V Praze se prodal klenot mezi známkami, za 1,76 milionu

V Praze se prodal klenot mezi známkami, za 1,76 milionu

Author: Burda Auction, s.r.o., Published: , Updated: 30.08.2024 13:53
1 300 000 CZK
145087 - 1847 SG.1, Lady McLeod, 5c blue, lithography (ship and initi
1847 SG.1, Lady McLeod, 5c blue, lithography (ship and initials L.Mc.L.) in perfect unused status, fine color, one of the greatest rarities of world philately intended for prepayment mailing transported between Port of Spain and San Fernando by the steamship Lady McLeod; is to prestigious and unrepeatable offer, preserved only 26 (!) Un pieces, exp. Diena, Calves + certificate Holcombe, cat. Gibbons 28.000£, cat. Michel 60.000€ (ATTENTION - for this lot is charged VAT from complete price, no only from commission)
Starting price: 600 000 CZK +116,7 %
Sold: 1 300 000 CZK

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