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1855 Mi.1, Coat of arms 4Sk blue with whole line round cancell.; perfect piece U:A5
1855 Mi.1, 2x Coat of arms 4Sk blue, with whole numeral cancel. "42" (CHRISTIANIA) and "72"; very fine, rare offer! U:A5
1856 Mi.2-5, Oscar I. 2Sk-8Sk, always light and dark color shade; perfect quality, 3Sk with rarer CDS PORSGRUND, cat. 474€ U:A5
1856-1863 Mi.3, 8, set of 11 stamps 4Sk Oscar I. and Coat of arms, 1x hand obliteration, interesting postmarks - blue CRISTIANIA, rare STOT (Støtt), FLEKKEFJORD, NISSEDAL and oths.; rare set! U:A5
1863 Mi.6-10, Coat of arms 2Sk-24Sk; complete set in perfect quality, cat. 760€ U:A5
1863 Mi.11-15, incl. 13a, 13b and 15a,15b, Coat of arms 1Sk-8Sk; complete set with rarer shades 3Sk red-viloet, clear print and 8Sk pink, clear print (expertised), better cancel. HELGELAND, KRAGERO and TONSBERG; very nice set, cat. 855€, Mi.15b is rare! U:A5
1872 Mi.16-21, Posthorn 1Sk-7Sk, 10 stamps, i.a. 2Sk blue and grey-blue, 4Sk issue 1872 and 1875 Mi.19a,19e; very nice quality, cat. min. 605€ U:A5
1881 letter from Christiania to Kongsvinger, extra paid and redirected to Eidskogen, after some time returned with return stamp RETOURMARKE Mi.IIa "uindlöst" green; CDS CHRISTIANIA 14.IX.81, KONGSVINGER 16.9.81, EIDSSKOG. 5.3.82 (!), CHRISTIANIA 11.III.82; very rare, very fine quality, only stamp 750€ U:A5