1936 complete newspaper with address and franking after/behind 10 copies/imprints, with issue Falcon in Flight (issue) 2x 20h blue and 2x 5h green, Pof.NV5 2x, NV2 2x, CDS DOMAŽLICE 12.II.36, good condition
1937 comp. 4 pcs of address cut-squares from newspaper cover with mixed frankings stamp. Falcon in Flight (issue) and Pigeon-issue, various color combination
1937 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters addressed strictly private, with postage stmp also postage-due delivery stamp., Pof.DR1 and DR2, CDS RADOŚOVICE and PRAGUE; good condition, decorative entires
1937-39 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc addressed strictly private with postage stmp also postage-due delivery stamp., Pof.DR1 and DR2, 1x with postage stmp delivery stamp. with mailing CDS OPAVA 29.IV.37, 1x sent from occupied Hlučín to Senice in Slovakia with postage-due delivery stamp. cancelled arrival CDS SENICE N. MYJAVOU 10.III.39; good condition, rare usage delivery stamps on/for usual mailings!
1919 Pof.DL1vz-13vz, Ornament, complete set of 11 pcs of imperforated stmp with overprint VZOREC L downward; ** values 5, 25 and 500h, other very light hinged, exp. by Karasek
Pof.DL1vz-3vz and DL5vz, Ornament, complete set of 3 pcs of with overprint VZOREC L downward and line perforation 11½; + value 25h with line perforation 10½;; exp. by Karasek
1922 Pof.DL29B-30B Is, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany value 30/15 and 40/15h in blocks of four with margin, perf comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;; value 30/15h with folds after/around rovnání sheet, exp. by Karasek
Pof.DL30B IIp, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/15h bricky red, marginal stmp with perf comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, bar type II from joined types, pos. 4/1; very fine piece, exp. by Pittermann., Karasek + Vrba certificate, c.v.. Pofis 15.000CZK kurzivou, cat. Merkur-Revue 25.000CZK, rare bar type on/for postage-due stamp!
Pof.DL30E, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/15h bricky red with line perforation 11½;; very light bend, exp. by Gilbert., Šrámek, Be + certificate Karasek and guarantee certificate Beneš, rare perf
1918EARLY USAGE OF THE FIRST CZECHOSL. POSTAGE DUE STAMPS larger part money dispatch-note, where delivery fee are paid Czechosl. Postage due stamp issue Ornament 10h brown-olive, Pof.DL2 with Austrian CDS RADL 30.XII.18 (!!) present village/community Rádlo by/on/at Jablonec n./N., CDS cash paid/franked dispatch-note SEIDENSCHWANZ 20.XII.18, present Vrkoslavice; literature shows date issue postage-due stamps 19.2.1919, cat. Merkur-Revue on/for p. 468 zmiňuje parcel bill with used postage-due stmp with date 20.XII.18, is so about/by other nezvratný certificate of usage Czechosl. postage-due stamps already in 1918!
1919 postcard franked with. in II. postal rate Postage due stamp Ornament 15h used as postage stmp, Pof.DL3, with violet overprint FRANKO, CDS VARNSDORF 21.IX.19; superb imprint of daily postmark, light fold in photo postcard, cat. Merkur-Revue 1.500CZK
1921 unpaid letter sent to office in/at Jablonec n. Nisa, burdened with postage-due in value 1,20CZK, Pof.DL9, DL4, refused and annulled, sent back for ascertainment addressee and collection surtax, surtax chosen in value 1,20CZK, Pof.DL9, DL2 2x, CDS VELKÉ HAMRY 15.II.21 + lot of by hand written notices; interesting document of postal traffic!
1919 POSTAGE-DUE provisional commercial unpaid letter burdened with surtax 40h, paid Hradcany-issue postage stamp. 10h red and 30h yellow with overprint PORTO and value 10 resp. 30, cancelled nationalized CDS KRÁSNÁ HORA 4.V.19, CDS OUSOBÍ 2/5 19; on reverse hinged, exp. by Karasek.., decorative piece!
1921 more/larger part parcel C.O.D. dispatch-note sent from Prague to Mukachevo, delivering fee in value 1,30CZK paid i.a. bisected stmp 20h issue Ornament, Pof.DL4 2x, DL8 2x, cancelled by postmark MUKACHEVO 5.V.21; good condition
1923 service letter with fee in value 60h paid i.a. halving Postage due stamp Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/3h, Pof.DL18 2x, cancelled by postmark TISOVEC 21.XI.23; on reverse missing piece/part flap, exp. by Karasek., cat. Merkur-Revue min. 2.500CZK, this entire is pictured in/at cat. Merkur-Revue 2002, on/for page. 480
1925 insufficiently paid/franked Austrian PC in time tamní inflation addressed to to Czechoslovakia, burdened by postage-due in value 100h, mixed franking postage-due stamp. 3 issues, Pof.DL6, DL16 and DL36, cancelled by postmark KLATOVY 3.X.25; decorative
1926R-soudní summons with fee in value 60h paid i.a. halving Postage due stamp Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/15h, Pof.DL30C 2x, cancelled by postmark KREMNICA 7.VI.26; only several light folds, cat. Merkur-Revue min. 2.500CZK
1938 court letter, fee in value 1,60CZK are paid mixed franking Postage due stamp 10h Definitive issue, Pof.DL56 and str-of-3 (!) DELIVERY postage stmp 50h blue, Pof.DR2 used as postage-due (!), cancelled by postmark VÍCHOVÁ N. J. 19.XI.38; only light fold, exp. Hirš, quite rare emergency franking!
Pof.SO1-23, complete set of imperforated stmp with overprint Hradčany, incl. values 5h blue-green **, 10h green *, 15h bricky red **, 20h carmine **, 500 and 1000h with black overprint *, total 25 pcs of stamp.; wide margins, part exp. by Gilbert., Franek, Karasek + certificate Karásek on/for values 10h green and 20h carmine, c.v.. 25.000CZK
Pof.SO3 Is, Hradčany 5h blue-green imperforated, L the bottom corner piece, spiral type I from joined types, pos. 91/2, i.a. plate variety overprint cut "O"; only small folds in upper margin, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, Pi, certificate Pi, c.v.. Pofis 10.000CZK italic, cat. Merkur-Revue 35.000CZK, decorative piece spiral type issue SO1920 (overprint)!
Pof.SO3N FP, Hradčany 5h dark green (c.v.. doesn't report), unissued, inverted overprint, plate 8, Is; very fine piece, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek, Škaloud
Pof.SO5a Is, Hradčany 15h brown-red imperforated, spiral type I from joined types, pos. 21/1, plate flaw Opt "I"; very lightly hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Hi, Karasek, certificate Karasek, cat. Pofis 10.000CZK, cat. Merkur-Revue 25.000CZK
Pof.SO5aB IIp, Hradčany 15h brown-red, line perforation 13¾; bar type II (!) pos. 5, plate 1; mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert, Karasek + 2x certificate Karásek and Vrba, cat. Pofis -,- and cat. Merkur-Revue ???, extraordinary and scarce stamp!
Pof.SO5b, Hradčany 15h red (red-brown) without perf, pos. 64/1; mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek + Vrba certificate, c.v.. Pofis doesn't report, cat. Merkur-Revue 25.000CZK, nice red shade imperforated stmp with overprint!
Pof.SO7B joined spiral types, Hradčany 20h carmine, right upper horizontal pair with joined spiral types pos. 9,10/1; nice piece, exp. and marked Gilbert, Mrňák
Pof.SO8Da Is, Hradčany 25h black-violet, perf line perforation 13¾; : 11½;, spiral type I from joined types, pos. 10/2, practically lightly hinged, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek + certificate Karasek
Pof.SO22 IIr, Hradčany 500h brown, imperforated with black overprint, II. frame type, pos. 93/1, Is; very fine piece, exp. and marked Škaloud, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Pof.SO22 FP, Hradčany 500h brown, imperforated, inverted overprint in black color, spiral type II., pos. 12/2; very fine piece, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Karasek + certificate Karasek, c.v.. Pofis 10.000CZK kurzivou, cat. Merkur-Revue 15.000CZK
Pof.SO25 with plate flaw, Masaryk 1000h with plate flaw - rose in hair, pos. 81, plate 1; lightly hinged, exp. Le, Gilbert, Karasek + certificate Vrba, cat. 40.000CZK, very nice and scarce stamps, edition only 50 sheets!
Pof.SO25N, T. G. Masaryk 1000h brown, unissued without perf; very lightly hinged, very wide margins, exp. by Karasek + certificate Karasek, c.v.. 7.000CZK
1920 off. Reg and Express letter in the place, franked only express Surtax 60h overprint stamp. 10h green and 50h violet, Pof.SO4B, SO12, posting nationalized CDS FRÝDEK 1/ 24.III.20, supplemented with violet cancel. Registered!/ Matter off., postage free; light fold out of stmp
1930 larger part of parcel card with mounted stamp. Food tax 1CZK, Pof.PD7A with CDS PRAGUE 47/ 14.XI.30; good condition, cat. Merkur-Revue min. 2.000CZK, quite minimum usage!
1932 larger part alternate parcel dispatch-note with mounted stamp. Food tax 2CZK, Pof.PD8A with CDS PRAGUE 14/ 13.I.32; good condition, cat. Merkur-Revue min. 3.000CZK, quite mizivý usage, decorative piece with franking on face-side!