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1918-1947 selection of 8 letters, i.a. interesting with 5x Sc.120, Ceres 1C, from 1918 from Luandy to Natal with Brit. censorship PASSED CENZOR; also frankings Ceres 1932 and air-mail from general Portugal colonies issues, "Common Design Type" 1938, CDS NOVA LISBOA and LUANDA; rare offer! U:A5
1956-1960 comp. of 11 mostly airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, USA, Brasil and oths., all franked with issue Fauna; nice motive U:A5
1924-1933 SG.10c, 11c, 13c, 14c, 18c, 20c, George V. Coat of arms 1/2P, 1P, 2P, 3P, 1Sh, 3Sh all with "CLEFT ROCK"; cat £1.770 U:A5
1924-1933 SG.12a-12e, 5x George V. Coat of arms 1½P red, "BROKEN MAINMAST", "TORN FLAG"(small flaw), "CLEFT ROCK", "BROKEN SCROLL" and "LINE THROUGH C"; cat. £800 U:A5
1924-1933 SG.15c, George V. Coat of arms 4P grey black and black / yellow, printing error "CLEFT ROCK"; cat. £475 U:A5
1947 3 Reg letters to USA franked with SG.38-40, 48-49 and SG.38-44 and SG.44 George VI. "Victory" and "Landscape", CDS ASCENSION, arrival MOUNT VERNON N.Y and COLUMBIA, 1x 1Sh - franking with provisional cancel. FIRST DAY COVER; rare occurrence! U:A5
1935-1936 2 airmail letters to Prague with airmail Sc.2 and C12, rare CDS from small BASANKUSU and CDS ELISABETTVILLE, both with arrival CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT; in addition Reg letter LEOPOLDVILLE with two-sided franking of 15 stamps Landscapes 1931 + airmail Sc.C4 5Fr (on reverse some stamps missing) and letter with stamps Landscape and Rulers 1935, CDS COQUILHATVILLE (Mbandaka) as rare "FORWARDER" sent by Brit. soldier of Afr. Exp. Forces from Cameroon; interesting selection U:A5
1957-1961 comp. of 7 letters to Czechoslovakia, franked with issues Fauna 1959 and Flora 1952; very attractive set U:A5
1892-93 SG.12-13, Coat of arms £5 and £10, highest values, fiscal postmark and perfin "USED"; cat. for fiscal obliteration £120 U:A5
1886-1893 SG.8, 39f, Cape of Good Hope 2P brown with Opt BRITISH BECHUANALAND, printing error WITHOUT DOT ABOVE "I" IN "BRITISH; in addition 1Sh green, both in very nice quality, cat. £600 U:A5
1931-1952 comp. of 6 letters, mostly Reg or air-mail, i.a. first flight AEF-FRANCE 14.7.46; airmail letter to Madagascar and returned back, 2 letters to Czechoslovakia with high 50Fr franking, letter from 1931 i.a. Sc.99(3x) (on letter $55), CDS AGHOUKA / GABON 5.AOUT. 31, interesting set! U:A5
1930-1935 2 Reg-COB 4P George V. uprated always 3 stamps 1P "Dromedaris" issue 1926; in addition airmail letter through Athens to Czechoslovakia with rare block-of-12 from issue 1930; one of p.stat with postmark WILLOWVALE 3.NOV.30 - "military Post" from 1879; interesting set! U:A5
1853 SG.1, Allegory Hope 1P pale brick red, full margins, lightly used; perfect piece, certificate Philatelic Foundation New York, cat. £450 U:A5
1853 SG.2, Allegory Hope 2P dark blue; full margins, lightly used, perfect piece, cat. £275 U:A5
1853 SG.4a, Allegory Hope 4P blue, "Ivory Head", left close margin, light postmark; overall nice piece, certificate Philatelic Foundation New York, cat. £200 U:A5
1855 SG.5a, 5b, "Hope" 1P rose and deep rose red; very nice, cat. £675++ U:A5
1855-63 SG.5b, Allegory of Hope 1P deep rose-red, left close margin; cat. £375 U:A5
1855-1863 SG.6a, Allegory Hope 4P blue, pair on white paper; perfect U:A5
1855-63 SG.6, 6a, Allegory of Hope 4P dark blue (exp. Knopke) and 4P blue; perfect stamps, cat. £185 U:A5
1855-63 SG.7b, Allegory of Hope 6P deep rose-lilac, white paper; perfect piece, cat. £400 U:A5
1855-63 SG.7d, Allegory of Hope 6P slate purple, blued paper; very nice piece, rare stamp, cat. £1.000 U:A5
1855-63 SG.8, Allegory Hope 1Sh bright yellow-green, white paper; cat. £300 U:A5
1861 SG.14c, Allegory of Hope, woodblock 4P deep bright blue; rare stamp in very nice quality, cat. £5.000 U:DR
1863 SG.18, "Hope" 1P deep carmine-red; hand obliteration "date 1.4.65 and contraction of the town" U:A5
1863-64 SG.18, Allegory of Hope 1P deep carmine-red, rarer fiscal cancel. PORT ELIZABETH BANK; lower close margins, cat. £325 U:A5
1863-64 SG.18c, Allegory of Hope 1P brownish red, on small cut-square, numeral cancel "I"; left close margin, cat. £325+ U:A5
1863-64 SG.19a, Allegory of Hope 4P blue; right close margins, cat. £140 U:A5
1863-64 SG.19c, Allegory of Hope 4P steel blue; full margins, light bend, exp. Pfenninger, sought shade, cat. £275 U:A5
1864 SG.20, Allegory of Hope 6P bright mauve; wide margins, cat. £500 U:A5
1863-64 SG.21, Allegory of Hope 1Sh bright emerald green; wide margins, cat. £700 U:A5
1896 SG.70-73, block of 8 Coat of arms Drie Pence blue with provisional Opt "1/2d", joined types b-d, 5 stamps **; perfect and interesting multiple, ** single cat. £210 U:A5
1901 BOER WAR letter with SG.102(2x) + SG.133, rare mixed franking of issues VRI 1P + ORANGE RIVER COLONY ½P, CDS BLOEMFONTEIN JA 7. 01, censor label "OPENED UNDER MARTIAL LAW", arrival postmark HAMBURG 26.1.01.; rare letter U:A5
1896-1900 letter with 5x SG.206 Coat of arms 1P, exact franking, CDS PIETERSBURG to Šumperk; 2x SG.219, Coat of arms 2½P, exact franking, to Trier; Reg letter with SG.226-233 VRI to Oldenburgu; nice selection U:A5
1888-1893 SG.1s-11s, F1s, overprint 1/2P-5Sh ZULULAND and fiscal NATAL for post. usage in Zulu; all with local (!) hand-made violet Opt SPECIMEN, as always without 1P, perfect set, cat. ca. £1.100 U:A5
1923 SG.3a, pair of George V. 2P violet "dull purple", bilingual Boer/ English Opt INVERTED; perfect quality, cat. £700; rare! U:A5
1923 SG.D4a, marginal pair 3P black / blue, L Opt ZUID WES instead ZUID WEST; cat. £200 U:A5
1927 SG.66ba, pair of Boer wagon 5Sh black /green SUIDAFRIKA / SOUTH AFRICA with Opt S.W.A., L WITHOUT DOT AFTER "A", perf 14 x 13½;, perfect pair, cat. £300 U:A5
1933 reg airmail letter to MIlano, SG.75, 76, 81, Landscape 1P, 6P, 1Sh3P, CDS LUDERITZ 25.APR.33, transit CAIRE PAR AVION 10.MA 33, BRINDISI 11.5.33 and then by train FUGGIA-BOLOGNA; good condition U:A5
1981-90 [COLLECTIONS] CISKEI small collection of stamps from Mi.1, incl. miniature sheets, marginal pieces, interesting motives; unusual destination U:Z
1945-1954 6 Reg and airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, mixed franking of Victoria Falls, George VI. and UPU; 1x on COB George VI 1P; i.a. interesting letter with multiple frankings 3x SG.35b, Victoria Falls 3P; CDS PLUMTREE, GWELO, GHINGOLA; very nice set from sought destination U:A4
1925 Reg letter with SC.188, 2E Ceres, CDS and Reg label LOURENCO MARQUES, additional atypical round "R"; via London, arrival postmark LAUPHEIM (Württemberg) U:A5
1939-1947 comp. of 7 airmail letters, franked with airmail stamps from issue "Common Design Type" 1938, i.a. Sc.C5-C7, CDS BEIRA and LOURENCO MARQUES, to USA, France, Czechoslovakia and Germany U:A5
1947-1948 set of 7 Reg and airmail letters, with issue 1948, multicolor frankings with high face-values i.a. 2x 10$, 4x 5$, with Opt "Taxe Perque" also without Opt; CDS LOURENCO MARQUES and BEIRA, to USA, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland etc.; nice set with attractive airmail issues U:A5
1951-1957 set of 7 airmail letters with stamps Fishes 1951 and Butterflies 1953, CDS BEIRA and LOURENCO MARQUES, i.a. high franking $10 and commercial added-prints, addressed to Czechoslovakia, Germany, USA etc. U:A5
1908-1911 SG.76w, Edward VII, 4P red / / yellow, wmk inverted (!); perfect and rare, cat. * £150, ** ca. £300 U:A5
1938-1944 SG.143, marginal block-of-4 George VI, 1£; purple and black / red, 3 stamps **, cat. £200++ U:A5
1892 SG.13, Coat of arms £10 brown, CDS SALISBURY; on the left margin small thin place, otherwise very nice piece; cat. £700 U:A5
1913 letter with SG.103, Coat of arms 2½P "pale dull blue", CDS BULAWAYO, exact franking, to Schloppendorf near Cheb; rare U:A5
1912-1916 MOYEN CONGO and OUBANGUI CHARI TCHAD, 2 Reg letters to Austria and to France with stamps Sc.2(4x),3,12,17 ($90) ; Oubangui Chari Sc.1(5x),9 + mixed Moyen Congo Sc.B1 ($80) U:A5
1922 SG.97ga, 97gc, 2x George V. 1/2P Coat of arms grey-black / black - rarer color, SG.97, 1/2P grey / black and in addition printing errors "BROKEN MAINMAST" and "CLEFT ROCK"; cat. £600 U:A5
1922 SG.100b, George V. 2P Coat of arms 2P grey / slate, "TORN FLAG", cat. £325 U:A5
1922 SG.101b, George V., Coat of arms 3P with "TORN FLAG"; cat. £130 U:A5
1922 SG.104a, b, c, 3x George V. Coat of arms 6P grey / purple, complete set with printing errors ''BROKEN MAINMAST", "TORN FLAG", "CLEFT ROCK"; very nice and rare set, cat. £875 U:A5
1922 SG.106c, George V. 1Sh Coat of arms 1Sh grey / brown with "CLEFT ROCK"; cat. £350 U:A5
1913 Reg letter to Great Britain with SG.36, 38-41, 43c, 44, Victoria, overprint with CDS ST. HELENA DE 15 13, arrival LONDON and BIRMINGHAM 14 JAN 14 and Reg letter to Austria with SG.54, 55, 57, 60, 64, CDS ST: HELENA MR 14 13, transit LONDON AP 13; SG.60, Edward VII. 2Sh £95; on letter £475 etc., interesting U:A5
1952 SG.1-12, set St. Helena - George VI., 1/2/P-10Sh with Opt TRISTAN DA CUNHA; complete set, cat. £140 U:A5
1954 SG.14-27, Elizabeth II. 1/2P-10Sh, complete set, cat. £90 U:A5
1960 SG.28-41, Elizabeth II. Sea fauna 1/2P-10Sh; complete set, cat. £75 U:A5
1961 SG.42-54, Elizabeth II.; complete set, new currency, cat. £80 U:A5
2000 SG.663a, "Dawn 2000" 30P, IMPERFORATED pair; rare U:A5