Austrian Revenues - 2nd part of Jiří Kořínek collection

In upcoming November Public Auction 48 we are offering among others 2nd part of estate of Jiří Kořínek, "the founder" of revenue stamps collecting in Czech lands. The specialized collections include Austrian revenue stamps of C.M. Issue 1854, issues 1858, 1866, 1870, 1875, 1910 and also many scarce documents with mixed revenue stamps franking, printed revenues from 17th-18th centuries (reign of emperor Leopold I.-Francis II.), nobility signatures etc.
Author: Burda Auction, s.r.o. (Burda Auction s.r.o), Published: , Number of views: 5764
LOT 1153 - 1748-1762 [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY / KINGDOM OF BOHEMIA wide study collection ex. Kořínek, contains documents with printed revenues from period of reign of Maria Theresia, issue 1748 - i.a. value 2 Kreuzer, from that 2x type III.; value 15 Kreuzer incl. III. type; 2x document with revenue 45Kr !, also issue 1750, value 3 Kr of all types, also 60Kr types I + II more often; also for example. document with mixed franking of 3 Kreuzer issue 1750 and 3 Kreuzer issue 1762; document with mixed franking of 60Kr issue 1750 and 1Fl issue 1762 etc.; overall excellent quality, exceptional offer, rare revenues, all supplemented with descriptions and comments, definitely it is worth seeing!!
LOT 1154 - 1818-1836 [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY / PRINTED REVENUES extraordinary study collection of printed revenues issue Francis II. 1818 ex. Kořínek, in 2 big stockbooks A3, incl. many documents, releases, invoices also circulars, imprinted stamps incl. high gulden values 80G (P) and 100G PRAG, also documents with controll imprinted revenues, several forms with pre-printed revenues and others.; all supplemented with descriptions and comments, very interesting offer!
LOT 1155 - 1836-1840 [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY / PRINTED REVENUES / fabulous study collection ex. Kořínek in 3 big stockbooks A3, contains documents, releases, contracts, certificate and others. with revenues of issues Ferdinand I. (V.) 1836-1840; i.a. higher gulden values as 20 G and 40G + group of documents with added values 10Kr - 16G (Sechzehn Guilder), also forms with printed revenues, circulars, samplers and others.; exceptional, very interesting, it is worth seeing!
LOT 1156 - 1836-50 [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY / PRINTED REVENUES / wide study collection ex. Kořínek in 2 big stockbooks A3, contains documents, releases, contracts, certificates and others. with printed revenues of issue Ferdinand I. (V.) 1836-1840; i.a. higher gulden values as 40G + additional values 8G and 12G and others. + group of documents with printed revenues of issue Francis Joseph I., also incl. high values 14G and 18G; also several forms with printed revenues; all identified with descriptions, exceptional, very interesting, it is worth seeing!
LOT 1157 - 1854 [COLLECTIONS] HABSBURG MONARCHY / REVENUES, ISSUE 1854 C.M. extraordinary and unique study collection of the first revenue issue C.M., ex. Kořínek, contains complete set of revenues incl. rare values 1kr, 2 Kreuzer, 8Fl-20Fl + many documents, invoices and releases with various frankings, incl. high gulden values, i.a. 14Fl+1Fl+30kr+15kr+6kr; 20Fl+2x 16Fl + 30kr+10kr; simple 8Fl and 14Fl; 20Fl+10Fl+6Fl+3x 15 Kreuzer; 4x 20Fl+10Fl and others.; cat. ca. 100.000CZK, chosen quality and condition, all on sheets in 2 big folders A3 with descriptions; exceptional offer!
LOT 1158 - 1860-70 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUES 1866-1870 great collection of 2. and mainly 3. revenue issues 1866-1870 ex. Kořínek, contains many interesting documents, releases and debentures with various interesting frankings, aimed at types, printing errors and others.; placed in 2 big spiral folders A3 + 1x spiral stockbook A4; rare offer!  obr
LOT 1159 - 1870-1877 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUES ISSUES 1870-1877 extraordinary collection of revenues, contains complete sets of revenue issues 1870, 1875 1877, inc. better values as 7Fl, 12Fl and 15Fl more often, aimed at types, shades, wmks etc., supplemented with cut-squares, documents, invoices and release etc.; catalogue min. 20.000CZK, all placed in letter file A4 with texts and comments, rare offer!
LOT 1160 - 1879 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUES ISSUE 1879 exceptional study collection ex. Kořínek, contains complete set of 7. revenue issue 1879 + many documents, invoices and releases with various frankings, incl. high gulden values, i.a. 7Fl, 12Fl, 15Fl and others., various multiple frankings, combination, mixed franking with revenues 1877 etc.; excellent quality and condition, all on sheets in big fold A3 with descriptions and comments; extraordinary offer!
LOT 1161 - 1879-1893 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / REVENUES very interesting collection of revenues 7-12. issues 1879-1893 ex. Kořínek, contains complete 28 pcs sets of issues 1879, 1881,1883, 1885 (without value 7Fl), 1888 and 1893, also with specialisation on types, colors, varieties, kind of usage, wmks and others., quantum cut-squares, incl. values 7Fl, 12Fl and 15Fl + several documents and releases; all in spiral stockbook A4, cat. min. 25.000CZK, rare offer!

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