Auction 50 / Philately / Europe / Germany

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183575 - 1850 Mi.7, 18Kr yellow, block of four with right margin!; ex
1850 Mi.7, 18Kr yellow, block of four with right margin!; exp. Senf, superb block, cat. 1.100€++
Starting price: CZK
183654 - 1862 Mi.13a, Numerals 18Kr dark vermilion; rare shade, luxur
1862 Mi.13a, Numerals 18Kr dark vermilion; rare shade, luxury margins, original gum, lightly hinged, photo-certificate P.Sem, exp. Pfenninger, cat. 1.200€
Starting price: CZK
184559 - 1867-68 Mi.19, Coat of arms 18Kr dark vermilion red, wide ma
1867-68 Mi.19, Coat of arms 18Kr dark vermilion red, wide margins; cat. 220€
Starting price: CZK
184591 - 1852 Mi.2, Coat of arms 2Sgr Prussian blue with part of blue
1852 Mi.2, Coat of arms 2Sgr Prussian blue with part of blue cancel. BRUNSWICK; nice piece with wide margins, exp. Richter, cat. 320€
Starting price: CZK
184671 - 1859-64 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1/2S with blue cancel. HAMBURG +
1859-64 Mi.1, Coat of arms 1/2S with blue cancel. HAMBURG + Mi.6 and Mi.8b (thin place); cat. ca. 900€
Starting price: CZK
184748 - 1867-1879 [COLLECTIONS]  old collection on 2 sheets, contain
1867-1879 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 2 sheets, contains stamps of issues 1867-1879, Victoria and Coat of arms, incl. better values, part of the stamps with old owners marks; offered as is
Starting price: CZK
184693 - 1867-79 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A4, is
1867-79 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps on stock-sheet A4, issue Victoria and Coat of arms, from Mi.2; incl. several pieces as comparison material, in addition 2 entires, part of the stamps expertized, various quality (viewing of quality recommended), high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
184673 - 1856-64 Mi.1, Coat of arms 2/4S, vertical pair + Mi.5, Coat
1856-64 Mi.1, Coat of arms 2/4S, vertical pair + Mi.5, Coat of arms 4/4S as block of 8 -2x 4/4S + 1/4S; cat. 240€
Starting price: CZK
183585 - 1852-62 [COLLECTIONS]  complete collection of basic stamps M
1852-62 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of basic stamps Mi.1-19, on album sheet Schaubek, mostly good margins, 1 pcs on cut-square with whole blue bicircular cancel. OLDENBURG, ordinary quality - several pieces with thin places or repaired; it is worth seeing, cat. over 9.000€
Starting price: CZK
184413 - 1863 letter to London with Mi.19, Coat of arms 5Gr dark grey
1863 letter to London with Mi.19, Coat of arms 5Gr dark grey - violet, framed CDS DRESDEN, red cancel. PAID and LONDON PAID; "via Belgium" ,very sound condition, cat. min. 300€
Starting price: CZK
184516 - 1869 Mi.K1b, postal stationery cover 1Gr uprated with Mi.3 +
1869 Mi.K1b, postal stationery cover 1Gr uprated with Mi.3 + Mi.5, CDS BONN/ 5.7.69, addressed to France, red cancel. "P.D." + border blue PRUSSE/ 6.JUL.69, on reverse arrival LE HAVRE/ 8.JUIL and whole seal; some minor faults, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
185107 - 1928 Mi.423-424, Zeppelin Graf Zeppelin 2M and 4M; cat. 420
1928 Mi.423-424, Zeppelin "Graf Zeppelin" 2M and 4M; cat. 420€
Starting price: CZK
184103 - 1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, right size 105x148mm;
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, right size 105x148mm; on reverse on upper margin 1 hinge, on stamps 8Pf and 50Pf production gum ommitions and in corners some paper flaws from photo-corners; stamps **, cat. as * 550€
Starting price: CZK
185109 - 1933 Mi.497-498, Zeppelin Chicagofahrt 2M and 4M; perfect, e
1933 Mi.497-498, Zeppelin Chicagofahrt 2M and 4M; perfect, exp. Schlegel BPP, cat. 600€
Starting price: CZK
184107 - 1935 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet OSTROPA, original gum (!), on
1935 Mi.Bl.3, miniature sheet OSTROPA, original gum (!), on reverse traces of white paper and horiz. fold in lower perforation, viewing of quality recommended; cat. 1.100€++
Starting price: CZK
184672 - 1945 Mi.909-910, 909B-910B, SA and SS 12+38Pfg, perforated a
1945 Mi.909-910, 909B-910B, SA and SS 12+38Pfg, perforated and imperforated set (with lower margin with control-numbers)
Starting price: CZK
184732 - 1875 folded letter to Palermo, with Mi.29, framed pmk  LICHT
1875 folded letter to Palermo, with Mi.29, framed pmk LICHTENSTEIN/ CALLNBERG/ 5.I.75; good condition, cat. min. Mi.180€
Starting price: CZK
184510 - 1912 Mi.I, II, two airmail cards FLUGPOST AM RHEIN U. MAIN w
1912 Mi.I, II, two airmail cards FLUGPOST AM RHEIN U. MAIN with 5Pf, Germania and airmail special stamps 10Pfg (small fold) and 20Pf, SSt. MAINZ 12.6.12 and FRANKFURT 20.6.12; in addition official postcard with portrait of Ernst Ludwig Großherzog von Hesse and bei Rhein, POSTKARTENWOCHE DER GROSSHERZOGIN 1912 (Eleonore von Hesse and bei Rhein) with 5Pf + air 10Pf, CDS DARMSTADT
Starting price: CZK
184592 - 1936 2 Reg letters sent to Czechoslovakia with stamps of Sum
1936 2 Reg letters sent to Czechoslovakia with stamps of Summer Olympic Games Mi.609, 610, 611 and 616, and Mi.612-615 with special postmark + complete set with special postmark on cut-squares
Starting price: CZK
183432 - 1937-1945 8 chosen Reg and airmail letters, i.a. Buildings 3
1937-1945 8 chosen Reg and airmail letters, i.a. Buildings 36, Nürburgring Opt 39, Ships 37, C.O.D., corner blocks of four of later issues and others.; interesting set!
Starting price: CZK
182671 - 1935-45 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting remaining accumulation in
1935-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting remaining accumulation in full 16-sheet stockbook A4 + scattered stamps in box A4; hundrets of stamps, also many blocks of four and multiblocks, various issues, i.a. Weapons I., II. and others., complete also incomplete sets, cat. by estimation 3.000€
Starting price: CZK
184709 - 1924-45 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting small collection of Deuts
1924-45 [COLLECTIONS] interesting small collection of Deutsches Reich from 1924 in stockbook A5, contains also better sets, or their parts, i.a. Mi.397, 423-424, Towns, Hindenburg, Coats of arms; part hinged or used, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
183864 - 1929-1933 POLISH POST  Mi.23, 25, 2x Polish Mi.285 with Opt
1929-1933 POLISH POST Mi.23, 25, 2x Polish Mi.285 with Opt "PORT GDANSK"; cat. 260€
Starting price: CZK
183477 - 1921 3 letters franked with stamps Airmail II. , Airmail III
1921 3 letters franked with stamps Airmail II. , Airmail III. and Kogga, 2x CDS DANZIG LUFTPOST, 1 x to Stockholm, 1 x Reg with rarer highest value Mi.118, 20M brown, in addition with airmail transported Reg and Express Ppc with Mi.66-69, CDS DANZIG LUFTPOST, arrival BERLIN C LUFTPOST, valuable selection!
Starting price: CZK
155061 - 1931 DANZIG  Reg and airmail letter to Germany, franked with
1931 DANZIG Reg and airmail letter to Germany, franked with 5 stamps Air exhibition 1932, memorial round DANZIG LUFTPOST AUSSTELLUNG 31.7.32, at the back transit and arrival postmarks; nice
Starting price: CZK
183424 - 1932 DANZIG/ LUPOSTAFAHRT Sie. 170B, card, return flight wit
1932 DANZIG/ LUPOSTAFAHRT Sie. 170B, card, return flight with overprint set Mi.231-235, CDS LUFTRPOST AUSTELLUNG, 2 confirmation cancell. and arrival postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN BODENSEE, cat. 160€ ++
Starting price: CZK
184754 - 1920-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice, almost complete old coll
1920-1939 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, almost complete old collection on sheets in glassine envelopes, contains complete sets, from Mi.1, i.a. Mi.53-62, 73-86, 181-192, 193-201, 202-206, 220-230, then Official Mi.1-14, 41-51 and others.; larger part hinged, but also MNH stamps as Mi.60 etc., cat. for * ca. 1.000€
Starting price: CZK
180839 - 1942 SERBIA  Mi.82-85Klb., printing sheet For poor 2+6D-20+4
1942 SERBIA Mi.82-85Klb., printing sheet For poor 2+6D-20+40D; rare, cat. 450€
Starting price: CZK
183482 - 1941-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, 10 mostly Reg letters with iss
1941-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, 10 mostly Reg letters with issues Buildings, i.a. mixed franking with Mi.69 (150€), also i.a. with Mi.44, 50, 70; in addition 2 frankings with service stamp
Starting price: CZK
183480 - 1942-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/  selection of 10 mostly Reg le
1942-1944 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ selection of 10 mostly Reg letters with frankings A. Hitler. 41-43; i.a. single franking Mi.78 and multiple with Mi.83, both censored and to Riga, mixed franking with rarer Mi.77 (corner piece), in addition dispatch-note with Mi.83+86; interesting
Starting price: CZK
183483 - 1940-1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, selection of 9, mostly Reg let
1940-1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT, selection of 9, mostly Reg letters with frankings of Red Cross 1940, "3 years of General Government", Copernicus - 3x single franking, NSDAP 43, Mi.113
Starting price: CZK
183478 - 1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/  2 letters with A. H. 1941, ordinar
1943 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ 2 letters with A. H. 1941, ordinary and Reg letter with CDS DELATYN - very small village in Ukraine; to Rýnovice u Jablonce (Reinowitz bei Gablonz - LAGER F.A.B., part of C.C. GROSS ROSEN; rare!
Starting price: CZK
183479 - 1941-1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/  selection of 6 Reg letters wi
1941-1942 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ selection of 6 Reg letters with multicolor frankings (i.a. Mi.50, 51, 80), 1x with censorship to VADUZ (!), all with provisional rubber cancel. on Reg labels - CRACOW 5, LEMBERG 1, MSZANA DOLNA, KAMIENSK, WISNIOWA, RADOMSKO; very nice set!
Starting price: CZK
183484 - 1940-1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ set of 8 mostly Reg letters to
1940-1941 GENERAL GOVERNMENT/ set of 8 mostly Reg letters to Germany and to Bohemia-Moravia, with frankings "Overprint" - Viennese issue", mixed franking with solid stamps, i.a. Mi.26, 27, 28, 37 (cat. 100€); simple franking Mi.32 and others.; very interesting set!
Starting price: CZK
184739 - 1943 OSTEN off. envelope of German official post without fra
1943 OSTEN off. envelope of German official post without franking, with pre-printing "Der Leiter der German Post Osten" addressed to Saxony, sent from territory of Poland Poland as Registered + C.O.D. (!), CDS KATTOWITZ 2/ 10.2.43, arrival NEUGERSDORF/ 12.2.43 on reverse; interesting entire, good condition
Starting price: CZK
183502 - 1920-1922 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY - UPPER SILESIA, selection
1920-1922 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY - UPPER SILESIA, selection of 7 letters, from that 3 Reg and 1 Express letter, with correct color and also multiple frankings of issue "Silesian works" 1920 (print Paris), CDS LEOBSCHÜTZ, OPPELN, BRANITZ, UJEST, CARLSRUHE, GLEIWITZ, KATTOWITZ
Starting price: CZK
183496 - 1915-1916 German post in Poland - 6 letters with better fran
1915-1916 German post in Poland - 6 letters with better frankings, 2x Reg LODZ; 5-coloured franking KALISCH to Bern; letter to Tábor with mixed franking WARSCHAU + R. POLAND; Reg letter WILNA with stamps POSTGEBIET; WARSCHAU - POCZTA MIEJSKA 1915 Mi.2a, 9, 10
Starting price: CZK
183497 - 1916 POLAND/ very interesting local printed matter 3Pf CZENS
1916 POLAND/ very interesting local printed matter 3Pf CZENSTOCHAU delivered by local town post with fee 5Pf and violet CDS CZESTOCHOWA MIEJSKI URZAD PRZESILKOWY 26. VI. 1916
Starting price: CZK
183440 - 1944 PROVINCE LAIBACH, Ex post. bank letter with pardoned po
1944 PROVINCE LAIBACH, Ex post. bank letter with pardoned porto and Reg postage due, with Mi.5+P5, CDS VRNJCI
Starting price: CZK
184885 - 1941 SERBIA  comp. of 3 letters franked with overprint issue
1941 SERBIA comp. of 3 letters franked with overprint issue, local censored letter with Mi.3, 1Din CDS BELGRADE, censored letter within Serbia with Mi.5, 2Din CDS KRAGUJEVAC and letter to Bohemia-Moravia with German censorship and with pair of Mi.5, 2Din, CDS NIŠ; perfect
Starting price: CZK
184884 - 1944 SERBIA - 2 Reg letters sent in Serbia, franked with Mi.
1944 SERBIA - 2 Reg letters sent in Serbia, franked with Mi.75+79, 2+7 Din, issue Monasteries, CDS ZAJEČAR, arrival BELGRADE - with atypical Serbian censorship and CDS KRAGUJEVAC 1, arrival KIKINDA; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
184887 - 1943 SERBIA - 2 Reg letters, 1x with pair Mi.79, Monasteries
1943 SERBIA - 2 Reg letters, 1x with pair Mi.79, Monasteries 7Din, both with CDS and Reg label VRŠAC, one from Reg labels rarely with double perf; German censorship OKW, arrival postmark KARLSBAD and FREITAL by Dresden), good condition
Starting price: CZK
184883 - 1943-1944 SERBIA - 2x Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, franked
1943-1944 SERBIA - 2x Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with pair Mi.79, 7Din Monasteries with CDS BELGRADE, arrival PODIEBRAD and Mi.77+79 3+7Din with CDS ČAČAK, arrival PRAG; censorship, perfect condition, in this quality rare!
Starting price: CZK
183476 - 1940-1944 comp. of 5 interesting letters - 2x D. Dienstpost
1940-1944 comp. of 5 interesting letters - 2x D. Dienstpost Osten, Express and Reg; FDC Red Cross 1940; Reg letter with provisional R - label ZAKOPANE and ditto Rzeszow to Ústí n. Labem with multicolor franking of overprint issue from Mi.14
Starting price: CZK
184886 - 1941 SERBIA, FDC Mi.46-49, Surtax Semedria, Reg letter with
1941 SERBIA, FDC Mi.46-49, Surtax Semedria, Reg letter with additional-printing and blue CDS BELGRADE 22.IX.41; cat. 400€
Starting price: CZK
182667 - 1939-45 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT  interesting rem
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT interesting remaining selection in 2 stockbooks A4, contains complete also incomplete sets, blocks, some more often, i.a. Official Mi.16-24 -15x in blocks of four! and others.; cat. by estimation 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
184815 - 1939-45 [COLLECTIONS]  LOTHRINGEN, General Government, ALSAC
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] LOTHRINGEN, General Government, ALSACE etc. collection on hingeless sheets, contains i.a. Lothringen Mi.1-16, General Government almost complete, incl. Mi.35-39, Official Mi.1-15; Luxembourg, Alsace Mi.1-16 etc.; hinged, cat. ca. 200€
Starting price: CZK
170686 - 1946 ALLIED OCCUPATION  Mi.Bl.12A + Bl.12B, souvenir sheet P
1946 ALLIED OCCUPATION Mi.Bl.12A + Bl.12B, souvenir sheet Philatelic Exhibition in Berlin, 2 pcs, 1x perforated, left lower blunt corner + 1x imperforated; cat. 120€
Starting price: CZK
183262 - 1949-1950 3 Reg letters from Bi-Zone i.a. with Mi.101, 102,
1949-1950 3 Reg letters from Bi-Zone i.a. with Mi.101, 102, Bl.1(!) and oths., 2x CDS KREFELD and MARKTREDWITZ; in addition Reg card with Mi.117-120, CDS BAYERBACH, cat. min. 800€
Starting price: CZK
183526 - 1925-1934 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with exact franking o
1925-1934 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with exact franking of 3Fr, Mi.115 (2x), 126, 127, CDS SAARBRÜCKEN; ordinary letter with exact franking 1,5Fr with Mi.126, 127 with rarer CDS SULZBACH and Reg-Ex "Satzbrief" with Mi.171-177, National help; complete set (cat. only these stamps 300€)
Starting price: CZK
183521 - 1931-1935 Reg letter to Frýdek in Moravia, 2x heavier (to 4
1931-1935 Reg letter to Frýdek in Moravia, 2x heavier (to 40gr), with exact franking of 3,90Fr (150Cts abroad + 90Cts weight Surtax + 150Cts) Mi.144(2x), 145-147, CDS VÖLKLINGEN; only Mi.147 in mixed franking 250€, rare letter!
Starting price: CZK
181475 - 1949-1991 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of mint never
1949-1991 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of mint never hinged stamps on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized), 42-60, Block No.1, issue Bells etc., incl. all machine stamps and booklets; only Mi.61-63 used; all luxury quality, cat. more than 7.000€
Starting price: CZK
181476 - 1949-90 [COLLECTIONS]  very nice collection of used stamps o
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection of used stamps on sheets in folder Schaubek, complete from Mi.1-20, 21-34 (expertized, only Mi.33 **), 42-60, Block No.1, 106-109 (exp.) (!), issue Bells etc.; supplemented with several entires, high catalogue value, interesting offer
Starting price: CZK
163341 - 1950 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet DEBRIA, sought block, luxury, c
1950 Mi.Bl.7, souvenir sheet DEBRIA, sought block, luxury, cat. 150€
Starting price: CZK
184851 - 1956-57 VERWALTUNGSPOST A  comp. of 9 letters delivered by C
1956-57 VERWALTUNGSPOST A comp. of 9 letters delivered by Central courier service, various frankings: pair of Mi.6, CDS STOLLBERG; Mi.7, CDS ZWÖNITZ; pair Mi.7, CDS BERLIN; Mi.8, CDS KARL-MARX-STADT; pair Mi.10, CDS RADEBEUL; Mi.11, CDS RUHLA; Mi.12, CDS KARL-MARX-STADT; pair Mi.14, CDS BERLIN; Mi.15, CDS BERLIN; total 8 various values from 3 issues, all small formats, arrival postmarks on reverse, good quality
Starting price: CZK
182729 - 1949-90 [COLLECTIONS]  nice, almost complete collection in 3
1949-90 [COLLECTIONS] nice, almost complete collection in 3 spring folder on hingeless sheets + 1 stockbook A4, contains all better sets and souvenir sheets, as Debria 1950, Marx - Engels, Mao and others.; overall good quality, cat. only better sets and souvenir sheets 2.000€, in addition supplemented with many entires, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
184595 - 1949-55 selection of used stamps, better items as Mi.116, 11
1949-55 selection of used stamps, better items as Mi.116, 118, 120, 141-142, 143-146, 153-154, 159, 171-172 etc.; high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
182730 - 1949-1999 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, complete collection (!),
1949-1999 [COLLECTIONS] very nice, complete collection (!), incl. all better sets and miniature sheets, issue "Horns" without certification; 1960´s and 1990-95 in addition as dublets, supplemented with stockbook with collection Berlin 1969-1986; on hingeless sheets in spring and screw folders, overall very high catalogue value, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
181480 - 1949-76 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of used stamps on sheet KA
1949-76 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps on sheet KA-BE in stockbooks, i.a. Mi.111-1212, 115, 117-120,123-138, 139-140 etc.; high catalogue value, in addition supplemented with stockbook with ca. 350 entires from 1956-76
Starting price: CZK
183278 - 1894 Mi.M48, block-of-10 Eagle 20Pfg (Mi.48) with CDS SHANGH
1894 Mi.M48, block-of-10 Eagle 20Pfg (Mi.48) with CDS SHANGHAI on cut-square from big letter, perfect and rare, cat. 500€++
Starting price: CZK