Auction 50 / Collections
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1932 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.88-97, Anniversary of Garibaldi, complete selection of all 13 sets with Opt - names of islands I-XIII + Postage due stamps Mi.30-39 with Opt CASTELROSSO; overall very nice quality, many stamps with mint never hinged, cat. for ** 2.950€, extraordinary, interesting offer U:Z
1945-90 [COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection in 3 albums on sheets Schaubek, almost complete, incl. better postwar issues as Mi.Bl.4, 978-983, 987-990, 1015-1020, 1053-1058, 1094-1099 and others., in addition supplemented with dublets from 1955-59, 1970-72 and others.; high catalogue value, almost all stamps MNH U:K
1958-2001 [COLLECTIONS] ITALY, VATICAN CITY collection of Italy, period 1969-2001 in 2 stockbooks A4, incl. miniature sheets, valid euro face values, interesting motives and others. + VATICAN CITY - collection from 1958-1983 on hingeless sheets Lindner in stockbook U:Z
1960-2000 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection in spring folder on hingeless sheets KABE, incl. miniature sheets and others. + supplemented with stockbook A5 with duplicates from years 1982-2000 U:Z
1867-1879 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 2 sheets, contains stamps of issues 1867-1879, Victoria and Coat of arms, incl. better values, part of the stamps with old owners marks; offered as is U:Z
1935-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting remaining accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4 + scattered stamps in box A4; hundrets of stamps, also many blocks of four and multiblocks, various issues, i.a. Weapons I., II. and others., complete also incomplete sets, cat. by estimation 3.000€ U:K
1924-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting small collection of Deutsches Reich from 1924 in stockbook A5, contains also better sets, or their parts, i.a. Mi.397, 423-424, Towns, Hindenburg, Coats of arms; part hinged or used, high catalogue value U:Z
1920-1939 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, almost complete old collection on sheets in glassine envelopes, contains complete sets, from Mi.1, i.a. Mi.53-62, 73-86, 181-192, 193-201, 202-206, 220-230, then Official Mi.1-14, 41-51 and others.; larger part hinged, but also MNH stamps as Mi.60 etc., cat. for * ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT interesting remaining selection in 2 stockbooks A4, contains complete also incomplete sets, blocks, some more often, i.a. Official Mi.16-24 -15x in blocks of four! and others.; cat. by estimation 1.500€ U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] LOTHRINGEN, General Government, ALSACE etc. collection on hingeless sheets, contains i.a. Lothringen Mi.1-16, General Government almost complete, incl. Mi.35-39, Official Mi.1-15; Luxembourg, Alsace Mi.1-16 etc.; hinged, cat. ca. 200€ U:Z
1949-1991 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of mint never hinged stamps on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized), 42-60, Block No.1, issue Bells etc., incl. all machine stamps and booklets; only Mi.61-63 used; all luxury quality, cat. more than 7.000€ U:Z
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of used stamps on sheets in folder Schaubek, complete from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized, only Mi.33 **), 42-60, Block No.1, 106-109 (exp.) (!), issue Bells etc.; supplemented with several entires, high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] nice, almost complete collection in 3 spring folder on hingeless sheets + 1 stockbook A4, contains all better sets and souvenir sheets, as Debria 1950, Marx - Engels, Mao and others.; overall good quality, cat. only better sets and souvenir sheets 2.000€, in addition supplemented with many entires, high catalogue value U:K
1949-1999 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, complete collection (!), incl. all better sets and miniature sheets, issue "Horns" without certification; 1960´s and 1990-95 in addition as dublets, supplemented with stockbook with collection Berlin 1969-1986; on hingeless sheets in spring and screw folders, overall very high catalogue value, nice quality U:Z
1949-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheet KA-BE in stockbooks, i.a. Mi.111-1212, 115, 117-120,123-138, 139-140 etc.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with stockbook with ca. 350 entires from 1956-76 U:Z
1895-1916 [COLLECTIONS] nice small collection of German colonies, from Deutsch-Neuguinea - Togo, also Morocco and China, incomplete, but some sets also complete, incl. highest Emperor´s Yacht stamps, most of stamps unused; placed on sheets from old collection, catalogue min. 2.000€ U:K
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] GDR, BERLIN, GDR, ZONES selection of dublets, estate of dealer, postwar issues of Germany, mint never hinged, also part hinged or used, various complete sets as for example. GDR Mi.286-288 **, miniature sheet Goethe and others.; placed in full 14-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value U:Z
1850-57 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection of 124 stamps of the first issue, values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, wide margins, part better types, also color shades and may interesting postmarks; all identified and described (types, plates, varieties papers, first prints, plate flaws, underlaid middles, etc.), from old collection, rare chance!, on 5 sides of A4 cards U:O4
1879-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 13-sheet stockbook A4, various issues as Landscapes, Franz Joseph. I., Charles I., Postage due stamps - i.a. 13 pcs of TRIAL PRINTS (cat. 300€) and others. in addition supplemented with about 25 entires; high catalogue value U:Z
1851-80 [COLLECTIONS] larger collection of freight letters - Carriage note, contains i.a. 9 pcs with mounted revenue stamps 5 Kreuzer issues 1858 - 1870, also 40 letters and documents with various postmarks i.a. UHRZITZ / FRANCO in oval, OLMÜTZ line etc., all placed in spiral folder; mainly good condition U:Z
1868-1960 [COLLECTIONS] selection of dublets, estate in big stockbook A4 + several cards A4, contains part of classic issues from VI. issue, various interwar issues, incl. better sets as FIS I., II., Composers, Landscapes, Airmail and others. (various quality), sets also incomplete, also postwar issues etc., supplemented with issues of FP, Bosnia and Herzegovina, postage-due and others.; stamps mainly hinged or used, after 1945 also MNH, high catalogue value U:Z
1918-95 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection on sheets in 5 spring folders (2x Schaubek with slide sheets), contains several better interwar sets as Landscape, FIS II, Generals and others., all hinged, then incomplete air-mail and others., from 1955 more complete; higher catalogue U:Z
1900-1922 [COLLECTIONS] SHEETS selection of multiples and parts of sheets of various issues, i.a. Jubilee 1910 6H 90-block, War 1915 3H 100 stamps sheet, inflation issue 1922 and then issue Bosnia and Herzegovina 1912 (various lower values) etc.; various defects, part viewing of quality recommended (spots, perf etc.), after all interesting, high catalogue value U:K
1890-1918 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of entires, contains commercial letters with various cancel., also ca. 200 postcards, various issues and postmarks, for example. trilingual, issue for Bosnia and others. U:K
1921-1977 [COLLECTIONS] very strong collection of mainly unused stamps on hingeless sheets in 5 boxes for album sheets + album A4, contains many valuable sets, up to 1950 mainly hinged, from 1950 mint never hinged, it contains from interwar sets i.a. Mi.328-334, 335-338, 397-401, 402-401, 483, 484, 486, 699-708 then used sets as Mi.494-498, complete Chelyuskin Mi.499-508 etc., also blocks as Mi.Bl.1-2, 4, 9 (small gum flaw), also sets Mi.1137-1151, 1385-1390 and others., after 1945 mainly complete, incl. strong and favourite volumes 1950-1955 (except Mi.1527-1534 almost complete)!; cat. of better sets and stamps considering quality ca. 7.000€, definitely it is worth seeing, interesting offer U:Z
1875-1960 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of used stamps on 28 full sheets in spiral folder, from issue Coat of arms, R.S.F.S.R., interwar issues and better postwar sets U:Z
1889-1940 comp. of stamps of Russian Empire - USSR on 4 cards A4, i.a. various issues: Coat of arms, part set House of Romanov for example 1R and 5R, issue R.S.F.S.R. and others. U:Z
1936-77 selection of miniature sheets i.a. Mi.Bl.2**, Bl.8*, Bl.9 used, Bl.13 used, Bl.15-16 used, Bl.17 MNH etc. + supplemented with used blocks of four, issues from 1967-1977; cat. more than 500€, placed in stockbook A4 U:Z
1952-70 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of Commemorative pre-decimal issue Elizabeth II., incl. better types (phosphor bands) as SG.631-633p, 634-635p, 639-641p and others.; placed in stockbook A4, cat. ca. £400, perfect U:Z
1900-60 [COLLECTIONS] HUNGARY, CROATIA, FRANCE, USA and other countries of overseas, selection of 8 stockbooks and scattered stamps in box, contains MNH stamps and souvenir sheets mainly from 1940´s, supplemented with older stockbook with mainly used stamps of whole world, part also more valuable material, estate of stamp dealer - it is worth seeing! U:K
1918-1979 [COLLECTIONS] interesting, almost complete collection of used stamps, incl. better sets from period of George V. - SG.246-255, 275-285, 288-303, then George VI. - SG.357-367, 401-407 and others., also coil- stamps etc.; cat. by estimation £1.000 U:Z
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete collection of used and also unused hinged stamps, in 2 spring folders on sheets + 2 stockbooks A4, contains part of classic period, various incomplete issues as Presidents, part issue Columbus to 30C, modern period incl. various miniature sheets etc. U:Z
1960 [COLLECTIONS] original gift album THOMAS G. MASARYK "Champion of Liberty" with complete sheets of 70, USA Mi.774-775 and Sokol 4C; interesting U:Z
1873-1960 [COLLECTIONS] smaller accumulation of classic and modern stamps in 1 stockbook A4, cat. according to owner ca. 3.800MiM U:Z
1975-90 [COLLECTIONS] SURINAM, Netherlands Antilles mainly complete collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder and album DAVO, Surinam incl. joined printings and others., interesting motives; only small part * or used U:Z
1860-1960 [COLLECTIONS] PARAGUAY, COSTARICA, ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA small accumulatiom, mainly Paraguay and Argentina, placed in 2 stockbooks A4, one A5 and card A4 U:Z
1910-60 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 2 sheets A4 in stockbook, contains i.a. Mi.24, Mi.91, blocks of four etc.; cat. according to owner min. 250€ U:Z
1981-90 [COLLECTIONS] CISKEI small collection of stamps from Mi.1, incl. miniature sheets, marginal pieces, interesting motives; unusual destination U:Z
1947-75 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection on sheets in stockbook (without SG.308), incl. better sets as SG.309-324, 354-371, Official 1950 etc.; mainly used, cat. more than £200 U:Z
1957-75 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps on sheets in spiral stockbook, mainly issue Sultans, Motives etc. incl. some complete as Kedah Mi.95-105, Penang Mi.44-54, Negri Sembilan Mi.67-77, Selangor Mi.79-89, Trengganu Mi.76-86 etc.; supplemented with several entires, interesting U:Z
1895-1949 [COLLECTIONS] fabulous collection of entires of Netherlands Indies, total 81, contains various uprated p.stat (Reg, sent abroad, Reg and airmail) etc., also letters, sent as Express, sent abroad, printed-matters, Reg and airmail, Reg, various combinations, commemorative postmarks, sample without value, newspaper wrapper, censorship etc., interesting frankings; overall nice quality, interesting destination, placed in album Leuchtturm for entires U:Z
1948-90 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH VIETNAM interesting basic collection in 4 stockbooks A4, from end of 1950´s more complete, unused + used, many complete sets, also imperforated; cat. by estimation ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1950-90 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, contains many interesting unused sets as Mi.339-340, 398-399, 622-625, 778-783, 819-822, 838-845, 935-944 and others., also some used and unused sets; cat. min. 600€ U:Z
1958-90 [COLLECTIONS] collection, mainly used stamps, incl. better sets from end of 1950´s to 1970´s; placed in 16-sheet stockbook A4 + 1x 6-sheet stockbook U:Z
1977 [COLLECTIONS] SILVER JUBILEE 1977 collection of motive stamps on hingeless sheets, contains various countries of British Empire, contains also many miniature sheets etc. U:Z
1981 [COLLECTIONS] ROYAL WEDDING/ DIANA and CHARLES big collection of motive stamps in full 32-sheet stockbook A4, contains various countries of British Empire, printing sheets, souvenir sheets etc.; cat. 1.500€; interesting! U:Z
1950-2000 [COLLECTIONS] U.N., ISRAEL, MOTIVES basic collection U.N. without Mi.Bl.1 + collection of Israel from 1969-1991 on hingeless sheets in stockbook + stockbook A4 with various motive stamps (Madeira, Faer islands, Italy, Palau, Turkey apod.), various souvenir sheets, joined printings etc. U:Z
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] LARGE ACCUMULATION OF TOPICAL STAMPS / WHOLE WORLD enormous accumulation (estate of dealer) in 17 full albums A4 + in 10 stockbooks A4 (from that 7x Filux), contains mainly topical stamps, almost whole world from Africa, Asia, Europe and others., for example Mongolia, Vietnam etc. large amount of material, mainly used, part also unused - mint never hinged; motives fauna, flora, transportation, technology, personality etc., miniature sheets, joined printings, mostly after 1945, suitable for other elaboration or resale, in cardboard box, almost 40kg of material! U:K
1956-2000 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPA - CEPT extraordinary, almost complete collection in 2 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. Luxembourg Mi.555-557, many miniature sheets and blocks, i.a. Monaco 1975-1983 etc.; very high catalogue value, interesting! U:Z
1959-77 [COLLECTIONS] COSMOS larger collection of mainly mint stamps, miniature sheets and entires with motive of Cosmos, all on album sheets in 2 spring folders, contains complete sets from countries as USSR, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, GDR, Poland, Afghanistan, Panama, Paraguay etc., supplemented with photos and entires with commemorative postmarks, FDC mainly of Russian origin U:Z
1928-80 [COLLECTIONS] OLYMPIC GAMES / motive collection on sheets in spring folder + in 2 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. Ppc from Summer Olympic Games 1928 Amsterdam with special postmark and part of issue Summer Olympic Games, also various sets of Olympic Games, FDC, souvenir sheets etc. U:Z
1970-2000 [COLLECTIONS] TRAINS / ENGINES motive collection in 8-sheet stockbook A4, various stamp countries, incl. several PB and others.; part used U:Z
1968-78 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 10 pcs of various special and commemorative prints, contains PT3, PT4, PT6a, PT12a, VT3a, VT4a, VT5a (with envelope and PF 1974 with signature assistant minister), VT6c!, VT7a (with envelope and PF 1976 with signature minister), VT8a (with PF 1977) + separate ministry PF 1983 and PF 1989 with signature ministrů and PF 1978 without signature; envelope/-s and New Year card/-s excluded from sum, in addition free 4 pcs of facsimile overprints Czechosl. years. stamps from y. 1920 and 1923 issued to/at Day Czechosl. stamps 1969 and 1970; sound condition, in stockbook A4, cat. only special commemorative print and VT 13.660Kč U:Z
1947-92 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 1.000 pcs of envelopes 1. of day, mainly complete, contains also better pieces, as Costumes, Butterflies, Praga 1962, 2. letka from year 1947 with whole serií etc.., supplemented with more than 120 pcs of FDC Slovakia from y. 1997-2002 U:K
1945-92 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in 12 stockbooks, lot of of material, incl. better 50. and 60. years, several blk-of-10, souvenir sheets Praga 1962, Bratislava, Praga 1955 etc.. (part viewing of quality recommended), also for example. Pof.A435 type II., choice plate variety, papers, also blocks of four, marginal pieces with dates of print, etc.., supplemented with about/by collection FDC (incl. 50. and 60. years) and several entires, all placed in big box, high catalogue value U:K
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] extraordinary accumulation - estate, contains postwar issue and 50.-70. years; lot of parts of sheets, bands, coupons, bloks of four, PB, pairs, miniature sheets, part/-s blk-of-10 etc.., mainly complete, often more times, incl. better issues as Costumes, Animals, Butterflies, Flowers etc..; a lot of of material, big part in good quality (part defects gum - old currency), suitable to other elaboration, research or sale, very high catalogue value, interesting offer!, all in cardboard box U:K
1945-92 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting basic collection + duplication, collection on pages in 5 stockbooks, i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety "paw", Bratislava 52, Praga 1962 etc.. + duplication in 6 stockbooks A4, i.a. 1x Kosice MS with plate variety "paw", coupons St. Vojtěch, better issue 50. and 60. years, souvenir sheets, PB, for example. complete counter sheet I. art, then air-mail, also blocks of four, part with dates of print etc..; small part duplication hinged, estate after/around významném pražském collector, high catalogue value U:K
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation in 8 stockbooks A4 (Filux), prevail 70. and 80. years **, lot of printing sheet, souvenir sheets, some more times; in cardboard box U:K
1945-53 [COLLECTIONS] interesting accumulation "old" currency in blocks of four, i.a. 4x Košice-issue, then London-issue, Moscow, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, air-mail etc..; overall good quality U:Z
1945-55 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection aršíků: Kosice MS (16x), Partisan MS (8x), types marked by pencil (without guarantee) + souvenir sheets PRAGA 1955: 7x perf and 3x imperforated (on reverse marked single plate - Pofis); cat. only basic types 3.970Kč U:Z