1944 FRANCE Mi.516-531, Marschall Pétain, incomplete set, values 60c - 5F with black overprint "Czechoslovakia/ FOREIGN MAIL 1944", in addition 2x value 4F and 2x 4,50F with blue overprint, various formats stamps; total 18 pcs of, mint never hinged
1944 FRANCE Mi.557-560, Mercure 10c - 50c, complete set with overprint "Czechoslovakia/ FOREIGN MAIL 1944" in violet color + values 10c and 30c in horiz. gutters and values 40c and 50c with overprint "Czechoslovakia/ FOREIGN MAIL 1944" in black color also on coupons; mint never hinged
1944 FRANCE Mi.557-560, Mercure 10c - 50c, complete set in/at corner blocks of four with dates of print, all with overprint "Czechoslovakia/ FOREIGN MAIL 1944" in violet color; mint never hinged
1944 FRANCE Mi.624-629, Personalities XVII. century, complete set with upper margin counter sheet, overprint "Czechoslovakia/ FOREIGN MAIL 1944" on stmp also on/for upper margins, in violet color; mint never hinged
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 57 pcs of entires with Pof.353 as Printed matter, with various provisory cancel., or with rubber cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945", line also smaller post, for example. Borovnice by/on/at Stará Paka, Borovnička, Břvany, Heřmanova Huť (red), Heřmanovice (blue), etc.; on čtvrtkách paper, ex Herout, good condition
Pof.354Mx-356Mx(4), Košice-issue - small crosses, complete set 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna, from that value 5 Koruna Pof.355b light grey, good margins; quality selection of, c.v.. 28.000CZK
Pof.354Ms(4)-356Ms(4), Košice-issue 2 Koruna red - 6 Koruna blue, selection of R and L upper 32-pásů with sheet margins, total 16x 4-stamps. vert. gutter all three values, bands vznikly after/around detachment/section big crosses; blocks Košice issue are sought, cat. only as gutter 8.000CZK, overall very fine, very interesting offer
Pof.353-359, comp. 12 pcs of bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate mark, values 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna after/around 1 plate mark, other values after/around 2 plate mark; mint never hinged
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS, 2 pcs of, production defects, 1x light shifted print red color + 5 Koruna stamp. with kroužkem after/behind numeral "5", and 1x on stmp 5 Koruna grey-black significant circle on/for bradě
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, field 13, combination 221 (according to Čtvrtečka); rare combination, last piece from same zdroje - see auction 48 and 49; at upper margin promáčnutý paper and small fold
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with production flaw production flaw No.1 "blue stain in helmet on stmp 6 Koruna"; sought by specialists, R lower on/for several places lightly dented paper, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 6.000CZK
1945 comp. 2 pcs of philatelically influenced letters, 1x Reg and airmail letter to USA, franked 2-stamps. vert. gutters Pof.354Ms-356Ms, 3x CDS with wrong set up year PRAGUE 33/ 5.X.44 in front also on reverse, 2 various arrival postmark NEW YORK/ 19.OCT.1945 on reverse; exp. Tribuna + 1x letter franked with. Košice miniature sheet Pof.A360/362 with nationalized CDS MLADOTICE 30.I.46
1945Pof.389 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 20h red, LR corner blk-of-4, inverted comb perforation; in addition it is perf comb 6 (1x 200 pcs of) from jediného still doloženého lower band with this hřebenem in/at inverted position; ex Koupal, catalogue very misvalues, without whatever expert's marks, on request exp. or photo-certificate labour
1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50CZK, two blocks of four, 1x with upper and 1x with lower margin of sheet and plate number "1B", both with inverted comb perf and rozměřovacím cross in margin counter sheet; superb, c.v.. 3.500CZK
Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, wide left margin, MS pos. 1, on reverse special postmark BANSKÁ BYSTRICA/ I. výročie SNP/ 29.VIII.1945; in L margin dot in paper and at top small folds
1946 PLATE PROOF comp. 2 pcs of refused stamp designes Pof.436, K. H. Borovský 1,20Kčs, plate proofs - print complete gravures, 1 pcs of in vine red color, author of engraving J. Švengsbír + 1 pcs of in/at grey-violet color, unknown author; both PLATE PROOF on lightly yellowy paper without gum, interesting
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, sought 15. plate, combination O/19 (earlier 15/14), significant shift upper inscription L-wards, horiz. from production about/by something shorter size (R cut according to red, L according to blue); in/at original small parcel was/were two takovéto pieces, other (other folder) oříznutynormálně, exceptional!, very good quality
1950Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, type IIIa, combination plate 2 caption 17, most valuable variant, which/what with practically in the market at all is rare, here for the first time in auction; konzultováno with experts, minor gum fault in LL corner, c.v.. 35.000CZK
1953Pof.735, Gottwald 3Kčs grey-black, complete counter sheet with date 9.VI.53, povolený in perforation at top between 4. and 5. row and lower between 8. and 9. row, stamps also margins undamaged; still never unoffered, maybe single dochovaný sheet (closely after monetary reform complete sheets nesbíralnikdo, šlo in addition about/by the second the highest value), unrepeatable chance, excellent study and archive material
1945 philatelically influenced Let+R-tiskopis to USA, with Pof.397, 399, 401 in front and str-of-3 Košice stamp. Pof.354 on reverse, CDS KOŠICE 4/ 30.XI.45, 2x arrival N. YORK/ 15. and 17. DEC.1945 on reverse; light dusky R margin letter
1954 [COLLECTIONS] MINISTERSKÉDÁRKOVÉ ALBUM / with issues from y. 1949 - 1953, incl. miniature sheets PRAGA 1950, BRATISLAVA 1952, then Airmail 1946, 1949 and 1951, with dedication and with autograph minister communications A. Neumanna
1945 Pof.372-380, Linden Leaves, specialized selection of complete counter sheet (except Pof.376, there three half-sheets, very significantly blue zbarvený paper, two distinctive shades), from that 10h 2x various perf hřebeny (1x in/at 1. column significantly vyhnutý 10. perforation hole from the L downward), 30h 3x very distinctive shades, 50h 1x with DV1/47, 1x PA2, 60h 2x (white and yellowy gum), 1,20Kčs 2x (1x wide lower margin in lower line stamps), 3CZK 2x shades brown; interesting selection of
1953 PLATE PROOF Pof.759, National theatre - Vojan 2Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print original gravures, 1x phase print semifinished gravure, 1x master die without through engraved name state, nominal value and symbolů theatre lower, 1x definitive making in/at grey-brown color, on various sorts paper without gum; interesting
1954 Pof.775-787, Profession, selection of reprints, color shades, gum etc.., total 37 stamp., any other one, contains extremely rare 80h light brown with glrilled gum (on request exp. labour) and 80h dark brown (for the present only once in auction), 1Kčs dark green with smooth gum, complete shades on/for 1,20Kčs, 1,60Kčs (!) and 2,40Kčs, distinctive shades also on/for 20h; very unusual and rare selection of
1954 selection of color shades issue Povolání: 20h four distinctive shades incl. Pof.776c in/at marginal block of four, 45h two shades, 75h two shades (incl. zbarveného paper), 2,40Kčs three shades (1x lighter blue and 1x glrilled gum); interesting
1954 Pof.778, Profession 45h, complete 100 stamps sheet from reprint (!) from end 50. years, smooth gum overlapping to to sheet margin, omitted perf. holes in L perf pos. 41 and between pane position 36 and 46, rare also single stamps from this reprint; in UR corner out of stmp on/for right margin minor gum fault; unrepeatable offer for collector sheets, isn't neither in/at Postal muzeu, c.v.. doesn't report, for comparison stmp from basic print
1954 PLATE PROOF refused design/sketch on stmp Pof.794/795, Prokop Diviš, plate proof - print complete gravure in black color on/for thin/light yellowy carton, without nominal value and with zkomoleným name state; author B. Honsa, interesting
1955 PLATE PROOF Pof.861 and 862, Personalities of Cultural Life 40h F. Schiller and 60h A. Mickiewicz, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print original gravures in/at different colors on/for papers without gum; value 40h in/at hnědošedé color, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C" and value 60h in black color, definitive making; both PLATE PROOF marked and exp. by Karasek
1958 PLATE PROOF Pof.999, Novotný 30h, plate proof - print original gravure in/at definitive making, in blue color on/for white smooth paper, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C"; exp. by Karasek
1959 PLATE PROOF Pof.1050 and 1052, Plzeň 30h and 1Kčs, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print original gravures in/at different colors, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C", with color background print; both PLATE PROOF on paper without gum
1959-61 PLATE PROOF Pof.1059, 1060 and 1172, Personalities of Cultural Life - Stodola 40h, Rais 60h and Mošna 60h, comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs - copy-print original gravures in/at definitive making, but else/yet without through engraved (2 pcs of), resp. vynechaného wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C"; all in/at different colors lightly yellowy paper without gum, marked and exp. by Karasek
1960 Pof.1101, Castles 5h, complete sheet from předposledního reprint from 2.XI.65, on pos. 11 and 21 production flaw - thin/light print die stamping, sheets reprints on this issue don't occur; exceptional offer
1960-65 Pof.1101-1108, 1480-1483, 1480-88, 1563-66, Castles and Towns, fine selection of shades, editions, gum etc.., every stmp or block other (contains also 6 date print), excellently contains Castles 20h (5 pcs incl. very rare light shades), 30h (7 various editions) and 40h (incl. rare grey-black in/at perfect status) and Towns 20h (8 expressive shades, incl. light hnědého, dark hnědého and black OT) and plate variety 1/84 after/around arrangement, 30h (7 various editions, from that 1x corner blk-of-4 light green reprint) and 60h (four distinctive shades, little vídané); exceptional multiple
1960Pof.1104xb, Pernštejn 30h, LL corner blk-of-4 with date of print 29.XII. 65, optically cleared paper; on 2 stmp L vertical light fold, from the front side small, offered after/behind price two perfect stamps from 2. column