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1949-1959 comp. of 4 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, Austria and Sweden; simple franking of SG.111 1$ "Water Village" with CDS SERIA through Zürich to Přerov in Moravia; 3x with multicolor frankings of Sultan Omar Ali, from that 1x censorship in Austria; in addition FDC with 2x SG.93-95 "Water Village", CDS KUALA BELAIT; rare destination! U:A4
1927-1939 comp. of 5 airmail letters, first flight MANILA-MACAO, MANILA-GUAM (2) with Sc.C52, 53, P.I.U.S. Inicial Flight 35, special flight to MINDANAO "Via Army Sea Plane", letter KLM i.a. with Sc.55, Manila-Madrid 1936, through Singapore to Bohemia-Moravia U:A5
1938-1948 6 airmail letters and 1 Ppc, chosen mixed frankings of postage stamps + officials; Paris 37 Mi.225 on letter first flight HANOI - HONG KONG 12.7.38 with postmark first flight and uprated Hong-Kong 5C George VI. for delivery in HK; Ppc with airmail Mi.192 issue 1933 CDS HANOI R.P. 8.7.38 other cancel. HANO I- MARSEILLES -"PRAGUE", arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 15.7.38 and oths.; interesting U:A5
1944 EAST BORNEO - JAPANESE OCCUPATION, cat. JSCA (Nissen Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog) 4N29, 4N43, stamps of Netherlands Indies with Opt "Anchor"; money dispatch-note with 15C + 5C, CDS BALIKPAPAN - Borneo; Japanese censorship in front, military blue postmark SOERABAJA, CDS SOERABAJA, arrival LAMONGAN, preserved and interesting occupation entire U:A5
1963-1964 Mi.Bl.31x, Bl.35, imperforated souvenir sheets, "Struggle against famine", rarer type "x"; perfect quality U:A4
1959-1963 LAOS AND CAMBODIA selection of 5 letters, 2 airmail letters to Vienna with interesting mixed frankings of Kingdom Laos Mi.2,4-7,28 + Independent kingdom Mi.44,45,66; Mi.17 + 44,60(2),61,77,87(2) - UNESCO; FDC Mi.128-131; also 2 airmail letters drom Cambodia to Czechoslovakia i.a. with Mi.64(2), Coronation 1955 U:A4
1900 SG.25a, 5$ green / ultramarine; issued according to J.F.A. McNair from 1878; very fine quality, cat. £400 U:A5
1900 SG.1s-8s, Tyger Negri Sembilan 1C-8C with Opt SPECIMEN and FEDERATED MALAY STATES; perfect issue, cat. £225 U:A5
1900 SG.15, 2x TRIAL PRINT for stamp Tyger 1C, imperforated, olive / olive and grey / green, on stamp paper with gum and wmk "CA"; rare offer! U:A5
1928-1935 6 letters to India, Germany and Great Britain; from that 4x R with multiple frankings "Tyger" issues 1922-1934, rare destination KLANG, IPOH and SEREMBAN (provisional registry label); also airmail letter Imperial Airways KUALA LUMPUR - LONDON with mixed franking of SG.55,65,73 + SG.418 CDS KUALA LUMPUR and BIRMINGHAM - redirected by company Francis J. Field Ltd. on reverse with confirmation cancel. BCM / AIR FIELD; extraordinary selection U:A5
1946-1948 BRITISH MILITARY ADMINISTRATION - transitional period after Japanese occupation, selection of 8 Reg and airmail letters with various stamps SG.1-13, George VI. Straits Settlements with Opt BMA MALAYA; color and multiple frankings; chosen letters - 7 used outside usual Singapore, in states as Johore - CDS JOHORE BAHRU and CDS KLUANG, Penang - CDS PENANG MALAYA, Selangor - CDS KLANG, Perak - CDS IPOH and CDS TAIPING with provisional Reg labels; extraordinary offer U:A5
1957-1959 comp. 8 Reg or airmail letters, i.a. two-sided franking Penang, 13 stamps QE II. and Federative issue, CDS JELUTONG; FDC Penang with 3x SG.36; Selangor Sultan Abdul Azíz + Federative issue, similar of Malacca; interesting set U:A5
1957-75 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps on sheets in spiral stockbook, mainly issue Sultans, Motives etc. incl. some complete as Kedah Mi.95-105, Penang Mi.44-54, Negri Sembilan Mi.67-77, Selangor Mi.79-89, Trengganu Mi.76-86 etc.; supplemented with several entires, interesting U:Z
1884 SG.80, Victoria 8 CENTS / 12C dull purple with other provisional Opt "8"; very nice quality, cat. £550 U:A5
1899 SG.109, block-of-24 Victoria FOUR CENTS / 5C carmine, on reverse of cover with CDS SINGAPORE 29. JY 99; very nice and interesting multiple U:A5
1933-1938 comp. of 8 commercial Reg or airmail letters to Germany, GB and Czechoslovakia, with better frankings - i.a. mixed George V. + Silver Jubilee; 2x with SG.231, 10C purple / pale yellow DIE I (only these two letters cat. £125); 2x decorative envelope of British American Trading etc. U:A5
1926-1960 4 letters to India and Singapur, 1x with Brit. military censorship and 3x Reg franked with Sultan Sir Ibrahim 1922, CDS MUAR and JOHORE, from that 2x three-colour frankings; in addition 4 Reg airmail letters to Czechoslovakia with issue Sultan Sir Ibrahim 1949, CDS KLUANG; rare selection U:A5
1887-1889 SG.35a, Victoria 2C Straits Settlements with printing error Opt ONE CENT PREAK instead ONE CENT PERAK; very nice quality, with original gum, cat. £900, rare stamp! U:A5
1939-1957 6 letters; 2 rarer to India - censored SG.90(2x) Sultan Iskandar CDS SITIAWAN and Reg letter with nice 4-coloured frankings of SG.88, 89, 93, 95, CDS IPOH; then also 4 franking with stamps issue Sultan Izzuddin Shah, i.a. mixed with Federative issue, once interesting simple franking SG.159 1$ CDS SUNGEI SIPUT; nice selection, chosen pieces U:A5
1899 SG.28, Brooke 2C red-brown, imperforated TRIAL PRINT in definitive color with trial blue Opt "6 PENCE 6"; very nice piece rare TRIAL PRINT U:A5
1950 SG.171-185, George VI. "Landscape"; complete set, cat. £120 U:A5
1932-1945 5 airmail letters, from that 4 consular letters, sent to Prague, usual large formats with extraordinary and high frankings, i.a. 10x Sc.192, 30 pcs from issue Wilhelmina 1933 and others.; transfered by various traces; very attractive set! U:A4
1932-1947 7 commercial letters, color frankings of air-mail and postage stamps, interesting additional cancel. BATAVIA-A´DAM (Amsterdam) / OPEN AANGEBODEN on letter 1947; CDS PADANG, MEDAN, BATAVIA; in addition 2 letters CURACAO and 1 SURINAM, to Czechoslovakia but also to USA, Italy and Netherlands U:A5
1895-1949 [COLLECTIONS] fabulous collection of entires of Netherlands Indies, total 81, contains various uprated p.stat (Reg, sent abroad, Reg and airmail) etc., also letters, sent as Express, sent abroad, printed-matters, Reg and airmail, Reg, various combinations, commemorative postmarks, sample without value, newspaper wrapper, censorship etc., interesting frankings; overall nice quality, interesting destination, placed in album Leuchtturm for entires U:Z
1925 Sc.C1-C8, airmail issue "Garuda" 2Satangs - 1Baht; cat. for * $190 U:A5
1883 TRIAL PRINT for Sc.4, King Chulalongkorn 1Sik, print of definitive gravure in blue instead yellow color, imperforated and rare trial printing in perfect quality U:A5
1995 Mi.Bl.37-46, two complete sets of miniature sheets for exhibition Singapore´95; cat. 300€ U:A4
1980-1995 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of exhibition and motive miniature sheets especially issued to World Exhibition 1995, but also London 1980, Bangkok´93, Indenpendence Anniversary, Philanippon´ 91, 175 Years of modern Singapore; i.a. 10x Mi.Bl.32I, SINGPEX with golden additional-printing; major-part **, only several used, hundreds pieces, cat. ca. 3.200€, valid face-value over 900 S$, i. e. ca. 16.500CZK U:Z
1951-1979 NORTH VIETNAM comp. of 14 letters, FDC, air-mail, multiple franking, 3 letters with 1d "Da Nang" Sc.852, Cosmos 62 and oths., then SOUTH VIETNAM 4 letters, Sc.1 etc. U:A5
1948-90 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH VIETNAM interesting basic collection in 4 stockbooks A4, from end of 1950´s more complete, unused + used, many complete sets, also imperforated; cat. by estimation ca. 2.000€ U:Z