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1852 Sass.1, Coat of arms Mezzo Baj, grey and grey blue, 4x pair and 2x on cut-square with whole rarer postmarks CODICORO, FAENZA small and large, blue CENTO, PORTOMAGGIORE, perfect; only as stamps in basic colors cat. 2.080€ U:A5
1864 Sass.10, Coat of arms 50Baj, rhombic cancel., on the right wide, otherwise close margins; small thin place right at top, exp. Köhler, Raybaudi, rare stamp missing in many collections, cat. 2.750€ U:A5
1867 Sass.19a, Coat of arms 40C yellow, marginal piece; imperforated with original gum, perfect, exp. Bolaffi, cat. 500€++ U:A5
1852 letter from Rome to USA franked with Sass.7, 9, 10, Coat of arms 6Baj+8Baj+50Baj (!), grid postmark, CDS ROMA, PARIS-CALAIS, red BOSTON, blue additional VOIE DE MER / ÉTATS-UNIS, VIA LIVERPOOL; cat. min. 11.000€, ex. J.F. Seybold (1859-1909), sold in auction Walter Scott New York 1910; attractive and very rare letter with great provenance U:DR
1852 newspaper wrapper with bisected (!) Sass.1A BAJ MEZZO (1/2B), hand obliteration, strip of Rome newspapers "L´Abum", according to Sass.2016 page 256 are bisected 1/2B known only on address strips of these newspapers; perfect quality, exp. Raybaudi, certificate Colla; cat. 17.500€!!, great Italian rarity! U:DR
1859 Sass.15a, Governo Provvisorio Coat of arms 20C "violetto scuro"; perfect piece with original gum, exp. Diena, Senf and oths., certificate M. Zanini (AIEP), cat. 6.500€, rare stamp! U:A5
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO Sass.15, 2x Coat of arms 20C blue "ardesia"; with original gum and used, cat. 4.900€; ex. Macoveanu, rare color! U:A5
1859 NEWSPAPER Sass.5, Coat of arms "Tassa Gazzette" 10C black; perfect piece, exp. Raybaudi, cat. (*) 450€ U:A5
1861 Sass.17h, 20f, 1/2 Tornesse green and 2 Grana light blue, "inverted medallion" (Effigie capovolta); signs of age, 1x exp. Raybaudi, cat. 1.050€ U:A5
1861 Sass.20f, 2 Grana light blue, "inverted medallion" (Effigie capovolta), in addition rare CDS from small village ROTONDI; perfect piece of sought printing error, exp. i.a. Raybaudi, cat. 1.750€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1861 Sass.23a, Victor Emmanuel 20Gr yellow-orange with CDS NAPOLI; nice piece with certificate Raybaudi, cat. 6.750€, scarce U:A5
1862 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE, Sass.22, Victor Emmanuell II. 10Gr orange on letter to Paris, CDS NAPOLI, red "P.D.", blue commercial, border ITALIE MARSEILLES, arrival PARIS; part of the back lapel missing, overall very nice and decorative letter, exp. Diena, cat. 1.500€ U:A5
1852 Sass.2, Coat of arms 10c black, horizontal pair, cat. 550€ U:A5
1863 NEWSPAPER STAMPS Sass.1, Stati Parmensi 6Cts rosa vivo (*), also the same stamp with cancel. PARMA exp.; and unissued Sass.1A * rosa chiaro - counted as cheap nr. 1A - 300€; fine quality, cat. 2.375€ U:A5
1853 Sass.5, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C blue; nice piece, rare stamp with certificate Carraro, according to certificate with gum, but counted as without gum; cat. (*) 9.375€, * 37.500€, rare classic stamp! U:A5
1854 Sass.8c, 20C azzurro indaco, with center red P.D.; perfect and very attractive piece, cat. 425€++ U:A5
1855 Sass.16a, Victor Emmanuell II. 40C vermilion from first period - Tinte del 1855, on cut-square with CDS GENOVA; very nice piece with wide margins, exp. A. Diena, cat. 775€ U:A5
1855-1862 Sass.16, 16A, 16Ab, 16Ba, 16C, 16Ca, 16Da, 16E, value 40C, 8 various shades in 6 issues - Tinte del 1855-1862; color identified according to Tavole cromatiche - Quarta emissione di Sardegna, very nice and rare set, cat. 2.920€, ex. Macoveanu U:A5
1858 Sass.15Ab, 20C indigo "inverted medallion" (Effigie capovolta), CDS S. MARIA MAGGIORE, early impression Tinte del 1857/58; cut left to line, otherwise very nice piece, 2x exp., cat. 3.500€, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1858-1860 Sass.14, 14Be, 10C terra d´ombra 1. issue Tinte del 1858 in typical imperfect print and 10C bruno grigio; perfect and rare shades, cat. 1.800€ U:A5
1851 FORGERY (NEUDRUCK) Sass.2, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C light blue, corner block-of-6, old print on thin paper with gum; according to our opinion reprint from original plate, interesting, (cat. for genuine stamps 120.000€) U:A5
1857 local letter, with Sass.13f, Victor Emmanuell 5C verde smeraldo scuro Tinte del 1855, CDS TORINO; usual margins, small format, certificate Sorani, cat. 4.750€, rare U:A5
1858 letter with pair of Sass.14a, 10C terra d´ombra chiaro, CDS STRADELLA (very small town); traces of mounting, otherwise nice, exp. A. Diena, cat. for basic color terra d´ombra - 6.250€ U:A5
1863 Sass.12 + Sardinie16E, Victor Emmanuell II. 15C blue, type II + 40C rose-red, on letter with CDS ANCONA, to Trieste; in margin 15C small tearing, overall very nice mixed franking U:A5
1875 printed matter without franking from Swiss Wattwyl to Trano (very small village in Provincia di Como), redirected nearby to Porlezza; in Italy extra paid with 5+5+50Cts, postage-due Sass.5(2x)+9; CDS WATTWYL 22.VIII.75, on postage-due CDS with date 24. AGO 75 and arrival violet PORLEZZA 24.AGO, notice "T6" (6 decimes = 60Cts) a "V. Trano / Porlezza/"; cat. min. 350€, rare entire U:A5
1922 Mi.153-156, 9. congress of stamp collectors in Trieste; rare overprint set, all exp. Dr. Rieger, cat. ca. 1000€ U:A5
1923 Sass.147-149, 2x Surtax issue 30C+30C - 1L+1L; used with sheet margin with CDS VENICE and unused set, perfect, cat. 720€ U:A5
1930 Mi.361, Airmail 7,70L; cat. 700€ U:A5
1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", airmail stamp, name of pilots: Migl and Pell; cat. 500€ U:A5
1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", name of pilot: Ques; cat. 500€ U:A5
1933 Mi.445-446, "Flight Rome-Chicago", airmail stamps, name of the pilots: Rovi and Teuc, Mi.445 lightly hinged, cat. ** 500€ U:A5
1934 Mi.479-487, Football championship in Italy, 20C-10L; complete popular set, cat. 700€ U:A5
1948 Mi.748-760, 100. anniv of revolution 1848; complete perfect set, cat. 600€ U:A5
1949-52 Mi.767-770 **, 772**, 784-785 *, 791-792 */**, 834-836 */**; selection of chosen complete sets, cat. ** 520€ U:A5
1949 Mi.773, 100 years of Republic 100L; lightly hinged, sought stamp, cat. ** 300€ U:A5
1950 Mi.796-797, values 20L-50L; complete set, cat. 320€ U:A5
1934 Mi.10, Official 10L blue-grey, stamp issued for post. flight Rome - Mogadischo with golden additional-printing "Servizio si Stato"; edition only 5.000 stamps, rare, cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1944 REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA - Sass.124, Airmail 10Lira red, issue 1930 (Sass.17) with Opt GNR (Guardia Nazionale Repubblicana); very nice piece, exp., cat. * 1.200€ U:A5
1928-1937 6 p.stat parcel cards Mi.AP60, 52, 50, 49 in face value 2L, 2,50L, 5L and 12.50L; uprated with stamps PACCHI 1927-1932, high frankings; CDS LIVORNO? VARESE, CARPI, PEGLI, TRIESTE to Czechoslovakia and Hungary U:A5
1914-1926 8 letters with frankings of various issues V. Emanuel III., i.a. money letter MILAN 1914, Reg letter 1923 with broken out CDS ZARA and provisional Reg label; Reg letter BOLZANO with Austrian postmark, Reg letter TRENTO and rare censored Reg letter TRIESTE 1920 with Austrian yellow Reg label TRIESTE 1 to Zurich U:A5
1917 airmail card with Aerea Sass.1 "Esperimento Posta Aerea...Torino-Roma" - 1. OFFICIAL AIRMAIL STAMP OF THE WORLD, datestamp 20.5.17 and cachet POSTA AEREA long address TORINO - ROMA MAGGIO 1917, cat. 150€ U:A5
1917-1943 set of 6 Ex- letters from various period, with stamps ESPRESSO and postage for example Sass.456 (2x), 457 Hitler - Mussolini, or Propaganda di Guerra Sass.9(2x) and oths., 1x to Slovakia with Slovak censorship; interesting cancel., labels etc. U:A5
1919-1950 6 letters and 1 card with very attractive commercial added-prints - picture, color, lithographic , and others.; addressed to Czechoslovakia, Protectorate, to Slovakia, letters i.a. Reg, Express, air-mail, censored U:A5
1926-1927 2 letters transported by 1. flight VENEZIA-TRIESTE 1.4.1926 and 1. flight VENEZIA-ROMA 8.4.27, both i.a. with Sass.3, POSTA AEREA 60C grey; good condition, cat. 300€ U:A5
1927-1933 selection of 6 letters to Czechoslovakia; very attractive bank letter with tricolor franking of Sass.200-202 with PERFINS(!); 2x airmail letter with arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT, 1x Espresso with express 2.50L, Sass.14 (125€); Reg letter 1929 i.a. Sass.265 (165€) and others., interesting set! U:A5
1930-1937 4 Reg letters to Czechoslovakia with huge frankings; i.a. 12x Sass.325 + 5x 328; 11x 269; 416-422; CDS MILAN, POLA, MARINA DI RAVENNA; signs of age and postal transport U:A5
1935 letter with Sass.380-383, Aerea A89, CDS CIVITAVECCHIA RACCOMANDATE ROMA 26.10.35, as used stamps 180€, for letter "non tarifa" 500€ U:A5
1940-44 6 letters to Bohemia-Moravia, to Slovakia and to Germany, i.a. envelope ALA LITTORIA, airmail letter to Slovakia, 3x Espresso, double censorships, issue Republica Sociale Italiana and others., chosen letters in very nice quality! U:A5
1941 Reg letter to Brno with Sass.452-457, Hitler-Mussolini, whole set with CDS FIRENZE 8.4.41, censorship; attractive, cat. for "non in tarifa" 120€ U:A5
1941 set of 5 Reg letters to Bohemia-Moravia, franked by meter stamps 1,25L and 2,75L; various added-prints, censorships; signs of age, however rare! U:A5
1943 2 exactly franked Reg letters with Sass.465(2x), 300 years of the death of G. Galilei 1.25L; also 2 Reg letters with complete sets Mi.462-465 and Mi.466-469 + stamps Propaganda di Guerra 25C and 30C, cat. min. 280€; counted as "non tarifa", all censored, 3x to Protectorate, 1x to Vienna; rare letters! U:A5
1948-49 selection of 8 philatelic letters to Czechoslovakia with various added-print (Tour de France, Milano-St. Remo apod.), with postwar issues, i.a. 100. anniv of revolution 1848, Mi.749, 751, 757, 50 years Bienale, Alfieri, Mi.778 etc.; interesting U:A5
1925-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 39 entires, part sent also to Sudetenland, various frankings, censorships, uprated p.stat etc.; nice lot U:O5
1918-22 VENEZIA GIULIA, TRENTINO comp. of 8 stamps (from that 2x cut square) issue 1916 with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / VENEZIA GIULIA / 3. NOV. 1918 and 1x cut square with Opt REGNO D´ ITALIA / TRENTINO / 3. NOV. 1918, CDS TRIESTE or ABBAZIA (without guarantee, offered as is) + supplemented with 9 entires with various postmarks as TRENTO, ABAZIA, MERAN, BOZEN, also censorships U:A5
1942-1943 OCCUPATION OF SLOVENIA (southwest part), 3 censored Reg letters i.a. with Sass.452-457, 458-461, Espresso No.16, CDS LJUBLJANA 2, arrival PRAG and BSCHAS U:A5
1944-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 85 picture postcards, bianco franked with issues GNR, overprint REP. SOC. ITALIANA (also on favourite PROPAGANDA GUERRA), with definitive RSI and also postage stamp of Italian kingdom 1929-1942, Posta Aerea 1930-1932, Espresso and others., mostly corner blocks of four (!), various postmarks; interesting U:O5
1945 POLISH LEGIONS - CORPO POLACCO souvenir sheets Sass.2-4, Surtax 1L+99L, 3L+247L, 5L+195L, miniature sheet 5L with original bend in corner, otherwise perfect, rare issue, cat. 550€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Italian occupation, provisional issue before general ISOLE IONIE on Italian stamp, Sass.4, 4c, pairs of Greek 2Dr (1937) with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, 1x Opt inverted, signed, Sass. * 2.500€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA - Sass.18, 22, 23, and only ITHAKA Sass.28(*), 29, Greek stamps from issue Mytology with Opt ITALIA OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, 5Dr, 15Dr, 25Dr, resp. 5L and 10L, exp. Stolow and A.Diena, cat. for * 1.720€ U:A5
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA Sass.43, 43a - complete sheet - block-of-25 of Greek 1L red-violet, issue 1939 with Opt OCCUPAZIONE MILITARE ITALIANA ISOLE CEFALONIA E ITACA, on pos. 10 DOUBLE OVERPRINT; very fine multiple, certificate Colla; only printing error cat. 6.400€, for this sheet cat. 9.280€; scarce! U:DR