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1898-1919 selection of 17 stamps Eagle, Germania and Scenes, various issues, i.a. Mi.25 used, Mi.38-45 used, Mi.46a on cut-square (viewing of quality recommended); major-part of the stamps expertised, various quality, high catalogue value U:A5
1892 Reg letter of German-Asia Bank from Shanghai to Bremen, with forerunner Mi.Vc,d,f, Eagle 10, 20, 50Pf issue 1889, CDS DEUTSCHE POSTAGENTUR SHANGHAI 20/6 92, arrival BREMEN 4/8 92; very nice and rare tricolour franking! U:A5
1898 Reg postcard for abroad Eagle Reichspost 20 PARA uprated with Mi.14I, 1Pia, CDS CONSTANTINOPLE, arrival BASEL; very nice U:A5
1890-1909 3 letters with overprint Germania 10 Para, 20Para, 1Pia, 1x newspaper wrapper 5Pf REICHSPOST / 10 Para, CDS JERUSALEM, then 12 overprint postcard 20Para and 2x rarer 10 CENTIMES, i.a. CDS JAFFA, BEIRUT, SMYRNE U:A5
1898-1909 OSTAFRIKA/ letter with 3x Mi.30, CDS IRINGA and 5x postcard with postmarks LINDI, IRINGA, MBAPUA, TANGA, MIKINDANI; overprint postcard 3 PESA with CDS LINDI sent within the colony to BAGAMOYO, rare! U:A5
1900-1914 SÜD-WEST AFRICA/ 8 entires, letter 10Pfg Emperor´s Yacht, overprinted postcard, definitive postcard 5Pf Emperor´s Yacht, 2 Ppc; all postaly used, i.a. rarer CDS OUTJO and HASIS! U:A5
1903-1913 13 Ppc and 6 postcards, Kiauchau, Cameroon, Togo, N. Guinea, Südwest Africa, Ostafrika; all used; several better CDS - MATUPI, DUALA, EDEA, and oths. U:A5
1895-1916 [COLLECTIONS] nice small collection of German colonies, from Deutsch-Neuguinea - Togo, also Morocco and China, incomplete, but some sets also complete, incl. highest Emperor´s Yacht stamps, most of stamps unused; placed on sheets from old collection, catalogue min. 2.000€ U:K
1898-1918 [COLLECTIONS] MARIANA ISL., SÜDWEST AFRICA, SAMOA, EAST AFRICA, TOGO etc. comp. of stamps of German colonies on 4 cards A4, contains various issues: Eagle and Emperor´s Yacht incl. some higher values and better pieces, in addition supplemented with 8 entires; various quality, high catalogue value, all described U:O4
1912 BAVARIA SEMIOFFICIAL AIRMAIL ISSUE airmail PC of Bavarian Aeroclub 5Pf + 25pf BAEC, special postmark FLUGPOST MUNICH 12.12.12.; interesting U:A5
1912 AIRMAIL - RHINE: Mi.10/04, airmail postcard franked with 5Pf Germania + 3x air stamps Mi.III, 30Pf green, CDS DARMSTADT 23.6.12; wrinkled margins and small stains, quality should be inspected, after all interesting entire, cat. 450€ U:A5
1929 1. AMERIKAFAHRT card to New York, franked with airmail stamps Mi.379-382 and postage stamp Mi.411, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.MAI.29, blue circle flight cachet, arrival postmark U:A5
1929 Deutscher Katapultflug (catapult flight)/ Dampfer Bremen / New York, red oval pmk from 20.8.29 on airmail Ppc to Czechoslovakia, posting MC Deutsch Amerik. Sea post/ Bremen - New York 19.8.29, supplemented with red cancel. Mit Katapultflug, with Mi.A379, 381, arrival postmark ŽAROŠICE 31.VIII.29; small torn in upper margin, photo-PC of ship Bremen U:A5
1929 WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929 letter addressed to Japan, with Mi.424, Zeppelin 4M, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 15.Aug.29, red flight cachet and red straight line postmark FRIEDRICHSHAFEN - TOKIO; light fold U:A5
1929 WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929 card to USA, with Mi.424, Zeppelin 4M and airmail 1M, Mi.382, CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, red flight cachet and green cachet with arrival cancel. LAKEHURST U:A5
1930 Ppc Zeppelin LZ 127 to Berlin, with Mi.382, Airmail 1M, red GÖRLIZC POSTHILFSSTELLE 5.OKT.30, and FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 6.10.30, red and blue cancel. "MIT LUFTSHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN..." U:A5
1931 1. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT airmail letter transported by zeppelin LZ 127, addressed to Děčín! (Czechoslovakia), with Mi.424, CDS BERLIN 29.8.31, round cancel CORREIO AREO RIO 4.XI.31, green flight cachet; good condition, decorative U:A5
1931 POLARFAHRT 1931 letter forwarded by airship LZ 127, with Mi.458, Polar flight 4RM (!), cancel. LUFTSCHIFF GRAFZEPPELIN 2.5.1931, red flight cachet and cancel. BRISE-GLACE MALYGIN 27.VII.31; only Mi.458 as simple franking cat. 1.100€, rare, decorative entire U:A5
1933 SÜDAMERIKA CHICAGOFAHRT card to Brazil, forwarded by airship LZ 127, i.a. franked with stamp Mi.496, Chicagofahrt 1M, CDS BERLIN 13.10.33, red trigonal flight cachet + additional cachet of connecting flight from Berlin, arrival postmark RIO DE JANEIRO U:A5
1936 1. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT, card to Rio De Janiero, Sie.403, franked with Mi.603, 606, 607, board and confirmation cancell. EUROPA-SÜDAMERIKA; then 1. NORDAMERIKAFAHRT, envelope LZ 129 with additional-printing, Sie.406, franked with Mi.530, 532, 606, 607; attractive set U:A5
1938-1939 FAHRT IN DER BEFREITE SUDETENLAND, 4x LZ130, 1x card WIR DANKEN UNSERM FÜHRER, 3x "Abwurf" cancel. REICHENBERG 3 2.12.38, all with better frankings - mixed franking with Mi.669, single franking corner Mi.683(!), single franking with Mi.537, single franking Mi.535; in addition letter LZ130 from one from last flight at all - FAHRT NACH GÖRLITZ 16.7.39 with Mi.528 U:A5
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] GDR, BERLIN, GDR, ZONES selection of dublets, estate of dealer, postwar issues of Germany, mint never hinged, also part hinged or used, various complete sets as for example. GDR Mi.286-288 **, miniature sheet Goethe and others.; placed in full 14-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value U:Z