1915 local issue Shkodra, postage-due Mi.P1-3, Skandenberg 10Q, 25Q, 50Q with oblique Opt for postage stamps Shkodra and in addition "T"; on cut-squares with CDS SCUTARI-ALBANIE 4. GIU 1915; perfect, exp. Z. Prendushi, cat. 650€, rare set from very old collection!
1914-1941 4 entires - letter to Elbassanu with Mi.29-34, CDS QUKES (Kukës), then Mi.79I, Airmail Mi.313-319 and ESSAD POST Mi.10-12 (on reverse part missing)
1949Mi.Bl.21-22, IMPERFORATED souvenir sheets Jordaens and Van Der Weyden; 1x small gum flaw, otherwise perfect, cat. only for perforated 320€, rare offer!
1928-1937 set of 6 Reg or airmail letters with better frankings, ORVAL 1928 to 2Fr, Balloons 1932 (FRNS) Reg letter to USA, Express letter and official exhibition litho-card EXPOSITION BRUSSELS 1935 with exhibition issues, Queen Astrid and tête-bêche and gutter postage 1936
1930 2x Reg letter and 1 R-C.O.D letter to Czechoslovakia, all i.a. franked with B.I.T. 60C-1,75Fr, CDS ARLON and BRUSSELS, pre-printed C.O.D. envelope, also advertising labels etc.; rare frankings
1931-1935 Mi.242-248, 280-285, Balkan Games 1L-50L and Congress "Junak" 1L-50L, two favourite sets; perfect, Mi.346-347 *, 4 values "Junak" corner pieces, cat. ca. 600€
1851 letter to Copenhagen, with Mi.1, FIRE R.B.S. dark brown; wide margins also rare cancel. "69" - from small town STUBBEKJÖBING on the island Falster - rare destination!
1932[COLLECTIONS] Mi.88-97, Anniversary of Garibaldi, complete selection of all 13 sets with Opt - names of islands I-XIII + Postage due stamps Mi.30-39 with Opt CASTELROSSO; overall very nice quality, many stamps with mint never hinged, cat. for ** 2.950€, extraordinary, interesting offer
1919-1925 set of 4 Reg letters to Czechoslovakia and Austria, with stamps Mi.13, 5M Drakkar; blocks of four Mi.16 + Mi.19, Reval; but Mi.55, Theatre Tallin; all with CDS TALLIN and provisional Reg cancell., 1x Esperanto; in addition interesting letter with marginal block of four Mi.12, 1M Drakkar with rarer CDS ABJA, arrival KOHILA; nice quality
1858 Mi.2x, 2 pcs of Coat of arms in oval 10K carmine, hand-made stroke and CDS ABO (Turku, early usage!); light fold outside of the picture of stamp, some spots, nice and favourite classic stamps, cat. 1.500€
1955 Mi.1063, Marianne 12Fr green, 2 unfolded stamp bklts MINISTERE DES PTT with two blocks-of-10 (see. note. in Michel 2016, p. 149), 2 various added-prints - one with different picture and inscription "A PLIER ENSUITE SUIVANT LE POINTILLÉ", perfect quality, rare offer!
1928-1929 Reg letter to Prague, franked with stamps Sower and block-of-10 War victims Mi.211, total 20 stamps CDS NOISY LE GRAND and ordinary letter to Jablonec 15x Mi.90 + 15x MI.238 Type Blanc 5C and 10C CDS PARIS; extraordinary franking in very nice quality
1931 Mi.264-266 on Reg letter from Aix en Provence to Příbor, rare franking of stamps "Caisse d´Amortissement"; perfect quality, only as used stamps 220€!
1906 CHINA/ MONG TSEU - French post in China Sc.16-32, 1C-10Fr, complete set, local overprints on stamp of Indochine Francaise; perfect quality, cat. $600
1945-90[COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection in 3 albums on sheets Schaubek, almost complete, incl. better postwar issues as Mi.Bl.4, 978-983, 987-990, 1015-1020, 1053-1058, 1094-1099 and others., in addition supplemented with dublets from 1955-59, 1970-72 and others.; high catalogue value, almost all stamps MNH
1889-96SG.23b, Victoria 10c carmine, ERROR "Value omitted"; perfect piece with certificate Friedl Expert Committee (signed Herbert Bloch) and certificate B.P.A., cat. £7.000, great rarity!
1943 TRIAL PRINT Mi.115, Philatelic Exhibition in Zagreb 18K+9K, block-of-4, trial printing in black-green color on original paper without gum, stamp on right at top Mi.115 I. with engraving mark "S" (Seizinger); on reverse hinges and in lower margin 2x signature "JV" (Dr. Jovan Velickovic); rare, photo-certificate Zrinjšćak BPP from year 2012: "...solche Farbproben sind sehr selten."
1943 TRIAL PRINT Mi.115, Philatelic Exhibition in Zagreb 18K+9K, blocks-of-4, trial printing in orange-brown color on original paper without gum, stamp right at top Mi.115 I. with engraving mark "S" (Seizinger); on reverse hinges and in lower margin 2x signature "JV" (Dr. Jovan Velickovic);rare, photo-certificate Zrinjšćak BPP from year 2012: "....solche Farbproben sind sehr selten."
1944 Mi.162U-165U, Work service 3,50K - 32K, imperforated horizontal pairs on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, photo-certificate Zrinjšćak from 2012
1922 SG.2a, George V. 1P red with provisional Opt of Irland Government, INVERTED OVERPRINT; perfect marginal piece with certificate Brandon, cat. £550 ++
1915 bank Reg letter addressed to Klatovy, with Mi.53 and 57, CDS REYKJAVIK/ 17.VIII.15 + framed pmk "ICELAND/ R" + line violet ÁBYRGDARBRÉF and date-stamp "6147", censorships, at top 2 Austrian military censor stick-on label, frame violet cancel. "Überprüft" and lower handwritten note. "Pilsen/ Zensurstelle", on reverse removed seal; extraordinary entire from rare destination!, sound condition
1864 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50Baj, rhombic cancel., on the right wide, otherwise close margins; small thin place right at top, exp. Köhler, Raybaudi, rare stamp missing in many collections, cat. 2.750€
1852letter from Rome to USA franked with Sass.7, 9, 10, Coat of arms 6Baj+8Baj+50Baj (!), grid postmark, CDS ROMA, PARIS-CALAIS, red BOSTON, blue additional VOIE DE MER / ÉTATS-UNIS, VIA LIVERPOOL; cat. min. 11.000€, ex. J.F. Seybold (1859-1909), sold in auction Walter Scott New York 1910; attractive and very rare letter with great provenance
1852newspaper wrapper with bisected (!) Sass.1A BAJ MEZZO (1/2B), hand obliteration, strip of Rome newspapers "L´Abum", according to Sass.2016 page 256 are bisected 1/2B known only on address strips of these newspapers; perfect quality, exp. Raybaudi, certificate Colla; cat. 17.500€!!, great Italian rarity!
1859 Sass.15a, Governo Provvisorio Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; perfect piece with original gum, exp. Diena, Senf and oths., certificate M. Zanini (AIEP), cat. 6.500€, rare stamp!
1863 NEWSPAPER STAMPS Sass.1, Stati Parmensi 6Cts rosa vivo (*), also the same stamp with cancel. PARMA exp.; and unissued Sass.1A * rosa chiaro - counted as cheap nr. 1A - 300€; fine quality, cat. 2.375€
1853 Sass.5, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C blue; nice piece, rare stamp with certificate Carraro, according to certificate with gum, but counted as without gum; cat. (*) 9.375€, * 37.500€, rare classic stamp!
1855-1862 Sass.16, 16A, 16Ab, 16Ba, 16C, 16Ca, 16Da, 16E, value 40C, 8 various shades in 6 issues - Tinte del 1855-1862; color identified according to Tavole cromatiche - Quarta emissione di Sardegna, very nice and rare set, cat. 2.920€, ex. Macoveanu
1858 Sass.15Ab, 20C indigo "inverted medallion" (Effigie capovolta), CDS S. MARIA MAGGIORE, early impression Tinte del 1857/58; cut left to line, otherwise very nice piece, 2x exp., cat. 3.500€, extraordinary offer!
1857 local letter, with Sass.13f, Victor Emmanuell 5C verde smeraldo scuro Tinte del 1855, CDS TORINO; usual margins, small format, certificate Sorani, cat. 4.750€, rare
1858 letter with pair of Sass.14a, 10C terra d´ombra chiaro, CDS STRADELLA (very small town); traces of mounting, otherwise nice, exp. A. Diena, cat. for basic color terra d´ombra - 6.250€
1934Mi.10, Official 10L blue-grey, stamp issued for post. flight Rome - Mogadischo with golden additional-printing "Servizio si Stato"; edition only 5.000 stamps, rare, cat. 1.100€