Auction 50 / Exclusive items
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1930 Mi.34-42, Hydrological Congress 5C-10L, stamps Mi.17-25 with Opt XXI. / CONGERSSSO IDROLOGICO; complete set, values 25C, 30C and 5L exp. Bolaffi, highest values 50C-10L in addition exp. Diena, sought and rare set, cat. 3.000€, Sass. 6.500€ U:A5
1889-96 SG.23b, Victoria 10c carmine, ERROR "Value omitted"; perfect piece with certificate Friedl Expert Committee (signed Herbert Bloch) and certificate B.P.A., cat. £7.000, great rarity! U:DR
1852 letter from Rome to USA franked with Sass.7, 9, 10, Coat of arms 6Baj+8Baj+50Baj (!), grid postmark, CDS ROMA, PARIS-CALAIS, red BOSTON, blue additional VOIE DE MER / ÉTATS-UNIS, VIA LIVERPOOL; cat. min. 11.000€, ex. J.F. Seybold (1859-1909), sold in auction Walter Scott New York 1910; attractive and very rare letter with great provenance U:DR
1852 newspaper wrapper with bisected (!) Sass.1A BAJ MEZZO (1/2B), hand obliteration, strip of Rome newspapers "L´Abum", according to Sass.2016 page 256 are bisected 1/2B known only on address strips of these newspapers; perfect quality, exp. Raybaudi, certificate Colla; cat. 17.500€!!, great Italian rarity! U:DR
1861 Sass.23a, Victor Emmanuel 20Gr yellow-orange with CDS NAPOLI; nice piece with certificate Raybaudi, cat. 6.750€, scarce U:A5
1853 Sass.5, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C blue; nice piece, rare stamp with certificate Carraro, according to certificate with gum, but counted as without gum; cat. (*) 9.375€, * 37.500€, rare classic stamp! U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA Sass.43, 43a - complete sheet - block-of-25 of Greek 1L red-violet, issue 1939 with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, on pos. 10 DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very fine multiple, certificate Colla; only printing error cat. 6.400€, for this sheet cat. 9.280€; scarce! U:DR
1941 ITALIAN OCCUPATION OF CORFU Sass.Posta Aerea 3, 9, 10, Greek airmail * 1Dr with Opt CORFU, then ** 25Dr and ** 30Dr; perfect, exp. Diena, certificate Colla, cat. 2.540€, 1Dr is rare stamp with edition only 500 pcs! U:A5
1934 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet Vaduz 5Fr; 2x lightly hinged, hinges out of stamp, sought, cat. ** 2.600€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.2, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer HP type Ia, silvery grey "silbergrau" (rare pale shade), Erstdruck, in addition with plate flaw Ferch.PF7, CDS WIEN; perfect quality, exp. Seitz, only for common color "silbergrau" cat. 850€, this piece with premium U:A5
1850 Ferch.2MP IIIa,IIIb, block of 8 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, CDS BRUCK A/D LEITHA (Lower Austria), in addition JOINED TYPE IIIa+IIIb (7. and 8. stamps); variously repaired, signs of age, exp. G. Bühler + 1; unique multiple, cat. for 2x single blocks of 4: 19.800€!! U:DR
1850 Ferch.3, strip-of-3, 3 Kreuzer, HP joined types Ia+Ia+Ib; CDS LEMBERG, perfect and very rare multiple with certificate Ferchenbauer. "attraktives Prachtstück", cat. ca. 1.500€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.3HPIIIa, 11x 3 Kreuzer rosa type IIIa on cut-square from letter to Lovosic, CDS BRÜX, i.a. significant plate flaw Ferch.PF116; 2 stamps with light bend, otherwise perfect, especially wide margins; cat. by estimation min. 3.000€; extraordinary offer, scarce U:DR
1850 Ferch.4, 6 Kreuzer HP type Ib, on ribbed (geripptes) paper, on small cut-square with CDS BRAUNAU IN BOHEMIA; perfect quality, certificates Puschmann, Ferchenbauer, Seitz, cat. 3.000€++, very rare stamp! U:DR
1850 Ferch.5IIIa HP, 9 Kreuzer IIIa plate 5, legendary GESTREIFTES PAPIER (laid paper), CDS PRAG 29.5; perfect quality, exp. Friedl, certificates Matl and Eichele, cat. Ferchenbauer 18.500€; very rare, extraordinary offer U:DR
1915 ANK.180U-184U,184bU, War surcharge stamps 3h-35h, luxury imperforated marginal pairs (Vorzugstücke), in addition pair of 35h in pale ultramarine - this as imperforated is extremely rare, new discovery in 2015, cat. only as singles 3.000€ U:DR
1851 Ferch.6Ib, blue Mercure pale blue on laid paper; on newspapers Gazzetta Ufficiale di Milan from 15.1.1851 (rare early usage); with DUMB POSTMARK "VERONA", arrival postmark VERONA 16.1.; usual margins, some faults, certificate A.E. Fiecchi "la rarity dell´ annullo" and Dr. Diena "raro annullamento"; cat. Sassone Annullamenti evaluates this dumb postmark as R1 ryrity, which equals to 20.000€; great rarity! U:DR
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, blue Mercure type IIIb with CDS BAGNOLO on newspaper stripe with address and with date 10.12.1858, so used IN NEW VALUE 1,05 Kreuzer (from 1.11.1858) instead of original 0.6 Kreuzer, in addition semi-mixed franking with newspaper revenue signete 2 Kreuzer, see Ferchenbauer II. part, page 568 - shows for this combination - RR! and from Italian territory very scarce!!; perfect quality, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1916 Ferch.P25, P26, imperforated TRIAL PRINT Postage due stamp 1 K and 3 K blue, 4-BLOCK WITH TWO JOINED PAIRS from 5. and 6. line of the sheet, in the middle original sheet bend, otherwise very fine quality, certificate Mgr. Kopřiva; important Bosnian rarity, only 10 pairs recorded! U:A5
1916 ANK.49U-52U, 51bU, NEWSPAPER STAMPS 2h-20h, imperforated marginal blocks-of-4, in addition 10h in rare color "lebhaftlilarot"; perfect; cat. as singles 2.200€, as marginal blocks-of-4 ca. 3.300€, scarce! U:DR
1851 Mi.6II, Poste Locale 2½Rp CROSS WITHOUT FRAME, linear cancel., lower close, but complete margins, perfect piece with certificate Rellstab; cat. Michel 22.000€, Schweizer Briefmarkenkatalog 2015 35.000CHF, very rare U:DR
1922 Mi.776-778, 100Pia-500Pia; highest values, mint never hinged, old owner mark, cat. 2.900€, rare
1840 SG.2, unused Penny Black, plate 7, letters K-H; wide margins, very fine quality, certificate Brandon, cat. £13.500 U:DR
1851 SG.6, "Crown and rose" 1Sh reddisch mauve; very nice piece with light postmark, exp. Sorani, A. Diena, cat. £4.500, rare stamp! U:DR
1847 SG.1, Lady McLeod 5c blue, used by pen stroke, variously repaired, certificate B.P.A. 2016, extremely rare stamp; cat. Gibbons £10.000, cat. Michel 15.000€ U:DR
1891-1892 SG.31b, Victoria 2½; PENCE on 4P grey, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very nice quality, with original gum and with certificate RPSL, cat. £3.500 U:DR
1887 SG.MT17,19-25, EGYPT BRITISH FORCES - Military Telegraph Stamps, 8 values with London Opt ONE DIME / 1P - FIFTY PIASTRES / 10Sh; very nice quality, certificate BPA, cat. * £1.035, for ** min. £2.000, rare! U:A5
1922-1927 SG.100w, George V. £10 black / green, wmk sideaways - variety Crown to the right of CA; very fine, unused with original gum!, certificate B.P.A. 2015, very scarce and rare stamp, interesting for further investment (catalogue SG.2013 - £17.000, SG.2016 - £22.000!, coumpound growth p.a. 9%)! U:DR
1895 SG.2, Indian 1 Anna violet "plum" with blue Opt ZANZIBAR, with variety small second "Z"; 2 small folds, perfect perf, certificate BPA, cat. £3.000, very rare and scarce stamp U:DR
1962 Mi.648A-655A, Theatre art; complete set, perfect perforation, only Mi.653 with small gum flaw; unused set is very rare, exceptional offer, cat. 3.000€! U:A5
1967 Mi.990-992, Mao 8F, 8F, 10F, complete rare set, cat. 1.400€! U:A5
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, type IIIa, combination plate 2 caption 17, most valuable variant, which/what with practically in the market at all is rare, here for the first time in auction; konzultováno with experts, minor gum fault in LL corner, c.v.. 35.000CZK U:A5
1968 XIV. Congress of Communists 30h and 60h, UNISSUED stamp., complete set of superb blk-of-10, with regard to occupation Czechoslovakia weren't issued and whole printing was/were additionally skartován!; usage complete blk-of-10 is exceptional, at our place teprve second time in auction, suitable also as investment!; fine quality, in catalogue underprized U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 1/47A , Two-year plan - red, mounted stamp. Pof.447-449, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 1.I.1947, on reverse "General director post"; rarest Czechosl. FDC!, missing in overwhelming majority collections, in catalogue very underprized, at our place at all for the first time in auction!; perfect condition, c.v.. 5.000CZK U:A5
2012 Vlastní stmp printing sheet 0002, VZ 0016-0017, complete sheet! Czech insurance company 2012; practically complete printing was/were vypotřebován and mounted on/for numbered commemorative sheets, which/what was/were rozdány zamestnancům Czech Post, it is new discovery, isn't known other complete printing sheet; evidently rarity!, superb condition, quite extraordinary offer U:DR
1883 MENDEL Gregor Johann (1822–1884), founder of genetics, document with an autograph from very late period of his life in time of his staying in St. Thomas Monastery in Brno, document dated on 1. September 1883 (Mendel died 6. January 1884), document with 2 revenue stamps 1883, also fine print of Monastery postmark; very fine condition, last known and offered piece from large estate, rare autograph!; similar piece sold in Auction 47 for 72.000CZK! U:DR
Pof.6 IIr, 10h green, imperforated, II. frame type, pos. 55, plate 1; certificate Karasek, cat. Pofis 10.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 50.000CZK, rare stamp! U:A5
Pof.7a Is, 15h brown-red, spiral type I from joined types of plate 7, pos. 49; lightly hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Škaloud + certificate Škaloud, cat. Pofis -,- , cat. Merkur-Revue 40.000CZK, very rare stamp from scarce plate 7! U:DR
Pof.7b Is/IIp, 15h red, imperforated, combined type of spiral and subtype of bar, pos. 23, plate 1; superb piece, expertized by Benes + certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 30.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue -,- , rare and nice red shade with combined spiral and bar types! U:A5
Pof.7b STk+STp, 15h red, block of four with upper margin sheet, plate 1, pos. 2-3 and 12-13, on pos. 2 spiral type I + bar type II., on pos. 12 bar subtype IIa; certificate Karásek and Škaloud, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Škaloud, superb block of four determined for nejvýznamnější exponáty, c.v.. at all doesn't report !!, for basic joined spiral types + STp: Pofis 125.000Kč, Mercure 170.000Kč U:DR
Pof.7b, 15h red (red-brown) imperforated, marginal block-of-4, plate 7; some tiny paper disturbance in lower margins, exp. by Skaloud + certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 40.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 45.000CZK, scarce multiple U:DR
Pof.9N, 20h carmine, light color shade, imperforated, spiral type I., pos. 9/1; certificate Karasek, cat. Pofis 30.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 95.000CZK, rare piece in a luxury state U:DR
Pof.25 IIp/IIs, 500h brown, II. bar subtype, pos. 46, plate 2, full offset; luxury piece, scarce stamp, certificate Karasek, cat. Pofis 25.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 50.000CZK U:DR
Pof.25 Is, 500h brown, spiral type I from joined types, pos. 32/2, very fine piece rare and sought stamps, certificate Karasek, c.v.. Pofis 35.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 100.000CZK U:DR
Pof.25 combined bar types, Hradcany 500h brown, upper corner block of 4 with joined bar types, II. type on pos. 2, plate 2, exp. by Karasek + 2x certificate Škaloud and Vrba, cat. Pofis 120.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 250.000Kč, very scarce multiple, jewel of each Hradcany issue collection! U:DR
Pof.4a, gutter, 5h dark blue-green, UNISSUED same facing 3-stamps vertical gutter, upper 2 stamps plate 4, lower stamp from plate 3, without fold; perfect piece, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 60.000CZK, Mercure -,- , very scarce, extraordinary offer! U:DR
Pof.7Ms N, 15h vermilion, unissued 2-stamps same facing vertical gutter, upper stamp from plate 5, lower plate 6, light offset on face-side, without any fold; lightly hinged on upper stamp, exp. by Gilbert., Škaloud + certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 45.000CZK, Mercure -,- CZK, rare and sought gutter! U:A5
Pof.12 Mp, 30h yellow, vertical 2-stamps opposite facing gutter, folded; MNH, exp. by Gilbert + certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 70.000CZK, Mercure 80.000CZK, rare and sought gutter! U:DR
Pof.4E joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, LL corner blk-of-4, perf line perforation 11½; : 10¾;, spiral types combination, pos. 91/2; very light bend otherwise without defects, exp. Beneš, c.v.. Pofis 7.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 30.000CZK U:A5
Pof.7Ab IIs, 15h red (red-brown), block of four with combined perforation 13¾ : 13½;, plate 7, pos. 65-66 and 75-76; lightly hinged on 1 stamp, exp. by Skaloud + certificate Vrba, cat. Pofis 20.000CZK, Mercure Revue 30.000CZK, nice multiple from rare plate 7! U:A5
Pof.7C STk+p, 15h bricky red, UL corner blk-of-4, perf line perforation 13¾;, combination types + 2x joined bar subtype pos. 1-2-11-12/1; superb, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + 2x certificate Karásek and Vrba, c.v.. Pofis 60.000CZK, Mercure 120.000CZK, intaktní and very rare corner block with joined types! U:DR
Pof.7D IIs, 15h bricky red, upper right corner block-of-4 with line perforation 11½; (non counter perf), plate 7 (!), originaly folded paper; MNH, exp. by Karasek + certificate Vrba, scarce corner multiple! U:A5
Pof.7G STs, 15h bricky red, block of four with upper margin, line perforation 11½; : 13¾;, joined spiral types, pos. 15, plate 2; mint never hinged without any faults, exp. by Karasek, Škaloud + certificates Karasek, Škaloud, cat. Pofis 50.000CZK, Mercure Revue 70.000CZK, rare multiple! U:DR
Pof.7H Is / IIp, 15h bricky red, line perforation 13¾; : 10¾;, combined types with spiral type I and bar type II, pos. 91, plate 1; exp. by Mrnak., Karasek, certificate Karasek, cat. Pofis 24.000CZK, Mercure 40.000CZK, rare stamp! U:DR
Pof.7I, 15h bricky red, with lower margin and control-numbers, mixed perf line perforation 13¾; : 11½; + 10¾;, pos. 97/2; lower margin is in 5 zoubcích additionally glued-up, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Škaloud + 2x certificate Pithart, Škaloud, c.v.. Pofis 35.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 100.000CZK U:DR
Pof.11A joined spiral types + joined bar types, 25h violet, block of four with L margin, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, pos. 31-32/ 41-42, plate 2, on pos. 31 spiral type I., on pos. 32 bar type II., spiral types combination and bars + combined combination types; superb and very rare block of four (!) exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + certificates Karásek and Škaloud, cat. only as joined spiral types and STp: Pofis 125.000Kč, Mercure 250.000Kč U:DR
Pof.11H STs, 25h violet, vertical pair with line perforation 13¾; : 10¾;, joined spiral types, pos. 10 and 20/2; exp. by Karasek., certificate Karasek + guarantee certificate Beneš, cat. Pofis 80.000, cat. Merkur-Revue 200.000Kč, pair with very rare perf with joined spiral types (!), ex. Karásek - see publication Rarities of the Czechosl. stamps, p. 38 U:DR
Pof.13J, 30h light violet, right the bottom corner Pr with sdruženou perf comb perforation 11¾; + line perforation 11½;, with big shift stroke of comb in lower margin; certificate Karásek + guarantee certificate on/for 125.000Kč Beneš, c.v.. Pofis 56.000Kč, cat. Merkur-Revue 180.000CZK, exceedingly rare perf on/for decorative pair! U:DR
1920 bank money letter with stated value of 100.000Kč (!), franked on front and also back side with total of 20 stamps Hradčany 1000h imperforated!!, Pof.26 + 1x Pof.17, 22 and 143, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 13.VII.20, sent to Slovakia, high franking of 22,65Kč; exp. by Karasek, very good condition, extraordinary cover, jewel of each Hradcany collection! U:DR
1920 postcard franked with. vertical pair imperforated stamp. 10h green, Pof.6, CDS KOŠICE 2/ 22.VII.20 supplemented with postmark POSTAL AGENCY/ TOVÁRNÍ OSADA/ U NOVÉHO MĚSTA P. ŠIATOREM; without defects, decorative entire, rare Hradcany franking in addition with rare postmark Slovak Postal Agency! U:A5