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1873 Mi.131, block of 28, Hispania 50C ultramarine, 8x plate flaw "white stain in left frame"; cat. only as single basic stamps 336€ U:A5
1937 8 miniature sheets of local Surtax issue from both war sides during the Spanish Civil War, some unusual i.a. FOR SEGOVIA; ESPAŇA LIBRE 4x 1Pts; CATALUNYA 5Cts 11.9.37; 4-coloured miniature sheet CERVANTES with CDS 29.9.37; ARIBA ESPAŇA FOR RODANAS; ministerial print MADRID FOR HUERFANOS 5Pts etc. U:A4
1936-1939 10 letters from period of Spanish civil war 1936-1939; some rarer censorships of Republicans and Nationalists, VIGO (Galicia), LA CORUŇA, SALAMANCA, CAMPAMENTO, TENERIFE, SAN SEBASTIÁN, TORRELAVEGA (Cantabria) and also better franking - Mi.Bl.9 on letter from Burgos 10.2.38 to Switzerland; airmail Islas Canarias Mi.53a etc., additional cancel. "Arriba Espaňa" and "Viva Espaňa", 3x to Czechoslovakia; chosen entires! U:A4
1936-1939 set of 11 letters from period of civil war, censorship of Republican and also Nationalist sides, several interesting frankings i.a. local Surtax FOR SEVILLA, FOR MALAGA, state issue PONTEVEDRA Mi.VII and Mi.24, Franko issue "José Antonio" (Falanga) 10Cts used in Barcelona U:A5
1937-1938 2 letters with postage and Surtax stamps - Municipal Ronda 5Cts and Cruzada contra del frio Mi.9, rarer censorship from towns RONDA and VIGO and especially atypical propagandistic cancel. VIVA ESPAŇA - HEIL HITLER and SALUDO A FRANCO - ARRIBA ESPAŇA; very nice quality U:A5
1937-1939 letter with local Franco issue for Malaga; almost whole set Mi.1-20 "Arriba Espaňa! Málaga Liberada 8.8.37" incl. 10C, 1Pt and express 20C, in addition Surtax For Malaga, CDS CERTIFICADO MÁLAGA, arrival SEVILLA; in addition letter from San Sebastian to Sudetenland with set Mi.795-796, Correo Aereo and Mi.811-816 Isabela; perfect quality U:A5
1939-1947 selection of 12 airmail letters with nice frankings, censorships and especially commercial added-print, 2x Rizo - Alicante additional printing on complete front side; addressed to Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Germany, Bulgaria; chosen entires! U:A5
1937-1942 Mi.Bl.7 * and 2x with CDS BURGOS, Surtax Barcelona Mi.Bl.3, 4, 9, 11, 12; cat. 225€, in addition 22 Surtax miniature sheets 1936-1939 of Republican also Franco local issues, interesting set! U:O4