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1920-1930 3 Reg letters to Czechoslovakia, Mi.40, 41+49, 50R and 1R, CDS RIGA and with German Reg label RIGA LIT.A. to Hodonice near Znojmo; Mi.70(2x) inflation franking 2x 10R/50k, CDS LIEPAJA - sought German destination LIBAU; money letter from Riga to Bílovec with new currency Mi.93+98, transit pmk BAHNPOST BRESLAU ODERBERG; money letter with folds, otherwise nice and rare letters! U:A5
1921-1930 Reg letter to Vienna with Mi.78, 79(2x),81, 84 - first edition Coat of arms in Rbl currency, CDS LIEPAJA, sought German destination LIBAU and also very interesting Reg airmail letter to Brno with airmail Mi.129-131 + Coat of arms Mi.122, 149, 150, CDS RIGA-LIDPASTS trazit BERLIN C L2; very nice quality U:A5
1923-1933 set of 8, mostly Reg letters, i.a. consular, local Reg, overprint Mi.206-209, mixed franking with Mi.132,134; multicolor frankings, chosen letters! U:A5
1926-1935 comp. of 4 Reg letters, from that 3 with airmail issue 1931 - 15St coupon, CDS ALUKSNE, additional printing CDS RIGA, rare mixed franking with 10x Mi.149, CDS RIGA to Sychrov; in addition airmail letter to Uruguay with Mi.100, 101, 102 in pairs, cachet BERULUFT RIGA U:A5