper 40x50mm; handwritten notice 26.2.1900, attractive motive, ex. De La Rue, unique trial printing for 1. issue of Turks and Caicos! U:DR