1914 imperforate sheet of 50, value 50cts printed in S. Modiano in Trieste for 3. Albanian congress, unissued due to printing error - one head eagle instead of two heads, cigarette paper without gum; perfect, without fold
1915 local issue Shkodra, postage-due Mi.P1-3, Skandenberg 10Q, 25Q, 50Q with oblique Opt for postage stamps Shkodra and in addition "T"; on cut-squares with CDS SCUTARI-ALBANIE 4. GIU 1915; perfect, exp. Z. Prendushi, cat. 650€, rare set from very old collection!
1914-1941 4 entires - letter to Elbassanu with Mi.29-34, CDS QUKES (Kukës), then Mi.79I, Airmail Mi.313-319 and ESSAD POST Mi.10-12 (on reverse part missing)
1966 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 100 whole sheets, PB or their lrge parts from Mi.195-196 almost complete to Mi.346, especially issue "Frescoes" and "Art", 2x de Gaulle 1972 etc.; cat. 1.870€ ++, suitable for resale
1864 ESSAY for issue Leopold I. 1865, refused design A.Fishe - Leopold I. 1C violet, 10C green and red and 10C red other type, rare, see cat. Dr. J. Stes "Belgium Proofs, Descriptive catalogue of the proofs of Belgian stamps, 1849-1949"
1931 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Brussels with special postmark; left lower light bend, hinged, stamp MNH, cat. for MNH miniature sheet 600€
1949Mi.Bl.21-22, IMPERFORATED souvenir sheets Jordaens and Van Der Weyden; 1x small gum flaw, otherwise perfect, cat. only for perforated 320€, rare offer!
1928-1937 set of 6 Reg or airmail letters with better frankings, ORVAL 1928 to 2Fr, Balloons 1932 (FRNS) Reg letter to USA, Express letter and official exhibition litho-card EXPOSITION BRUSSELS 1935 with exhibition issues, Queen Astrid and tête-bêche and gutter postage 1936
1930 2x Reg letter and 1 R-C.O.D letter to Czechoslovakia, all i.a. franked with B.I.T. 60C-1,75Fr, CDS ARLON and BRUSSELS, pre-printed C.O.D. envelope, also advertising labels etc.; rare frankings
1930-1938 6 air-mail letters from Brussels, frankings Mi.280-283, block of four 280+281, mixed with Mi.399 and others., 1x to Chemnitz, 5x to Czechoslovakia with arrival CDS PRAGUE AIRPORT, once first flight Sabena; nice set
1935-1950 comp. of 7 letters mostly with whole sets, Basilika Koekelberg, Queen Astrid, St. Martin III 1942, War victims 1945, Anti-Tuberculosis Work, E. Anselle 1948, card "Premier service postal par hélicoptére", all to Czechoslovakia or Bohemia-Moravia; attractive set!
1931-1935 Mi.242-248, 280-285, Balkan Games 1L-50L and Congress "Junak" 1L-50L, two favourite sets; perfect, Mi.346-347 *, 4 values "Junak" corner pieces, cat. ca. 600€
1864-71 Mi.11-13, 14B, 15, Coat of arms 2S-16S + Mi.16I-21I, Coat of arms 2S-48S; various quality, signed, i.a. Mi.14B missing tooth, Mi.19 spots on gum, Mi.21 small thin place in wmk and others., cat. for basic types and colors 1.000€
1851 letter to Copenhagen, with Mi.1, FIRE R.B.S. dark brown; wide margins also rare cancel. "69" - from small town STUBBEKJÖBING on the island Falster - rare destination!
1932[COLLECTIONS] Mi.88-97, Anniversary of Garibaldi, complete selection of all 13 sets with Opt - names of islands I-XIII + Postage due stamps Mi.30-39 with Opt CASTELROSSO; overall very nice quality, many stamps with mint never hinged, cat. for ** 2.950€, extraordinary, interesting offer
1919-1925 set of 4 Reg letters to Czechoslovakia and Austria, with stamps Mi.13, 5M Drakkar; blocks of four Mi.16 + Mi.19, Reval; but Mi.55, Theatre Tallin; all with CDS TALLIN and provisional Reg cancell., 1x Esperanto; in addition interesting letter with marginal block of four Mi.12, 1M Drakkar with rarer CDS ABJA, arrival KOHILA; nice quality
1856 Mi.1,2, Coat of arms 5 K blue and 10K red, oval margins (5 K with repaired corners), zk. Schlesinger, hand obliteration, Coat of arms 10K on cut-square with CDS KUOPIO; very attractive lot
1858 Mi.2x, 2 pcs of Coat of arms in oval 10K carmine, hand-made stroke and CDS ABO (Turku, early usage!); light fold outside of the picture of stamp, some spots, nice and favourite classic stamps, cat. 1.500€
1866 Mi.8C, pair and 4 stamps of Coat of arms 20Pen, light blue to dark blue, 1 stamp from the pair short teeth, 5 pcs perfect, significant colors, blue CDS HELSINGFORS and oths.; cat. min. 540€ as cheapest types
1897-1923 set of 9 Ppc addressed to Czechoslovakia, with Austria /1/, Hungary /4/, Italy /1/ and Fiume /2/, all with CDS FIUME + 4 p.stat Mi.K1II. *, Mi.P5 with CDS FIUME/ 918.DEC.31, Italian with Opt Mi.P8 with CDS FIUME/ 919.DEC.2 and Hungarian Mi.P29 with CDS FIUME/ 904.MÄR.16 + 1x Reg letter to Rome; also 48 stamps on stock-sheet A5, major-part with various Opts - not expertized!