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1938 SG.18-33, George VI. 1P-10Rp; very nice quality, cat. £225 U:A5
1937 SG.O11w, official George V. 1Rp Opt BURMA SERVICE; perfect stamp with inverted wmk, cat. * £225, ** ca. £450 U:A5
1922-1951 10 letters (1 COB), 7x Indian forerunner - pre-printed envelopes, also overprint issue BURMA SG.2,4,11 on airmail letter to Prague; Interim Burmense Govt. SG.74(2) in mixed franking with British Civil Administration SG.64; letter with definitive issues of Burma 1951; interesting set! U:A5
1934 airmail letter to Prague franked with Indian "forerunner" stamps George V., Airmail SG.202, 228(2x), 220(2x), 221, CDS RANGOON G.P.O. 24.MAY 34, on reverse transit Athens and arrival postmark PRAGUE 75/ 5.VI.36; perfect quality and rare destination! U:A5
1948 letter with SG.70a, 72, George VI. with Opt, 9p green with Inverted Opt (!) and 1½A orange, CDS KEMMENDINE, arrival PAZUNDAUNG; cat. ca. £300, rare! U:A5
1869 money letter from Rangun to Indian Negapatam, franked with Indian 16x SG.38, Victoria 1/2A light blue, two blocks of 8, cancel. "B 156" and 5 seal, arrival red NEGAPATAM MY.18.1869, address part o front side missing U:A4
1885 SG.162, Victoria 24C green with Opt TEN CENTS, wmk CC, perf 14; nice piece with certificate RPS London, cat. £500 U:A5
1885 SG.178a, Victoria 4P with Opt POSTAGE FIVE CENTS REVENUE - printing error "SURCHARGE INVERTED"; very nice piece, cat. £325 U:A5
1912 SG.318, George V. 10R, printing I.; luxury piece from sheet corner, cat. £140++ U:A5
1909-1951 6 letters and 2 front sides of letters, addressed to Czechoslovakia, Hong Kong, Great Britain and oths., nice frankings from period of Edward VII.- George VI.; two sent through India with surtax FTS "Fees for Technical Services", 1x Reg, censorship RAF 1942, rarer CDS JAFFNA; letter 1937 with Jubilee issues sent by ship through port PORT TAUFIO to Mukachevo, etc. U:A5
1954 Reg letter with airmail Mi.302, Establissements Francais dans l´Inde 5 Ro., CDS YANAON 24.5.54 arrival BERNE 1.VI.54 U:A5
1891-1940 selection of various Feudatory states, especially Bundi - 14 pcs of issue "Raja" 1914, i.a. SG.39a, 73, O17a; Jaipur issue Suria from 1905, Singh II. 1932 incl. official, SG.50, 70, O16; Indore SG.41(4x); Jind, Nandgaon 1-2, Charkari 5-9 etc., cat. min. £600, on sheet and small card from old collection U:Z
1926 INDORE (Holkar) - ESSAY Maharadza Yeshwant 1 Rupee Holkar State / Receipt Stamp, 7 imperforated "colour proofs", gravure on stamp paper, ex. Perkins-Bacon; perfect quality, on sheet from old collection, rare! U:A4
1935 SG.8-30, Maharadza Singh II. 1/4A-25Rp, 22 values according to SG, used 3/4A counted as cheap (*); nice set U:A5
1854 SG.2, 14(2x), Victoria 1/2 Ann blue, Die I + pair 1 Ann dull red, Die II; on cut-square with grid pmk.; nice quality, cat. as singles £195 U:A5
1885-1900 SG.119-137, Edward VII. 3Pie - 1Rp; stamp 1Rp green - carmine * and green - scarlet **; in addition NABHA SG.10-13, 16, 27, Victoria 1/2 - 1Rs (*) with red Opt NABHA STATE and 1A, 8A with black Opt; cat. 420£ U:A5
1948 SG.308, Gandhi 10R violet brown / carmine; sought highest value, perfect piece, cat. £400 U:A5
1931-1939 6 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia and Germany, through Athens or Brindisi; colorful and multiple frankings of George V. - 1931 and Airmail 1929, CDS BOMBAY, RAVALPINDI, THANDIANI; 2x Registered; uprated COB 1 Ann CDS FLOWER BAZAR (Madras), large advertising added print, 2x pmk "Lahore / Use the Air Mail and save time" etc. U:A5
1935 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with SG.225, George V. 12A, special CDS JAMSCHEDPUR 14.APR.35 SUPPORT THE JUBILEE FUND, transit CALCUTTA with the same text, also airmail through/over Atény; in addition label 1/2 Ann THEIR MAJESTIES SILVER JUBILEE FUND U:A5
1854-1935 [COLLECTIONS] very good collection on old sheets, Victoria period, devided according to types of drawings and colors, 3x 1/2A, 3x 1A, 4A SG.25 (Head III Frame The 2nd issue), 1855-1873 incl. better values, also Victoria 1892 to 25Rp, Edward 1902 to 15Rp, 2x George V. 1911 to 25Rp; cat. min. £2.900€ U:Z
1947-75 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection on sheets in stockbook (without SG.308), incl. better sets as SG.309-324, 354-371, Official 1950 etc.; mainly used, cat. more than £200 U:Z
1948-1949 4 Reg and airmail letters and 1 uprated aerogram; with stamps of 1. issue George VI. Opt PAKISTAN, mj.1Rp SG.14; 1x two-sided high franking with block of four SG.20 etc., all to Czechoslovakia U:A5
1898 6 postcard 1 Tanga and 1/4 Tanga, part picture, CDS NOVA GOA, sent to "Mathilde von Lumbe Malonitz"; in addition bianco used - double postcard and letter-card TIMOR and postcard MACAU; nice set from sought destinations U:A5