1929 commercial Reg letter to USA, with issue T. G. Masaryk 75. birthday, 5x 60h violet and 2x 1CZK red, Pof.207 5x, 208 2x, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 8.VIII.29, arrival NEW YORK 20.8.29, redirected and sent back; interesting document of postal traffic!
1931ZEPPELIN / 1. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1931, airmail letter to Brazil with mixed Czechosl. - German franking, with Pof.221 2x, CDS ZNOJMO/ 20.VIII.31, German zeppelinová stamp. 4M, Mi.424 with CDS FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 29.8.31, supplemented with green flight cachet, on reverse arrival RIO DE JANEIRO/ 4.IX.31; good condition, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. Horka 18.000CZK, c.v.. Michel 500€, ex. Pour
1938 air postcard Coat of arms 50h to Spain, uprated with stamp Pof.303, 305, CDS DĚČÍN/ 25.IV.38, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 7/ 25.IV.38, Us Spanish censorship - straight line postmark CENSORSHIP MILITARE/ MALAGA; only light fold, exp. by Karasek., interesting destination air-mail!
1937address cut square from cover of commercial printed-matters franked with 12 (!!!) stamps 20h and 1x 10h OT, Pof.OT2 12x, OT1, with printed address of "P.T. Obchodní družstvo, filiálka Jindřichův Hradec", arrival CDS JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC 3.VII.37; exp. Hirš, cat. Merkur-Revue "LP", unique high franking, very rare!
1916POSTAGE STAMPS 1916, TRIAL PRINT refused design/sketch R. Junka for stamp Coat of arms 60h black-blue, on/for definitive paper and in schválené color; ODLIŠNÁ KRESBA ZNAKU, after/around arrangement author vyšla this stmp as Mi.196; on/for carton with remark "Imprimatur/ Wien 9.9.15" and "Verworfen" (zamítnuto); it is UNIKÁT and extraordinary possibility akvizice for big collection or exhibit!
1918 selection of multiblocks and part/-s archoviny stamp. Coat of arms and Charles, Mi.185, 187, 188, 189, 222, 223; minor faults, partially povolené perf, high catalogue value
1916POSTAGE STAMPS Mi.204-207; blocks of four 2K-10K light, imperforated, issued on paper without gum; very fine, certificate R. Soecknick; in blocks of four extremely rare, it is neopakovatelnounabídku!
1918AIRMAIL STAMPS 1918 / ANK-catalogue 225xU-227xU, pairs with overprint FLUGPOST, 1,50 K (*), 2.50K ** and 4 K **; imperforated, grey paper, very fine and rare!
1917 EXPRESS rectangle 2h and 5h, marginal block-of-4, imperforated, in a luxury state; in blocks very rare, in the context of "forerunner stamps" and POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 suitable for every big collection or exhibit!
1918 EXPRESS Mi.220D, Rectangle 5h green, line perforation 12½; : 11½;, vertical strip of 4, 2x CDS BUDWEIS 3 / BUDĚJOVICE 3 worse readable; Czechosl. in parallel valid stamp. with this variant perf are rare!, photo-certificate Vrba from year 2016
1916 POSTAGE-DUE VÝPOTŘEBNÍ ISSUE / 42h and 54h, imperforated pairs without overprint PORTO and 50h resp. 20h; vedeno also as UNISSUED from postage stmp issue 1916; rare!
1918 1st day of Czechoslovakia., parcel dispatch card segment with 30h Charles and 2 Koruna Coat of arms (2x), CDS HAID (Bor by/on/at Tachov) / 28.X.18 (!) - origin Czechoslovakia, on reverse 5h Express stamp - rectangle with overprint "PORTO" as postage-due, CDS ROSSBACH in BOHEMIA (Hranice by/on/at Aše); good quality
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] collection forerunner and parallel Czechosl. stamps mainly Austrian origin on cut-squares and cuts dispatch-notes, on/for 40 album pages in spring folder; various types postmarks - for example. single-circle, examples půlených stamps, perfins etc.., all nice chosen postal imprints
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 30 entires, from that several smaller part/-s dispatch-notes, mainly mixed franking stamp. Hradčany and Austrian parallel and forerunner, also also postcard, contains i.a. newspaper pásku franked with. maculature print stamp. Newspaper stamps - Sokol and Hradčany; letter with franking Hradčany 5h and 10h + Coat of arms 3h and Jubilee 1h (2x); Reg letter with Hradčany 100h etc..; various quality
selection of 22 pcs of Hungarian postage and postage-due stamp. with nekatalogizovaným overprint "Slovesný and Czech emblem in shield ", from that 11 pcs of with overprint "Köztátsaság"; major-part stamp. **
1918 Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint) Reg letter addressed to to Germany, franked with. overprint Pof.RV86, RV87, RV96, RV107, CDS BUDĚJOVICE 16.XI.18, on reverse arrival LEIPZIG 19.11.18; small tearing in margin
1918 Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) Registered and Express letter franked with. overprint stamp. Pof.RV44, RV46, RV51, RV54, CDS HLUBOKÁ 14/11 18, on reverse arrival BUDĚJOVICE 14.XI.18; horiz. fold in envelope out of stmp., exp. Kraus, right value franking really Us letter!
Pof.2 + SO2 + DL15, DL16, DL16a, DL18, comp. of 6 bloks of four, 1x pair and 4 single pieces, study selection of favourite plate flaw "interrupted branch", missing only Pof.DL17; 1x exp. Kva
Pof.4N, 4a, 4Aa, selection of blocks and stripe values 5h, i.a. contains block of four imperforated dark blue-green from plate 4 (hinged), then marginal block-of-4 same shade with perf A - comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, supplemented with blocks and strips imperforated 5h blue-green, cat. over 1.700CZK
Pof.7 STs+STp, 15h bricky red, lower left block-of-25 from plate 1, on pos. 83, 91, 92 and 94 spiral type I + on pos. 91 together also bar type II.; marked and exp. Vrba