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1975 FOOTBALL/ PLÁNIČKA Francis (1904–1996), Czech sportsman, footballer, one from the best goalkeepers all period; signature on B/W photo postcard with trofejemi; interesting U:A5
1952 FOOTBALL/ postcard sent from Budapest from mezistátního match Czechosl. footballers, with signatures of players as Kokštejn, Reček, Reimann etc.., supplemented with signature komentátora Laufera; good condition U:A5
1966 HOCKEY/ championship 1966 Zagreb oficiálnípříležitostný card from championship, with signatures hokejistů: Holík, Holeček, Nedomanský, Tikal, Kaberle, Meixner etc..; perfect condition U:A5
1936 Winter Olympic Games Garmisch - Partenkirchen 1936 postcard to Czechoslovakia, i.a. with signatures Czechosl. sportsmen as Věra Hrubá (1921-2003), figure skater, later actress in USA below name Věra Ralston, then Jaroslav Sadílek, figure skater, Jaromír Turnovský, rychlobruslař etc..; interesting U:A5