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1924-1933 SG.10c, 11c, 13c, 14c, 18c, 20c, George V. Coat of arms 1/2P, 1P, 2P, 3P, 1Sh, 3Sh all with "CLEFT ROCK"; cat £1.770 U:A5
1924-1933 SG.12a-12e, 5x George V. Coat of arms 1½P red, "BROKEN MAINMAST", "TORN FLAG"(small flaw), "CLEFT ROCK", "BROKEN SCROLL" and "LINE THROUGH C"; cat. £800 U:A5
1924-1933 SG.15c, George V. Coat of arms 4P grey black and black / yellow, printing error "CLEFT ROCK"; cat. £475 U:A5
1947 3 Reg letters to USA franked with SG.38-40, 48-49 and SG.38-44 and SG.44 George VI. "Victory" and "Landscape", CDS ASCENSION, arrival MOUNT VERNON N.Y and COLUMBIA, 1x 1Sh - franking with provisional cancel. FIRST DAY COVER; rare occurrence! U:A5