Auction 50 / Philately / Asia / Southeast Asia

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185030 - 1949-1959 comp. of 4 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, Aust
1949-1959 comp. of 4 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, Austria and Sweden; simple franking of SG.111 1$ "Water Village" with CDS SERIA through Zürich to Přerov in Moravia; 3x with multicolor frankings of Sultan Omar Ali, from that 1x censorship in Austria; in addition FDC with 2x SG.93-95 "Water Village", CDS KUALA BELAIT; rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
184513 - 1927-1939 comp. of 5 airmail letters, first flight MANILA-MA
1927-1939 comp. of 5 airmail letters, first flight MANILA-MACAO, MANILA-GUAM (2) with Sc.C52, 53, P.I.U.S. Inicial Flight 35, special flight to MINDANAO "Via Army Sea Plane", letter KLM i.a. with Sc.55, Manila-Madrid 1936, through Singapore to Bohemia-Moravia
Starting price: CZK
185150 - 1938-1948 6 airmail letters and 1 Ppc, chosen mixed franking
1938-1948 6 airmail letters and 1 Ppc, chosen mixed frankings of postage stamps + officials; Paris 37 Mi.225 on letter first flight HANOI - HONG KONG 12.7.38 with postmark first flight and uprated Hong-Kong 5C George VI. for delivery in HK; Ppc with airmail Mi.192 issue 1933 CDS HANOI R.P. 8.7.38 other cancel. HANO I- MARSEILLES -"PRAGUE", arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 15.7.38 and oths.; interesting
Starting price: CZK
184414 - 1944 EAST BORNEO - JAPANESE OCCUPATION, cat. JSCA (Nissen Ja
1944 EAST BORNEO - JAPANESE OCCUPATION, cat. JSCA (Nissen Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog) 4N29, 4N43, stamps of Netherlands Indies with Opt "Anchor"; money dispatch-note with 15C + 5C, CDS BALIKPAPAN - Borneo; Japanese censorship in front, military blue postmark SOERABAJA, CDS SOERABAJA, arrival LAMONGAN, preserved and interesting occupation entire
Starting price: CZK
185158 - 1963-1964 Mi.Bl.31x, Bl.35, imperforated souvenir sheets, St
1963-1964 Mi.Bl.31x, Bl.35, imperforated souvenir sheets, "Struggle against famine", rarer type "x"; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
185159 - 1959-1963 LAOS AND CAMBODIA  selection of 5 letters, 2 airma
1959-1963 LAOS AND CAMBODIA selection of 5 letters, 2 airmail letters to Vienna with interesting mixed frankings of Kingdom Laos Mi.2,4-7,28 + Independent kingdom Mi.44,45,66; Mi.17 + 44,60(2),61,77,87(2) - UNESCO; FDC Mi.128-131; also 2 airmail letters drom Cambodia to Czechoslovakia i.a. with Mi.64(2), Coronation 1955
Starting price: CZK
184959 - 1900 SG.25a, 5$ green / ultramarine; issued according to J.F
1900 SG.25a, 5$ green / ultramarine; issued according to J.F.A. McNair from 1878; very fine quality, cat. £400
Starting price: CZK
184957 - 1900 SG.1s-8s, Tyger Negri Sembilan 1C-8C with Opt SPECIMEN
1900 SG.1s-8s, Tyger Negri Sembilan 1C-8C with Opt SPECIMEN and FEDERATED MALAY STATES; perfect issue, cat. £225
Starting price: CZK
184958 - 1900 SG.15, 2x TRIAL PRINT for stamp Tyger 1C, imperforated,
1900 SG.15, 2x TRIAL PRINT for stamp Tyger 1C, imperforated, olive / olive and grey / green, on stamp paper with gum and wmk "CA"; rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
184902 - 1928-1935 6 letters to India, Germany and Great Britain; fro
1928-1935 6 letters to India, Germany and Great Britain; from that 4x R with multiple frankings "Tyger" issues 1922-1934, rare destination KLANG, IPOH and SEREMBAN (provisional registry label); also airmail letter Imperial Airways KUALA LUMPUR - LONDON with mixed franking of SG.55,65,73 + SG.418 CDS KUALA LUMPUR and BIRMINGHAM - redirected by company Francis J. Field Ltd. on reverse with confirmation cancel. BCM / AIR FIELD; extraordinary selection
Starting price: CZK
184900 - 1946-1948 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION - transitional per
1946-1948 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION - transitional period after Japanese occupation, selection of 8 Reg and airmail letters with various stamps SG.1-13, George VI. Straits Settlements with Opt BMA MALAYA; color and multiple frankings; chosen letters - 7 used outside usual Singapore, in states as Johore - CDS JOHORE BAHRU and CDS KLUANG, Penang - CDS PENANG MALAYA, Selangor - CDS KLANG, Perak - CDS IPOH and CDS TAIPING with provisional Reg labels; extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
185026 - 1957-1959 comp. 8 Reg or airmail letters, i.a. two-sided fra
1957-1959 comp. 8 Reg or airmail letters, i.a. two-sided franking Penang, 13 stamps QE II. and Federative issue, CDS JELUTONG; FDC Penang with 3x SG.36; Selangor Sultan Abdul Azíz + Federative issue, similar of Malacca; interesting set
Starting price: CZK
182723 - 1957-75 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps on sheets in spi
1957-75 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps on sheets in spiral stockbook, mainly issue Sultans, Motives etc. incl. some complete as Kedah Mi.95-105, Penang Mi.44-54, Negri Sembilan Mi.67-77, Selangor Mi.79-89, Trengganu Mi.76-86 etc.; supplemented with several entires, interesting
Starting price: CZK
185164 - 1884 SG.80, Victoria 8 CENTS / 12C dull purple with other pr
1884 SG.80, Victoria 8 CENTS / 12C dull purple with other provisional Opt "8"; very nice quality, cat. £550
Starting price: CZK
184926 - 1899 SG.109, block-of-24 Victoria FOUR CENTS / 5C carmine, o
1899 SG.109, block-of-24 Victoria FOUR CENTS / 5C carmine, on reverse of cover with CDS SINGAPORE 29. JY 99; very nice and interesting multiple
Starting price: CZK
184921 - 1933-1938 comp. of 8 commercial Reg or airmail letters to Ge
1933-1938 comp. of 8 commercial Reg or airmail letters to Germany, GB and Czechoslovakia, with better frankings - i.a. mixed George V. + Silver Jubilee; 2x with SG.231, 10C purple / pale yellow DIE I (only these two letters cat. £125); 2x decorative envelope of British American Trading etc.
Starting price: CZK
184919 - 1926-1960 4 letters to India and Singapur, 1x with Brit. mil
1926-1960 4 letters to India and Singapur, 1x with Brit. military censorship and 3x Reg franked with Sultan Sir Ibrahim 1922, CDS MUAR and JOHORE, from that 2x three-colour frankings; in addition 4 Reg airmail letters to Czechoslovakia with issue Sultan Sir Ibrahim 1949, CDS KLUANG; rare selection
Starting price: CZK
185165 - 1887-1889 SG.35a, Victoria 2C Straits Settlements with print
1887-1889 SG.35a, Victoria 2C Straits Settlements with printing error Opt ONE CENT PREAK instead ONE CENT PERAK; very nice quality, with original gum, cat. £900, rare stamp!
Starting price: CZK
185036 - 1939-1957 6 letters; 2 rarer to India - censored SG.90(2x) S
1939-1957 6 letters; 2 rarer to India - censored SG.90(2x) Sultan Iskandar CDS SITIAWAN and Reg letter with nice 4-coloured frankings of SG.88, 89, 93, 95, CDS IPOH; then also 4 franking with stamps issue Sultan Izzuddin Shah, i.a. mixed with Federative issue, once interesting simple franking SG.159 1$ CDS SUNGEI SIPUT; nice selection, chosen pieces
Starting price: CZK
184943 - 1899 SG.28, Brooke 2C red-brown, imperforated TRIAL PRINT in
1899 SG.28, Brooke 2C red-brown, imperforated TRIAL PRINT in definitive color with trial blue Opt "6 PENCE 6"; very nice piece rare TRIAL PRINT
Starting price: CZK
183288 - 1950 SG.171-185, George VI. Landscape; complete set, cat. &#
1950 SG.171-185, George VI. "Landscape"; complete set, cat. £120
Starting price: CZK
183545 - 1932-1945 5 airmail letters, from that 4 consular letters, s
1932-1945 5 airmail letters, from that 4 consular letters, sent to Prague, usual large formats with extraordinary and high frankings, i.a. 10x Sc.192, 30 pcs from issue Wilhelmina 1933 and others.; transfered by various traces; very attractive set!
Starting price: CZK
183535 - 1932-1947 7 commercial letters, color frankings of air-mail
1932-1947 7 commercial letters, color frankings of air-mail and postage stamps, interesting additional cancel. BATAVIA-A´DAM (Amsterdam) / OPEN AANGEBODEN on letter 1947; CDS PADANG, MEDAN, BATAVIA; in addition 2 letters CURACAO and 1 SURINAM, to Czechoslovakia but also to USA, Italy and Netherlands
Starting price: CZK
184762 - 1895-1949 [COLLECTIONS]  fabulous collection of entires of N
1895-1949 [COLLECTIONS] fabulous collection of entires of Netherlands Indies, total 81, contains various uprated p.stat (Reg, sent abroad, Reg and airmail) etc., also letters, sent as Express, sent abroad, printed-matters, Reg and airmail, Reg, various combinations, commemorative postmarks, sample without value, newspaper wrapper, censorship etc., interesting frankings; overall nice quality, interesting destination, placed in album Leuchtturm for entires
Starting price: CZK
183470 - 1925 Sc.C1-C8, airmail issue Garuda 2Satangs - 1Baht; cat. f
1925 Sc.C1-C8, airmail issue "Garuda" 2Satangs - 1Baht; cat. for * $190
Starting price: CZK
184035 - 1883 TRIAL PRINT for Sc.4, King Chulalongkorn 1Sik, print of
1883 TRIAL PRINT for Sc.4, King Chulalongkorn 1Sik, print of definitive gravure in blue instead yellow color, imperforated and rare trial printing in perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
184534 - 1995 Mi.Bl.37-46, two complete sets of miniature sheets for
1995 Mi.Bl.37-46, two complete sets of miniature sheets for exhibition Singapore´95; cat. 300€
Starting price: CZK
184532 - 1980-1995 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation of exhibition and moti
1980-1995 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of exhibition and motive miniature sheets especially issued to World Exhibition 1995, but also London 1980, Bangkok´93, Indenpendence Anniversary, Philanippon´ 91, 175 Years of modern Singapore; i.a. 10x Mi.Bl.32I, SINGPEX with golden additional-printing; major-part **, only several used, hundreds pieces, cat. ca. 3.200€, valid face-value over 900 S$, i. e. ca. 16.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
183530 - 1951-1979 NORTH VIETNAM comp. of 14 letters, FDC, air-mail,
1951-1979 NORTH VIETNAM comp. of 14 letters, FDC, air-mail, multiple franking, 3 letters with 1d "Da Nang" Sc.852, Cosmos 62 and oths., then SOUTH VIETNAM 4 letters, Sc.1 etc.
Starting price: CZK
182721 - 1948-90 [COLLECTIONS]  NORTH VIETNAM  interesting basic coll
1948-90 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH VIETNAM interesting basic collection in 4 stockbooks A4, from end of 1950´s more complete, unused + used, many complete sets, also imperforated; cat. by estimation ca. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK