Auction 50 / Philately / Europe / Austria

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182759 - 1821 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Vienna on paper
1821 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Vienna on paper with printed revenue 6 Kreuzer, straight line postmark STERNBERG (Vot.2335/2.=180b), in front also on reverse notes by ruddle and paper seal; sought, good condition
Starting price: CZK
184553 - 1822 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Police headquar
1822 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Police headquarters in Prague, with straight line postmark V. BERAUN (Vot.116/1.=120b.), in front also on reverse notes by ruddle, on reverse datestamp "8/7"; inside handwritten notice "sehr dring" ("very urgent"); small format, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
184554 - 1824-49 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Písek, blac
1824-49 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Písek, black oval pmk WITTINGAU (Třeboň, Vot.2659/2.=85b.), note by ruddle "4" and on reverse whole seal + folded letter to Prague with 2-lines blue cancel. WITTINGAU/ 24JAN. (Vot.2659/4.=80b.), on reverse arrival PRAG/ 25.JAN/ ABENDS and paper seal; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
183997 - 1827 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Mikulov, single
1827 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Mikulov, single line cancel. POSORITZ + 6,XII (Vot.1852/1.=80), nice print, interesting entire, fine condition
Starting price: CZK
170923 - 1827-47 CZECH LAND  3 letters sent from Jindřichův Hradec:
1827-47 CZECH LAND 3 letters sent from Jindřichův Hradec: cover with oval cancel. NEUHAUS (catalogue Votoček. č.1550/2.) + 2 folded letters with blue cancel. NEUHAUS/ 21 März (catalogue Votoček. č.1550/5. and 1550/12.); on all postmasters notes by red raddle, nice postal imprints, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
184031 - 1828 CZECH LANDS/ letter with red cancel. ZDITZ, half porto
1828 CZECH LANDS/ letter with red cancel. ZDITZ, half porto 6 Kreuzer placené recipient, weight/scale 1/2 Lothu, sent via Čáslav, oval pmk CZASLAU; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
184492 - 1833-1835 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Olomouc to Slavkov (Au
1833-1835 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Olomouc to Slavkov (Austerlitz), the first from 1833 with rare decorative arc Reg cancell. RECOMMANDIRT OLMÜTZ, marked "Nota bene" porto 6 Kreuzer and on reverse reccomendation charge 4Kr, notice "gegen Aufgabsrezepisse, Porto anzubringen an die Parthey"; other from year 1835 with arc OLMÜTZ, weight 1/2 Lothu; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
184552 - 1834 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Liberec, with
1834 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Liberec, with blue oval cancel. TROPPAU (Vot.2460/2.=140b.), on reverse whole paper seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
184551 - 1834 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Liberec, with
1834 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Liberec, with straight line postmark V: CARLSBAD (Vot.958/2.=180b.), on reverse whole paper seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
183449 - 1834-1837 CZECH LANDS/  2 letters from Olomouc to Slavkov (A
1834-1837 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Olomouc to Slavkov (Austerlitz) with decorative cancel. OLMÜTZ and RECOMANDIRT OLMÜTZ; nice print
Starting price: CZK
182758 - 1834-35 CZECH LANDS/ selection of: a) folded letter with can
1834-35 CZECH LANDS/ selection of: a) folded letter with cancel. HRADISCH in decorative elipse (Vot.2503/3 =90 points); b) folded letter addressed to Vienna, straight line postmark WISCHAU (Vot.2649/3a =40b) + date cancellation "8/4", note by ruddle "6"(Kr) and on reverse red cancel. "FRANCO" (30 pt); good quality
Starting price: CZK
184190 - 1835 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter to Milevsko with single lin
1835 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter to Milevsko with single line cancel. NEUHAUS in green color (Vot.1550/3.); sound condition
Starting price: CZK
184563 - 1835-46 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Brno, black
1835-46 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Brno, black oval pmk WISCHAU + date 25/8 (Vyškov, Vot.2649/2a=50.), note by ruddle and on reverse torn paper seal + folded letter with fine blue straight line postmark WISCHAU + date pmk 27/8 (Vot.2649/4.=120b.), stroke ruddle; both fine quality
Starting price: CZK
184082 - 1836 CZECH LANDS/  off. blank used as folded letter addresse
1836 CZECH LANDS/ off. blank used as folded letter addressed to Mikulov, black straight line postmark UHRŽITZ; on reverse broken seal, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
184192 - 1837 CZECH LANDS/  cover letter to Hodkovice, with atypical
1837 CZECH LANDS/ cover letter to Hodkovice, with atypical cancel. MÜNCHENGRAETZ/ K.u.K.. ÖST. BÖHM. BRIEF/ U: FAHRPOST (Vot.1472/2.=260b!); sought cancel., well readable print, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
183995 - 1837 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with rare decorative cancel
1837 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with rare decorative cancel. RECOMANDIRT/ OLMUTZ (Vot.3090.=160b), on reverse arrival framed pmk BRÜNN/10.JUNI 837 and broken seal; good condition
Starting price: CZK
184086 - 1838 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter addressed to Brno, luxury r
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Brno, luxury red cancel. FRANCO/ WISCHAU (Vot.2966=220b); fine quality!, suitable for exhibit
Starting price: CZK
183555 - 1838 CZECH LANDS/  folded letter with black frame cancel. PO
1838 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with black frame cancel. POHRLITZ FRANCO (Vot.2957=300b), on reverse marked porto 6(kr); nice quality, rare postmark!
Starting price: CZK
182709 - 1838-49 selection of 3 folded letters with postmarks K.K.B.S
1838-49 selection of 3 folded letters with postmarks K.K.B.S./ KUNSTADT in oval, Vot.1179/1, straight line postmark KUNSTADT, Vot.1179/2, supplemented with letter with straight line postmark LETOWITZ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
183992 - 1839 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with single line cancel. GOL
1839 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with single line cancel. GOLDENBRUNN (Zlatá Studně) in black color (Vot.618/1.), date "30/11" additionally written hand-made, addressed to Přibyslav; on reverse datestamp "2/12" and paper seal; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
183453 - 1840-1846 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from north Moravia, with bl
1840-1846 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from north Moravia, with blue cancel. MÄR. OSTRAU and rarer decorative FREYBERG IN MÄHREN, nice prints, both to Slavkov (Austerlitz)
Starting price: CZK
183994 - 1840? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with 2-lines cancel. NIKOLS
1840? CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with 2-lines cancel. NIKOLSBURG/ 21 JUN (Vot.1609/4.) + atypical rare framed pmk NICOLSBURG/ FRANCO (Vot.2954.=220!) type C.155 /illustrated in Monography No.14, p. 348/; addressed to Žďár, on reverse fine cancel. SAAR/ 25.JUN. and handwritten note. "9"
Starting price: CZK
183454 - 1841 CZECH LANDS /  letter with rare arc frame cancel. MAEHR
1841 CZECH LANDS / letter with rare arc frame cancel. MAEHR: NEUSTADT, additional date "4/5"a FRANCO, to Slavkov, porto 12kr paid by sender
Starting price: CZK
183996 - 1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with sought decorative cance
1841 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter with sought decorative cancel. POHRLITZ/ RECOMANDIRT (Vot.3093.=200!), in front postmaster note by ruddle, on reverse datestamp "29.Jän. 841"; fine condition
Starting price: CZK
184084 - 1843 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Uherský Brod,
1843 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Uherský Brod, black straight line postmark HRADISCH (Vot.2503/5.=90b) framed pmk FRANCO (Vot.2932=150b), on reverse ruddle "9"; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
182760 - 1843-44 set of 2 letters, 1x from 1843 addressed to Purkensd
1843-44 set of 2 letters, 1x from 1843 addressed to Purkensdorf /Lower Austria/ with 2-lines cancel. KAPLITZ/ 14 DECB: (Vot.954/3. + 1x from 1844 with 2-lines blue cancel. BRÜNN/ 28 NOV. (Vot.241/10.); nice imprints, good condition
Starting price: CZK
183958 - 1848-1849 CZECH LANDS/  2 letters from Brno to Olomouc, blue
1848-1849 CZECH LANDS/ 2 letters from Brno to Olomouc, blue cancel. BRÜNN + red FRANCO, and red BRÜNN / FRANCO + rare blue frame NACH ABGANG DER POST; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
184081 - 1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Přibyslav, fin
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Přibyslav, fine red 2-lines cancel. SAAR/ FRANCO (Žďár, Vot.2964a=300b!) + datestamp "26.FEB.", on reverse arrival datestamp "26/2" and torn paper seal
Starting price: CZK
183998 - 1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Chrlice, blue f
1850 CZECH LANDS/ folded letter addressed to Chrlice, blue framed pmk RAYGERN with hand-made date "11/5" (Rajhrad, Vot.687/3a=100b), on reverse arrival 2-lines blue cancel. BRÜNN/ 11.MAI.; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
183554 - 1850 CZECH LANDS/ letter causa criminali with oval postm. FR
1850 CZECH LANDS/ letter "causa criminali" with oval postm. FRAINERSDORF 26. FEB, (Vranovská Ves), (Vot.544 1a=160); nice quality, rare postmark
Starting price: CZK
183556 - 1830-1843 Upper Hungary (Slovakia)/  nobiliary letter V.EPER
1830-1843 Upper Hungary (Slovakia)/ nobiliary letter V.EPERJES and front side of decorative letter V.CASCHAU sent to countess Marie Anna de Szirmay, in addition letter V.TOKAY addressed to Lucsivnand (Lučivná ?), interesting!
Starting price: CZK
183450 - 1837-1846 POLAND/ 2 letters from Polish territory, cancel. B
1837-1846 POLAND/ 2 letters from Polish territory, cancel. BOCHNIA and rarer IAWOROW, to Náchod and Slavkov, weight up to 1/2 Loth with porto 12kr and weight 1 Loth; nice quality
Starting price: CZK
183451 - 1832 AUSTRIA/ letter from Neunkirchenu (Austria) to Slavkov
1832 AUSTRIA/ letter from Neunkirchenu (Austria) to Slavkov (Austerlitz), decorative postmark, Franko 12kr paid as 9 Kreuzer by sender and 3 Kreuzer paid by recipient - Oberamt Austerlitz
Starting price: CZK
184995 - 1830-1900 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 40 pre-philatelic and
1830-1900 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 40 pre-philatelic and Ex offo letters, supplemented with 29 receipts, one telegram and 29 certificates of mailing, various postmarks as: JAMNITZ, MILLIN, JESSENITZ, IGLAU, BRÜNN etc.; mainly good condition, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
184040 - 1850 strip-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr, Ferch.1I HP orange on cut
1850 strip-of-3 Coat of arms 1 Kr, Ferch.1I HP orange on cut-square with single-circle CDS ALTENBURG 28/2, right stamp in margin bend; cat. Ferchenbauer 1.200€
Starting price: CZK
185113 - 1850 Ferch.1Y MP, type III, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow with pa
1850 Ferch.1Y MP, type III, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow with part of cancel. PRAG 24/7; certificate Puschmann
Starting price: CZK
183314 - 1850 Mi.1X, Ferch.1HIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr T III. HP, kadmiu
1850 Mi.1X, Ferch.1HIII, Coat of arms 1 Kr T III. HP, "kadmiumgelb", on cut-square from printed-matter, CDS GRATZ, significant color; very nice piece, cat. 190€
Starting price: CZK
183279 - 1850 Mi.1Y, Ferch.1III HP, 1 Kr yellow type III on cut-squar
1850 Mi.1Y, Ferch.1III HP, 1 Kr yellow type III on cut-square with CDS BRAUNHIRSCHEN (today suburb of Vienna); very nice piece
Starting price: CZK
183611 - 1850 Ferch.2, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer HP type Ia, silvery gre
1850 Ferch.2, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer HP type Ia, silvery grey "silbergrau" (rare pale shade), Erstdruck, in addition with plate flaw Ferch.PF7, CDS WIEN; perfect quality, exp. Seitz, only for common color "silbergrau" cat. 850€, this piece with premium
Starting price: CZK
183602 - 1850 Ferch.2MP IIIa,IIIb, block of 8 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer
1850 Ferch.2MP IIIa,IIIb, block of 8 Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black, CDS BRUCK A/D LEITHA (Lower Austria), in addition JOINED TYPE IIIa+IIIb (7. and 8. stamps); variously repaired, signs of age, exp. G. Bühler + 1; unique multiple, cat. for 2x single blocks of 4: 19.800€!!
Starting price: CZK
183615 - 1850 Ferch.3, strip-of-3, 3 Kreuzer, HP joined types Ia+Ia+I
1850 Ferch.3, strip-of-3, 3 Kreuzer, HP joined types Ia+Ia+Ib; CDS LEMBERG, perfect and very rare multiple with certificate Ferchenbauer. "attraktives Prachtstück", cat. ca. 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
183614 - 1850 Ferch.3, 3 Kreuzer MP IIIb rosarot, with upper margin 2
1850 Ferch.3, 3 Kreuzer MP IIIb rosarot, with upper margin 20mm - full sheet margin, on small cut-square with CDS LANDSKRON; perfect piece, exp. by Ferchenbauer.., cat. shows margin max. 15mm; extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
183603 - 1850 Ferch.3HPIIIa, 11x 3 Kreuzer rosa type IIIa on cut-squa
1850 Ferch.3HPIIIa, 11x 3 Kreuzer rosa type IIIa on cut-square from letter to Lovosic, CDS BRÜX, i.a. significant plate flaw Ferch.PF116; 2 stamps with light bend, otherwise perfect, especially wide margins; cat. by estimation min. 3.000€; extraordinary offer, scarce
Starting price: CZK
183612 - 1850 Ferch.4, 6 Kreuzer HP type Ib, on ribbed (geripptes) pa
1850 Ferch.4, 6 Kreuzer HP type Ib, on ribbed (geripptes) paper, on small cut-square with CDS BRAUNAU IN BOHEMIA; perfect quality, certificates Puschmann, Ferchenbauer, Seitz, cat. 3.000€++, very rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
184207 - 1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, nice selection of 3
1850 Mi.4, Coat of arms 6 Kreuzer brown, nice selection of 32 stamps, from that 15x on small cut-squares, various types, hand-made also machine made paper, wide margins, color shades, many interesting postmarks, 1x "Erstdruck"; from old collection
Starting price: CZK
183620 - 1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP type I with CDS TEMESVAR; double
1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP type I with CDS TEMESVAR; double paper crease, from that one very wide, perfect piece with certificate Mgr. Kopřiva, cat. LP!
Starting price: CZK
183619 - 1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP type I., CDS TARNOW, rare BALKEN
1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP type I., CDS TARNOW, rare BALKEN at top also lower, both over whole width of stamp, in addition offset; certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. min. 1.200€; very rare
Starting price: CZK
183613 - 1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP IIa, light blue, with very wide p
1850 Ferch.5, 9 Kreuzer HP IIa, light blue, with very wide paper crease, CDS TRIESTE; certificate Ferchenbauer., cat. LP!, paper crease of these size are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
183355 - 1850 Ferch.5IIIa HP, 9 Kreuzer IIIa plate 5, legendary GESTR
1850 Ferch.5IIIa HP, 9 Kreuzer IIIa plate 5, legendary GESTREIFTES PAPIER (laid paper), CDS PRAG 29.5; perfect quality, exp. Friedl, certificates Matl and Eichele, cat. Ferchenbauer 18.500€; very rare, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
182710 - 1850 cover with 3 Kreuzer, the first issue, Mi.3, MP, type I
1850 cover with 3 Kreuzer, the first issue, Mi.3, MP, type IIIb, CDS BRÜNN 17/2; wide margins, good condition
Starting price: CZK
184507 - 1850 comp. of 10 letters - 7x 3 Kreuzer, 2x 9 Kreuzer, 1x 6
1850 comp. of 10 letters - 7x 3 Kreuzer, 2x 9 Kreuzer, 1x 6 Kreuzer, incl. I. types and hand made papers, CDS CZASLAU, BODENBACH, GROTTAU, SEMLIN, ZWIKAU and oths.; some bends or folds, otherwise nice
Starting price: CZK
184504 - 1850 selection of 5 letters - 6 Kreuzer Type III. MP with CD
1850 selection of 5 letters - 6 Kreuzer Type III. MP with CDS ZLIN, 6 Kreuzer III MP with BUTSCHOWITZ, 9 Kreuzer III HP with NEU-RAUSSNITZ, 9 Kreuzer IIa HP, WIEN - very small format, 9 Kreuzer IIIb HP CLAUSENBURG; in addition larger cut-square with corner 3 Kreuzer IIIb type with decorative CDS J.BUNZLAU, all except 3 Kreuzer with complete margins, cat. min. 700€ and 70MüP
Starting price: CZK
184239 - 1851-56 set of 8 letters, with 3 Kreuzer (2x), 6 Kreuzer (2x
1851-56 set of 8 letters, with 3 Kreuzer (2x), 6 Kreuzer (2x) and 9 Kreuzer (4x) - 2 pcs addressed to Belgrade!, good margins, letter with 6 Kreuzer type Ib with CDS RICHENBURG very early usage 7.4.1851 (!); in addition 1 front side with stamp 9 Kreuzer, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
182761 - 1853-54 selection of 4 letters of the first issue, contains
1853-54 selection of 4 letters of the first issue, contains letter addressed to Stein with 6 Kreuzer type III., CDS PILSEN/ 10.6., on reverse transit pmk EGER + 3 letters with 9 Kreuzer type III., addressed to Padua (2x) and to Ischl, CDS WIEN (2x) and TRIESTE; good quality
Starting price: CZK
184039 - 1855 printed matter to Brno with Mi.1Ib MP, Coat of arms 1 K
1855 printed matter to Brno with Mi.1Ib MP, Coat of arms 1 Kr ochre, wide margins, 2-lines OLMÜTZ 22.NOV.; cat. Ferchenbauer 500€
Starting price: CZK
184253 - 1850-57 [COLLECTIONS]  very interesting selection of 124 sta
1850-57 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection of 124 stamps of the first issue, values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, wide margins, part better types, also color shades and may interesting postmarks; all identified and described (types, plates, varieties papers, first prints, plate flaws, underlaid middles, etc.), from old collection, rare chance!, on 5 sides of A4 cards
Starting price: CZK
184209 - 1858 Mi.10 + Mi.13-15, selection of 25 stamps, from that 2x
1858 Mi.10 + Mi.13-15, selection of 25 stamps, from that 2x unused (regummed) and 8x on small cut-squares, 1x 5+10Kr T II., color shades and interesting cancel. (Sebenico, red Reg Wien, Vorderberg, etc.;
Starting price: CZK
184543 - 1858 Mi.11II, Franz Joseph I 3 Kreuzer black, type II with C
1858 Mi.11II, Franz Joseph I 3 Kreuzer black, type II with CDS WIEN; nice piece, cat. 230€
Starting price: CZK
183651 - 1858 St. Andrew's cross, large red, from sheet of 5 Kreuzer
1858 St. Andrew's cross, "large" red, from sheet of 5 Kreuzer stamps, 2 dots L - plate mark; with commercial cancel. JOS. LUSTIG/ KARDAŠ ŘEČICE, cat. for * 125€, perfect quality, interesting
Starting price: CZK
184047 - 1858-59 St. Andrew's Cross: comp. of 4 pcs - yellow, red, br
1858-59 St. Andrew's Cross: comp. of 4 pcs - yellow, red, brown (thin place) and blue; all type I., cat. ANK (*) 235€
Starting price: CZK