Austrian Revenues - 1st part of Jiří Kořínek collection

In upcoming August Public Auction 47 we are offering among others 1st part of estate of Jiří Kořínek, "the founder" of revenue stamps collecting in Czech lands. The specialized collections include Austrian revenue stamps of C.M. Issue 1854, issues 1858, 1866, 1870, 1875, 1910 and also many scarce documents with mixed revenue stamps franking, printed revenues from 17th-18th centuries (reign of emperor Leopold I.-Francis II.), nobility signatures etc.
Author: Burda Auction, s.r.o. (Burda Auction s.r.o), Published: , Number of views: 8217
LOT 1123 - [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY 1592-1762 / PRINTED REVENUES fabulous and exceptional collection of 40 (!) documents from period before and during first printed revenues, ex. Jiří Kořínek, printed revenues from the first issue from period of emperor Leopold II. 1686 - i.a. 2x 45kr, 4x 60kr (!), then Moravian revenues - issue 1749 (Maria Tereza); 2x 2 Kreuzer + 2x mixed franking 2 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer issue 1762, then 2x 15 Kreuzer, 2x 45kr (Koř.13-15), Cheb 3 Kreuzer + 1x blank form with revenue 3 Kreuzer (Koř.12), then many releases and documents, almost all with signatures of important noblemen from Czech lands, i.a. Jan Hartvík z Nostic (1610-1683); Marie Filipina z Harrachu, also houses of Metternich, Thurn, Valdstein and others., also several imperial seals, then for example. map of Moravia, author Seutter, colored gravure from middle of 18th century; all with descriptions and comments, estimate price 80.000CZK, exceptional offer, definitely it is worth seeing!!
LOT 1124 - 1762-1803 [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY / PRINTED REVENUES - large collection ex. Jiří Kořínek, contains many interesting documents with printed revenues from reign of Maria Tereza, issue 1762 to issue 1803, (Koř.28-32), total ca. 80 documents and releases, all values incl. 1Fl and 2Fl, various types, for example blank form with revenue issue 1784 - 3 Kreuzer etc, cut-squares, also several nobiliary signatures on documents, nobiliary and imperial seals, circulars and others; very interesting, supplemented with descriptions and comments, it is worth seeing

LOT 1125 - 1803-1817 [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY - PRINTED REVENUES extraordinary collection of Austrian printed revenues, issues Francis II. 1803, 1807, 1810 and revenues used during Napoleon\'s war, all in 4 big stockbooks, many interesting documents, releases, invoices and also circulars, united also stock revenues, incl. high florins face values 20-80G, multiple frankings and others.; all supplemented with descriptions and comments, ex. Jiří Kořínek!!, extraordinary offer, definitely it is worth seeing!
LOT 1126 - 1854-66 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIAN REVENUE STAMPS - ISSUE 1854 C.M., 1858, 1866, exceptional collection ex. Jiří Kořínek!, contains complete sets of Austrian revenues, I and II issues - 1854 C.M. and 1858, supplemented with additional issues and III. issue 1866, devided according to types, wmks, plate flaws etc., very good condition, all on sheets with descriptions and comments; lifetime work, cat. min. 65.000CZK, unique and undoubtedly extraordinary offer!
LOT 1127 - 1870 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUE STAMPS ISSUE 1870 exceptional collection ex. Jiří Kořínek, contains complete set of revenues 4. issue 1870 + many documents, invoices and releases with various frankings, incl. high gulden values, i.a. 12Fl and 15Fl and others., various combinations, multiple frankings, several mixed frankings with issues 1875 etc.; excellent quality and condition, all on sheets in big fold A3 with descriptions and comments; high catalogue value, extraordinary offer!
LOT 1128 - 1875 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUE STAMPS ISSUE 1875 exceptional collection ex. Jiří Kořínek, contains complete set of revenues 5. issue 1875 + many documents, invoices and releases with various frankings, incl. high gulden values, i.a. 15Fl and others., various combinations, multiple frankings, several combinations with revenues 1870 etc.; excellent quality and condition, all on sheets in big fold A3 with descriptions and comments; extraordinary offer  obr
LOT 1129 - [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUE STAMPS ISSUE 1877 exceptional collection ex. Kořínek, contains complete set of revenues 6. issue 1877 + many interesting documents, invoices and releases with various frankings, incl. high gulden values, i.a. 7Fl and others., various combinations, multiple frankings, several mixed frankings with issues 1875 etc.; excellent quality and condition, all on sheets in big fold A3 with descriptions and comments; extraordinary offer
LOT 1130 - 1888 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUE STAMPS ISSUE 1888 exceptional collection ex. Jiří Kořínek, contains complete set of revenues 11. issue 1888 + many documents, invoices and releases with various frankings, incl. high gulden values, i.a. 7Fl, 12Fl, 15Fl and others., various combinations, multiple frankings, several mixed frankings with issues 1885 etc.; excellent quality and condition, all on sheets in 2 big folders A3 with descriptions and comments; high catalogue value, extraordinary offer
LOT 1131 - 1910 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUE STAMPS ISSUE 1910 exceptional collection ex. Jiří Kořínek, contains complete set of revenues Crowns and Hellers - 14. issue 1910 + several unused values in blocks, also with many interesting documents, invoices and releases with various frankings, incl. high values 20K, 50K and also 80H, 88H and others., various combinations, multiple frankings, several mixed frankings with issues 1898, colors etc.; all on sheets in 2 big folders A3 with descriptions and comments; high catalogue value, extraordinary offer

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