1914 imperforate sheet of 50, value 50cts printed in S. Modiano in Trieste for 3. Albanian congress, unissued due to printing error - one head eagle instead of two heads, cigarette paper without gum; perfect, without fold
1914-1941 4 entires - letter to Elbassanu with Mi.29-34, CDS QUKES (Kukës), then Mi.79I, Airmail Mi.313-319 and ESSAD POST Mi.10-12 (on reverse part missing)
1949Mi.Bl.21-22, IMPERFORATED souvenir sheets Jordaens and Van Der Weyden; 1x small gum flaw, otherwise perfect, cat. only for perforated 320€, rare offer!
1856 Mi.1,2, Coat of arms 5 K blue and 10K red, oval margins (5 K with repaired corners), zk. Schlesinger, hand obliteration, Coat of arms 10K on cut-square with CDS KUOPIO; very attractive lot
1928-1929 Mi.229, 248, Surtax Caisse d´Amortissement 1,50Fr+8,50Fr and 1,50Fr+3,50Fr; Mi.229 with some paper flaw, both stamps in nice quality, cat. 260€
1945-90[COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection in 3 albums on sheets Schaubek, almost complete, incl. better postwar issues as Mi.Bl.4, 978-983, 987-990, 1015-1020, 1053-1058, 1094-1099 and others., in addition supplemented with dublets from 1955-59, 1970-72 and others.; high catalogue value, almost all stamps MNH
1889-96SG.23b, Victoria 10c carmine, ERROR "Value omitted"; perfect piece with certificate Friedl Expert Committee (signed Herbert Bloch) and certificate B.P.A., cat. £7.000, great rarity!
1859 Sass.15a, Governo Provvisorio Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; perfect piece with original gum, exp. Diena, Senf and oths., certificate M. Zanini (AIEP), cat. 6.500€, rare stamp!
1858 Sass.15Ab, 20C indigo "inverted medallion" (Effigie capovolta), CDS S. MARIA MAGGIORE, early impression Tinte del 1857/58; cut left to line, otherwise very nice piece, 2x exp., cat. 3.500€, extraordinary offer!
1851 FORGERY (NEUDRUCK) Sass.2, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C light blue, corner block-of-6, old print on thin paper with gum; according to our opinion reprint from original plate, interesting, (cat. for genuine stamps 120.000€)
1941CEFALONIA and ITHAKA Sass.43, 43a - complete sheet - block-of-25 of Greek 1L red-violet, issue 1939 with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, on pos. 10 DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very fine multiple, certificate Colla; only printing error cat. 6.400€, for this sheet cat. 9.280€; scarce!
1867-1879 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 2 sheets, contains stamps of issues 1867-1879, Victoria and Coat of arms, incl. better values, part of the stamps with old owners marks; offered as is
1867-79 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A4, issue Victoria and Coat of arms, from Mi.2; incl. several pieces as comparison material, in addition 2 entires, part of the stamps expertized, various quality (viewing of quality recommended), high catalogue value
1852-62 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of basic stamps Mi.1-19, on album sheet Schaubek, mostly good margins, 1 pcs on cut-square with whole blue bicircular cancel. OLDENBURG, ordinary quality - several pieces with thin places or repaired; it is worth seeing, cat. over 9.000€
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, right size 105x148mm; on reverse on upper margin 1 hinge, on stamps 8Pf and 50Pf production gum ommitions and in corners some paper flaws from photo-corners; stamps **, cat. as * 550€
1935-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting remaining accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4 + scattered stamps in box A4; hundrets of stamps, also many blocks of four and multiblocks, various issues, i.a. Weapons I., II. and others., complete also incomplete sets, cat. by estimation 3.000€
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT interesting remaining selection in 2 stockbooks A4, contains complete also incomplete sets, blocks, some more often, i.a. Official Mi.16-24 -15x in blocks of four! and others.; cat. by estimation 1.500€
1949-1991 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of mint never hinged stamps on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized), 42-60, Block No.1, issue Bells etc., incl. all machine stamps and booklets; only Mi.61-63 used; all luxury quality, cat. more than 7.000€
1895-1916[COLLECTIONS] nice small collection of German colonies, from Deutsch-Neuguinea - Togo, also Morocco and China, incomplete, but some sets also complete, incl. highest Emperor´s Yacht stamps, most of stamps unused; placed on sheets from old collection, catalogue min. 2.000€
1928 Mi.205-212, Olympic set 1½C-30C on official sheet Universala Esperanto Asocio for Olympiad 1928, with cancel. OLYMPIADE AMSTERDAM STADIO NEGENDE; interesting
1919 selection of 17 p.stat, it contains e.g. letter-cards Mi.K2II., K3II., K4II., K4III. (2x), PC Mi.P9III., 10aII. (2x), 11aII., 18II., 19aII., all unused + used Mi.P10aII., 10bII., 11aIII. (2x); good quality, cat. over 600€ + 25 stamps with various Opt "POCZTA POLSKA", or "Rzp. Poland" - without guarantee
1827 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Mikulov, single line cancel. POSORITZ + 6,XII (Vot.1852/1.=80), nice print, interesting entire, fine condition
1850 Ferch.2, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer HP type Ia, silvery grey "silbergrau" (rare pale shade), Erstdruck, in addition with plate flaw Ferch.PF7, CDS WIEN; perfect quality, exp. Seitz, only for common color "silbergrau" cat. 850€, this piece with premium
1850Ferch.2MP IIIa,IIIb, block of 8 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, CDS BRUCK A/D LEITHA (Lower Austria), in addition JOINED TYPE IIIa+IIIb (7. and 8. stamps); variously repaired, signs of age, exp. G. Bühler + 1; unique multiple, cat. for 2x single blocks of 4: 19.800€!!
1850Ferch.3, strip-of-3, 3 Kreuzer, HP joined types Ia+Ia+Ib; CDS LEMBERG, perfect and very rare multiple with certificate Ferchenbauer. "attraktives Prachtstück", cat. ca. 1.500€
1850Ferch.3HPIIIa, 11x 3 Kreuzer rosa type IIIa on cut-square from letter to Lovosic, CDS BRÜX, i.a. significant plate flaw Ferch.PF116; 2 stamps with light bend, otherwise perfect, especially wide margins; cat. by estimation min. 3.000€; extraordinary offer, scarce
1850Ferch.4, 6 Kreuzer HP type Ib, on ribbed (geripptes) paper, on small cut-square with CDS BRAUNAU IN BOHEMIA; perfect quality, certificates Puschmann, Ferchenbauer, Seitz, cat. 3.000€++, very rare stamp!
1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP type I with CDS TEMESVAR; double paper crease, from that one very wide, perfect piece with certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. LP!
1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP type I., CDS TARNOW, rare BALKEN at top also lower, both over whole width of stamp, in addition offset; certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. min. 1.200€; very rare
1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP IIa, light blue, with very wide paper crease, CDS TRIESTE; certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. LP!, paper crease of these size are very rare!
1853-54 selection of 4 letters of the first issue, contains letter addressed to Stein with 6 Kreuzer type III., CDS PILSEN/ 10.6., on reverse transit pmk EGER + 3 letters with 9 Kreuzer type III., addressed to Padua (2x) and to Ischl, CDS WIEN (2x) and TRIESTE; good quality
1850-57[COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection of 124 stamps of the first issue, values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, wide margins, part better types, also color shades and may interesting postmarks; all identified and described (types, plates, varieties papers, first prints, plate flaws, underlaid middles, etc.), from old collection, rare chance!, on 5 sides of A4 cards
1915ANK.180U-184U,184bU, War surcharge stamps 3h-35h, luxury imperforated marginal pairs (Vorzugstücke), in addition pair of 35h in pale ultramarine - this as imperforated is extremely rare, new discovery in 2015, cat. only as singles 3.000€
1918 commercial air-mail letter to Lviv, franked with airmail stamp Flugpost Mi.225 and 226 + postage stamp Mi.225, CDS WIEN 11.VI.18 and FLUGPOST 12.VI.18, on reverse arrival FLUGPOST - POCZTA LOTNICZA LWOW 12.VI.18; nice quality
1851 Mi.6, Ferch.6I, blue Mercure on newspaper stripe with rarer Hungarian cancel. ÖREGLAK, left and lower wide margins with part of of adjoining stamps, right at top close margin