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1850 Mi.7, 18Kr yellow, block of four with right margin!; exp. Senf, superb block, cat. 1.100€++ U:A5
1862 Mi.13a, Numerals 18Kr dark vermilion; rare shade, luxury margins, original gum, lightly hinged, photo-certificate P.Sem, exp. Pfenninger, cat. 1.200€ U:A5
1867-68 Mi.19, Coat of arms 18Kr dark vermilion red, wide margins; cat. 220€ U:A5
1852 Mi.2, Coat of arms 2Sgr Prussian blue with part of blue cancel. BRUNSWICK; nice piece with wide margins, exp. Richter, cat. 320€ U:A5
1859-64 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1/2S with blue cancel. HAMBURG + Mi.6 and Mi.8b (thin place); cat. ca. 900€ U:A5
1867-1879 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 2 sheets, contains stamps of issues 1867-1879, Victoria and Coat of arms, incl. better values, part of the stamps with old owners marks; offered as is U:Z
1867-79 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A4, issue Victoria and Coat of arms, from Mi.2; incl. several pieces as comparison material, in addition 2 entires, part of the stamps expertized, various quality (viewing of quality recommended), high catalogue value U:A4
1856-64 Mi.1, Coat of arms 2/4S, vertical pair + Mi.5, Coat of arms 4/4S as block of 8 -2x 4/4S + 1/4S; cat. 240€ U:A5
1852-62 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of basic stamps Mi.1-19, on album sheet Schaubek, mostly good margins, 1 pcs on cut-square with whole blue bicircular cancel. OLDENBURG, ordinary quality - several pieces with thin places or repaired; it is worth seeing, cat. over 9.000€ U:A4
1863 letter to London with Mi.19, Coat of arms 5Gr dark grey - violet, framed CDS DRESDEN, red cancel. PAID and LONDON PAID; "via Belgium" ,very sound condition, cat. min. 300€ U:A5
1869 Mi.K1b, postal stationery cover 1Gr uprated with Mi.3 + Mi.5, CDS BONN/ 5.7.69, addressed to France, red cancel. "P.D." + border blue PRUSSE/ 6.JUL.69, on reverse arrival LE HAVRE/ 8.JUIL and whole seal; some minor faults, otherwise nice U:A5
1928 Mi.423-424, Zeppelin "Graf Zeppelin" 2M and 4M; cat. 420€ U:A5
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, right size 105x148mm; on reverse on upper margin 1 hinge, on stamps 8Pf and 50Pf production gum ommitions and in corners some paper flaws from photo-corners; stamps **, cat. as * 550€ U:A5
1933 Mi.497-498, Zeppelin Chicagofahrt 2M and 4M; perfect, exp. Schlegel BPP, cat. 600€ U:A5
1935 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet OSTROPA, original gum (!), on reverse traces of white paper and horiz. fold in lower perforation, viewing of quality recommended; cat. 1.100€++ U:A5
1945 Mi.909-910, 909B-910B, SA and SS 12+38Pfg, perforated and imperforated set (with lower margin with control-numbers) U:A5
1875 folded letter to Palermo, with Mi.29, framed pmk LICHTENSTEIN/ CALLNBERG/ 5.I.75; good condition, cat. min. Mi.180€ U:A5
1912 Mi.I, II, two airmail cards FLUGPOST AM RHEIN U. MAIN with 5Pf, Germania and airmail special stamps 10Pfg (small fold) and 20Pf, SSt. MAINZ 12.6.12 and FRANKFURT 20.6.12; in addition official postcard with portrait of Ernst Ludwig Großherzog von Hesse and bei Rhein, POSTKARTENWOCHE DER GROSSHERZOGIN 1912 (Eleonore von Hesse and bei Rhein) with 5Pf + air 10Pf, CDS DARMSTADT U:A5
1936 2 Reg letters sent to Czechoslovakia with stamps of Summer Olympic Games Mi.609, 610, 611 and 616, and Mi.612-615 with special postmark + complete set with special postmark on cut-squares U:A5
1937-1945 8 chosen Reg and airmail letters, i.a. Buildings 36, Nürburgring Opt 39, Ships 37, C.O.D., corner blocks of four of later issues and others.; interesting set! U:A5
1935-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting remaining accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4 + scattered stamps in box A4; hundrets of stamps, also many blocks of four and multiblocks, various issues, i.a. Weapons I., II. and others., complete also incomplete sets, cat. by estimation 3.000€ U:K
1924-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting small collection of Deutsches Reich from 1924 in stockbook A5, contains also better sets, or their parts, i.a. Mi.397, 423-424, Towns, Hindenburg, Coats of arms; part hinged or used, high catalogue value U:Z
1929-1933 POLISH POST Mi.23, 25, 2x Polish Mi.285 with Opt "PORT GDANSK"; cat. 260€ U:A5
1921 3 letters franked with stamps Airmail II. , Airmail III. and Kogga, 2x CDS DANZIG LUFTPOST, 1 x to Stockholm, 1 x Reg with rarer highest value Mi.118, 20M brown, in addition with airmail transported Reg and Express Ppc with Mi.66-69, CDS DANZIG LUFTPOST, arrival BERLIN C LUFTPOST, valuable selection! U:A5
1931 DANZIG Reg and airmail letter to Germany, franked with 5 stamps Air exhibition 1932, memorial round DANZIG LUFTPOST AUSSTELLUNG 31.7.32, at the back transit and arrival postmarks; nice U:A5
1932 DANZIG/ LUPOSTAFAHRT Sie. 170B, card, return flight with overprint set Mi.231-235, CDS LUFTRPOST AUSTELLUNG, 2 confirmation cancell. and arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN BODENSEE, cat. 160€ ++ U:A5
1920-1939 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, almost complete old collection on sheets in glassine envelopes, contains complete sets, from Mi.1, i.a. Mi.53-62, 73-86, 181-192, 193-201, 202-206, 220-230, then Official Mi.1-14, 41-51 and others.; larger part hinged, but also MNH stamps as Mi.60 etc., cat. for * ca. 1.000€ U:Z
1942 SERBIA Mi.82-85Klb., printing sheet For poor 2+6D-20+40D; rare, cat. 450€ U:A4
1941-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, 10 mostly Reg letters with issues Buildings, i.a. mixed franking with Mi.69 (150€), also i.a. with Mi.44, 50, 70; in addition 2 frankings with service stamp U:A5
1942-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ selection of 10 mostly Reg letters with frankings A. Hitler. 41-43; i.a. single franking Mi.78 and multiple with Mi.83, both censored and to Riga, mixed franking with rarer Mi.77 (corner piece), in addition dispatch-note with Mi.83+86; interesting U:A5
1940-1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, selection of 9, mostly Reg letters with frankings of Red Cross 1940, "3 years of General Government", Copernicus - 3x single franking, NSDAP 43, Mi.113 U:A5
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ 2 letters with A. H. 1941, ordinary and Reg letter with CDS DELATYN - very small village in Ukraine; to Rýnovice u Jablonce (Reinowitz bei Gablonz - LAGER F.A.B., part of C.C. GROSS ROSEN; rare! U:A5
1941-1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ selection of 6 Reg letters with multicolor frankings (i.a. Mi.50, 51, 80), 1x with censorship to VADUZ (!), all with provisional rubber cancel. on Reg labels - CRACOW 5, LEMBERG 1, MSZANA DOLNA, KAMIENSK, WISNIOWA, RADOMSKO; very nice set! U:A5
1940-1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ set of 8 mostly Reg letters to Germany and to Bohemia-Moravia, with frankings "Overprint" - Viennese issue", mixed franking with solid stamps, i.a. Mi.26, 27, 28, 37 (cat. 100€); simple franking Mi.32 and others.; very interesting set! U:A5
1943 OSTEN off. envelope of German official post without franking, with pre-printing "Der Leiter der German Post Osten" addressed to Saxony, sent from territory of Poland Poland as Registered + C.O.D. (!), CDS KATTOWITZ 2/ 10.2.43, arrival NEUGERSDORF/ 12.2.43 on reverse; interesting entire, good condition U:A5
1920-1922 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY - UPPER SILESIA, selection of 7 letters, from that 3 Reg and 1 Express letter, with correct color and also multiple frankings of issue "Silesian works" 1920 (print Paris), CDS LEOBSCHÜTZ, OPPELN, BRANITZ, UJEST, CARLSRUHE, GLEIWITZ, KATTOWITZ U:A5
1915-1916 German post in Poland - 6 letters with better frankings, 2x Reg LODZ; 5-coloured franking KALISCH to Bern; letter to Tábor with mixed franking WARSCHAU + R. POLAND; Reg letter WILNA with stamps POSTGEBIET; WARSCHAU - POCZTA MIEJSKA 1915 Mi.2a, 9, 10 U:A5
1916 POLAND/ very interesting local printed matter 3Pf CZENSTOCHAU delivered by local town post with fee 5Pf and violet CDS CZESTOCHOWA MIEJSKI URZAD PRZESILKOWY 26. VI. 1916 U:A5
1944 PROVINCE LAIBACH, Ex post. bank letter with pardoned porto and Reg postage due, with Mi.5+P5, CDS VRNJCI U:A5
1941 SERBIA comp. of 3 letters franked with overprint issue, local censored letter with Mi.3, 1Din CDS BELGRADE, censored letter within Serbia with Mi.5, 2Din CDS KRAGUJEVAC and letter to Bohemia-Moravia with German censorship and with pair of Mi.5, 2Din, CDS NIŠ; perfect U:A5
1944 SERBIA - 2 Reg letters sent in Serbia, franked with Mi.75+79, 2+7 Din, issue Monasteries, CDS ZAJEČAR, arrival BELGRADE - with atypical Serbian censorship and CDS KRAGUJEVAC 1, arrival KIKINDA; nice quality U:A5
1943 SERBIA - 2 Reg letters, 1x with pair Mi.79, Monasteries 7Din, both with CDS and Reg label VRŠAC, one from Reg labels rarely with double perf; German censorship OKW, arrival postmark KARLSBAD and FREITAL by Dresden), good condition U:A5
1943-1944 SERBIA - 2x Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with pair Mi.79, 7Din Monasteries with CDS BELGRADE, arrival PODIEBRAD and Mi.77+79 3+7Din with CDS ČAČAK, arrival PRAG; censorship, perfect condition, in this quality rare! U:A5
1940-1944 comp. of 5 interesting letters - 2x D. Dienstpost Osten, Express and Reg; FDC Red Cross 1940; Reg letter with provisional R - label ZAKOPANE and ditto Rzeszow to Ústí n. Labem with multicolor franking of overprint issue from Mi.14 U:A5
1941 SERBIA, FDC Mi.46-49, Surtax Semedria, Reg letter with additional-printing and blue CDS BELGRADE 22.IX.41; cat. 400€ U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT interesting remaining selection in 2 stockbooks A4, contains complete also incomplete sets, blocks, some more often, i.a. Official Mi.16-24 -15x in blocks of four! and others.; cat. by estimation 1.500€ U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] LOTHRINGEN, General Government, ALSACE etc. collection on hingeless sheets, contains i.a. Lothringen Mi.1-16, General Government almost complete, incl. Mi.35-39, Official Mi.1-15; Luxembourg, Alsace Mi.1-16 etc.; hinged, cat. ca. 200€ U:Z
1946 ALLIED OCCUPATION Mi.Bl.12A + Bl.12B, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Berlin, 2 pcs, 1x perforated, left lower blunt corner + 1x imperforated; cat. 120€ U:A5
1949-1950 3 Reg letters from Bi-Zone i.a. with Mi.101, 102, Bl.1(!) and oths., 2x CDS KREFELD and MARKTREDWITZ; in addition Reg card with Mi.117-120, CDS BAYERBACH, cat. min. 800€ U:A5
1925-1934 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with exact franking of 3Fr, Mi.115 (2x), 126, 127, CDS SAARBRÜCKEN; ordinary letter with exact franking 1,5Fr with Mi.126, 127 with rarer CDS SULZBACH and Reg-Ex "Satzbrief" with Mi.171-177, National help; complete set (cat. only these stamps 300€) U:A5
1931-1935 Reg letter to Frýdek in Moravia, 2x heavier (to 40gr), with exact franking of 3,90Fr (150Cts abroad + 90Cts weight Surtax + 150Cts) Mi.144(2x), 145-147, CDS VÖLKLINGEN; only Mi.147 in mixed franking 250€, rare letter! U:A5
1949-1991 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of mint never hinged stamps on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized), 42-60, Block No.1, issue Bells etc., incl. all machine stamps and booklets; only Mi.61-63 used; all luxury quality, cat. more than 7.000€ U:Z
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of used stamps on sheets in folder Schaubek, complete from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized, only Mi.33 **), 42-60, Block No.1, 106-109 (exp.) (!), issue Bells etc.; supplemented with several entires, high catalogue value, interesting offer U:Z
1950 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet DEBRIA, sought block, luxury, cat. 150€ U:A5
1956-57 VERWALTUNGSPOST A comp. of 9 letters delivered by Central courier service, various frankings: pair of Mi.6, CDS STOLLBERG; Mi.7, CDS ZWÖNITZ; pair Mi.7, CDS BERLIN; Mi.8, CDS KARL-MARX-STADT; pair Mi.10, CDS RADEBEUL; Mi.11, CDS RUHLA; Mi.12, CDS KARL-MARX-STADT; pair Mi.14, CDS BERLIN; Mi.15, CDS BERLIN; total 8 various values from 3 issues, all small formats, arrival postmarks on reverse, good quality U:A5
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] nice, almost complete collection in 3 spring folder on hingeless sheets + 1 stockbook A4, contains all better sets and souvenir sheets, as Debria 1950, Marx - Engels, Mao and others.; overall good quality, cat. only better sets and souvenir sheets 2.000€, in addition supplemented with many entires, high catalogue value U:K
1949-55 selection of used stamps, better items as Mi.116, 118, 120, 141-142, 143-146, 153-154, 159, 171-172 etc.; high catalogue value U:A5
1949-1999 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, complete collection (!), incl. all better sets and miniature sheets, issue "Horns" without certification; 1960´s and 1990-95 in addition as dublets, supplemented with stockbook with collection Berlin 1969-1986; on hingeless sheets in spring and screw folders, overall very high catalogue value, nice quality U:Z
1949-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheet KA-BE in stockbooks, i.a. Mi.111-1212, 115, 117-120,123-138, 139-140 etc.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with stockbook with ca. 350 entires from 1956-76 U:Z
1894 Mi.M48, block-of-10 Eagle 20Pfg (Mi.48) with CDS SHANGHAI on cut-square from big letter, perfect and rare, cat. 500€++ U:A5