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1915 BUSHIRE- Brit. occupation SG.1-3, 5-6, Iran 1Ch-9Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation"; perfect, 4x exp. Th. Champion, cat. £425 U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.1(2x), 3(2x), 5; pair 1Ch, pair 3Ch and single 6Ch on cut-squares from letters; cat. £410+ U:A5
1915 BUSHIRE - Brit. occupation SG.17, Iran 3Ch with Opt "BUSHIRE/ Under British/ Occupation"; signed T.A. (evidently Thomas Allen, 1895–1984); perfect quality; cat. £950 U:A5
1876-1935 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on sheets and card A5, from classic issues; postage stamps, air-mails also officials; middle values, all sets etc.; cat. over 5.000€ U:Z