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1852 Mi.1-3, William III. 5C-15C with circular postmarks; chosen pieces, cat. for cheapest types 200€ U:A5
1852 Mi.1-3, Willem III., 5C-15C, comp. of 13 stamps incl. Mi.3b; very nice set, perfect margins and chosen pmk, cat. min. 730€ U:A5
1852 Mi.1-3, William III., complete set of plates of the first issue, values 5C plate 1-6, 10C plate 1-10 and 15C plate 1, 17 pcs; various cancel., overall wide margins and fine quality; cat. min. 600€ U:A5
1864 Mi.4-6, 7-12, Willem III. 2. and 3. issue, complete, 20 stamps, various types, perf and colors, Mi.12 50C gold 2x I. + II. short teeth, otherwise all very nice, cat. min. 1.100€ U:A5
1864 Mi.4-6, William III. 5C-15C; cat. 140€ U:A5
1867 Mi.7-12, King Willem III. 5C-50C; cat. for cheapest types 365€ U:A5
1896 Mi.46, 47C, 48, Wilhelmine 50C, 1G with line perforation 11 and 5G (1x short tooth); used, rare set, cat. 590€ U:A5
1906-32 Mi.69-71, 134-135, 243-244 and 249-252, 453-456; selection of 5 complete sets; cat. 295€ U:A5
1920 Mi.99-100, 2 overprints Wilhlemine 2.50G/10G; cat. 200€ U:A5
1923 Mi.132-133, Queen Wilhelmine 2,50G and 5G; highest values, cat. 450€ U:A5
1924 Mi.138-140, Wilhelmíne 10C-35C; complete set with exhibition cancel., cat. 150€ U:A5
1928 Mi.205C-212A, Summer Olympic Games Amsterdam 1½; - 30C; complete set, cat. 200€ U:A5
1913-18 Mi.1-8, official 1C-10C with Opt "ARMENWET"; cat. 250€ U:A5
1907-40 Mi.9-15, 16-19, two official sets COUR PERMANENTE DE JUSTICE INTERNATIONALE + highest values of Postage due stsmps 1907 25C-1G, Mi.39-41; cat. 232€ U:A5
1884 Mi.1-7, Numerals 1G-10G; complete used set, cat. 400€, rare U:A5
1928 Mi.205-212, Olympic set 1½C-30C on official sheet Universala Esperanto Asocio for Olympiad 1928, with cancel. OLYMPIADE AMSTERDAM STADIO NEGENDE; interesting U:A4
1867-1876 8 letters from classic period, 3x Mi.8, William III. 10C, Mi.21,22 (both to Kamenický Šenov), Mi.27, 50C on letter to Batavia with cancel. NED.INDIE VIA MARSEILLES FRANSCHE PAKKETB.; in addition printed matter with Mi.31a Coat of arms 1C and COB 12½C U:A5
1903-1921 11 letters, mostly to Bohemia with issues Wilhelmina 1899 etc., COB 12½C + Mi.60, Reg to Russia; strip-of-5 Mi.101; Ex- with atypical label to Kraslice; 2x Mi.78, 4x 54A; uprated letter-card etc. U:A5
1923-1939 11 letters (8x as Registered) and 1 Ppc with better frankings, i.a. "Vor het kind" - Mi.164-166, 236-239, 245-248 (2x), 253-256, ANVV 1932 (2) and oths., mostly to Czechoslovakia U:A5
1932-1946 9 air-mail letters, to Batavia, Czechoslovakia, Johannesburg, New York; i.a. 5x with Mi.242, from that 3 stamps with better perf B; first flight Nederland-Zuid Africa; first flight KLM over Atlantic; envelope KLM the first flight Amsterdam-Batavia 1935; Express letter to Prague by air mail through Berlin with cancel. LIUFTPOST BEFÖRDERT ZWEIGLUFTPOSTAMT BERLIN; attractive letter with label of the Club Concordia by airmail through Paris and then with Czechoslovak Airlines; returned letter to Batavia with label of INCONN as "Dead Letter" after 3 months etc.; interesting selection U:A5
1933 2 Reg letters with imperforated Wilhelmina Mi.110, 111, pair 10C and 5+10C marginal pieces with control-numbers + other postage stamps, to Prague; interesting U:A5
1942-1944 8 letters, money letter for Dr. Gilbert, 3x C.O.D. (i.a. rare multiple franking of 6x Mi.422), 1 Ex, 2 Reg and official (!) Reg and Express with block of four Legion Mi.402; censorships, all to Bohemia-Moravia and G. Gouvernement; interesting and chosen frankings! U:A4
1947-1955 selection of 14 Reg and Ex- letters, "Satzbriefe" i.a. with better sets as Mi.557-557, 558-562; cat. only stamps 410€ U:A4
1950-1959 selection of 27 FDC incl. rare Voor het kind Mi.565-569 and strong year 1952; cat. 1.430€ U:A4