Articles (year: 2015)

Austrian Revenues - 2nd part of Jiří Kořínek collection
In upcoming November Public Auction 48 we are offering among others 2nd part of estate of Jiří Kořínek, "the founder" of revenue stamps collecting in Czech lands. The specialized collections include Austrian revenue stamps of C.M. Issue 1854, issues 1858, 1866, 1870, 1875, 1910 and also many scarce documents with mixed revenue stamps franking, printed revenues from 17th-18th centuries (reign of emperor Leopold I.-Francis II.), nobility signatures etc.
27.10.2015Read more
Austrian Revenues - 1st part of Jiří Kořínek collection
In upcoming August Public Auction 47 we are offering among others 1st part of estate of Jiří Kořínek, "the founder" of revenue stamps collecting in Czech lands. The specialized collections include Austrian revenue stamps of C.M. Issue 1854, issues 1858, 1866, 1870, 1875, 1910 and also many scarce documents with mixed revenue stamps franking, printed revenues from 17th-18th centuries (reign of emperor Leopold I.-Francis II.), nobility signatures etc.
28.07.2015Read more