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1935 cat. Unitrade 211P-216P, George V. "Silver Jubilee", 1C-13C, complete set of imperforated TRIAL PRINTS on white carton in definitive colors; very fine, cat. Unitrade $750, rare! U:A5
1945 selection of 9 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, multicolor frankings of postwar and prewar issues George V., George VI., Landscapes, Scenes etc. U:A4
1918-1979 [COLLECTIONS] interesting, almost complete collection of used stamps, incl. better sets from period of George V. - SG.246-255, 275-285, 288-303, then George VI. - SG.357-367, 401-407 and others., also coil- stamps etc.; cat. by estimation £1.000 U:Z
1975-1988 [COLLECTIONS] collection incl. miniature sheets, in album Schaubek; face-value almost 190 CAD U:Z
1852-57 SG.5, Beaver 3C red, handmade wove paper, "target" pmk; nice piece with full margins, cat. £225 U:A5
1852-57 SG.5, Beaver 3C red, vertical pair, handmade wove paper, circular postmark "target"; very nice piece, certificate Friedl, cat. £450++ U:A5
1852-57 SG.6(2x), Beaver 3C deep red, handmade wove paper, 2 stamps on cut-square from letter, postmark "target" and CDS MONTREAL; cat. £550+ U:A5
1852-57 SG.7, Beaver 3C brown red, handmade wove paper, postmark "target"; perfect, cat. £275 U:A5
1857 SG.18, Beaver 3C red, machine paper, blue "target" cancellation; very nice piece, cat. £450 U:A5
1857 SG.18, Beaver 3C red, vertical strip of 3 (!), machine made paper, lower close margins, otherwise perfect wide margins, "target" pmks; decorative piece, cat. £1.350++ U:A5
1859 SG.29-43, nominal complete set of 5 stamps, values 1C-17C; various postmarks, included to sum as basic shades, cat. £315 U:A5
1856 folded letter to London with SG.8, Beaver 3C brown red, hand-made paper, CDS HAMILTON and arrival LONDON; cat. £550 U:A5
1851 SG.6, "Crown and rose" 1Sh reddisch mauve; very nice piece with light postmark, exp. Sorani, A. Diena, cat. £4.500, rare stamp! U:DR
1857-64 SG.1, "Crown and rose" 1P brown purple; nice piece U:A5
1860 SG.13, "Crown and rose" 5P Venetian red; very nice piece with full margins U:A5
1931 letter of 1. flight St. John´s - St. Anthony - St.John´s, with airmail SG.192, 193, 15C+50C, CDS ST.JOHN´S, flight pmk FIRST FLIGHT, 1. arrival frame POST OFFICE ST.. ANTHONY, 2. arrival postmark of return flight ST. JOHN´S "Keep Sunday Sacred"; cat. min. £140, very fine U:A5
1893 Sc.245, Columbus 5$ black; significant color, reperforated, rare stamp with new gum, cat. (*) $1.250 U:A5
1940 Mi.455-489, Famous Americans; complete perfect set U:A5
1880-1902 comp. of 7 old entires, 4 x uprated COB to Reg, advertising, official letter "Per S.S. Havel" (North German Lloyd); three-colour Reg letters 1892 to Russia; Reg to Slavonia 1892 Sc.266,223 CDS SENECA and letter 1880 Sc.179 with cancel. of small village ELKPORT (IOWA) to Hartmanice! U:A5
1894-1913 set of 4 letters, 2x PARCEL POST, Reg letter with stamp REGISTRY Sc.F1 (80$ ++) and very interesting Reg letter "AR" (Avis de Reception) 1894 Sc.225-226 from New York to Kutná Hora (Czechoslovakia); interesting U:A5
1926-1951 9 airmail letters, from that 6 to Czechoslovakia, i.a. return katapult from New York, ship "Bremen", cachet, additional MIT VORAUSFLUG NACH SOUTHAMPTON, arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT; 3 letters with stamps "Special Delivery", first flight TULSA-DALLAS, first flight PHILADELPHIA-WASHINGTON with Sc.C4, all in time 1926-1928, in addition letter 1951 from Guam(!); very nice frankings U:A5
1928-1936 set of 4 Zeppelin-letters, 3x Graf Zeppelin - Weltrundfahrt, Americafahrt 1928 (2x); Hindenburg - 1. Nordamerikafahrt, very nice, advertising added prints, once with airmail 2x Sc.C21 etc. U:A5
1929 USA letter sent from USA to Germany by catapult post from ship D. BREMEN 2.8.29, red cachet on envelope with 20c with CDS NEW YORK Jul.25. 29, supplemented with red airmail arrival cancel. BERLIN C2, on reverse arrival postmark BERLIN 1.8.29; good condition U:A5
1930 USA/ SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT 1930, Sie.64C, Zeppelin-letter with stamp Sc.C15, Graf Zeppelin $2,60 blue, CDS VARICK.ST.STA. N.Y.; carried by ship to Germany and from Friedrichshafen by Zeppelin to USA, flight postmark, confirmation pmk, arrival green LAKEHURST / GRAF ZEPPELIN ROUND FLIGHT; cat. 900€ U:A5
1933 ZEPPELIN/ letter with Sc.C18, Zeppelin 50C green, from Miami to Chicago and from here by common post to New Jersey, CDS MIAMI FLA.2 OCT 23 1933, flight cachet, arrival postmark U:A5
1847 letter with Sc.1, Franklin 5C brown, blue grid postmark, CDS BALTIMORE; fine postmark and margins, extraordinary quality U:A5
1851-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection on sheets Schaubek, i.a. Presidents 1851 10C, 1857 10C, 1861 5C,12-24C, Pictorials 1869 1C-10C, Grill 1867 2C,10C, Presidents 1870 15C,30C, also i.a. Columbus to 15C, Omaha to 10C, issue 1901, 1902 to 1$, 1904, 1907, 1913, air-mail 1918 and others.; cat. min. $4200 U:Z
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete collection of used and also unused hinged stamps, in 2 spring folders on sheets + 2 stockbooks A4, contains part of classic period, various incomplete issues as Presidents, part issue Columbus to 30C, modern period incl. various miniature sheets etc. U:Z
1960 [COLLECTIONS] original gift album THOMAS G. MASARYK "Champion of Liberty" with complete sheets of 70, USA Mi.774-775 and Sokol 4C; interesting U:Z
1861 Sc.61X4, Postmaster Provisional - NASHVILLE TENNESSEE "Paid 5C" grey on hand-made ribbed paper; under the hinge thin place, wide margins, cat. (*) $1.250, quite rare provisional stamp, for very low starting price! U:A5
1882-1893 Sc.UX1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, UY1r, 1m, 2r, 2m, selection of 13 postally unused postcards, some 2x with various shades, also 1st and 2nd parts; very nice quality, cat. $550 U:A5
1893-1946 9 Reg and airmail letters, i.a. Sc.120, 1902, Landscape 1926, also air-mail frankings, in addition 2 postcards 3Cts 1893 and 1907 and radio confirmation card 1948 transported by Pan American flight from TG9JK - J.W. Knoth Guatemala City to Prague with CDS 23.OCT 48 and additional cancel. "Affranchi par avion jusque and New York"; rare destination! U:A5
1868 letter with forgery of Sc.48 - lithography Hidalgo 25C blue on pink paper, district DURANGO, CDS DURANGO / MEXICO; perfect letter, ex. Jaretzky U:A5
1913-1938 selection of 12 letters, Reg letter and uprated COB 5C orange from 1913 to Radonice and Prague; then 9 airmail letters with nice frankings, airmail labels and arrival CDS PRAGUE AIRPORT and ARRIVED BY AIRPLANE BRNO 2; in addition Reg airmail letter to Libanon (destination!) CDS MÉRIDA (Yucatan), transit VERACRUZ, atypical AIR MAIL FIELD BROWNSVILLE TEXAS, NEW YORK etc.; nice set U:A5
1924 US ADMINISTRATION Sc.J12-J14, two complete set of Postage-due stamps USA 1C-10C with Opt CANAL ZONE, two various editions; 1x spots, otherwise very nice, cat. $830 U:A5
1932-1949 6 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, Mexico and Germany, nice frankings, 2x airmail cachets CORREO AEREO EL SALVADOR C.A.; in addition letters of Costa Rica with multiple frankings 2x Sc.178, CDS CARTAGO and 4x Sc.121 with blue cancel. TURRIALBA; also with rare card 1936 American Radio Relay League (ARRL) sent to Prague; very interesting selection! U:A5
1884-87 SG.27a, Victoria 2½P ultramarine, variety with large numeral "2" ("large "2"); very fine stamp, cat. £160 U:A5
1913 Reg - COB 2P, uprated with SG.48, Large Coat of arms 6P and postcard 1/2P uprated with SG.41 1/2P; CDS ST. JOHN´S ANTIGUA GPO; cat. min. £180 U:A5
1920-1948 5 Reg letters, from that 3 to Czechoslovakia, franked with. i.a. SG.106-110, George V. (min. £140), Silver Jubilee (min. £90); George VI. "Landscape" and "Portraits", CDS NASSAU, 1x provisional postmark instead of Reg label U:A5
1938-1947 SG.251ba, pair of Coat of arms 2½P blue, stamp on right WMK MISSING "A" OF "CA"; at top some ink traces, stamp with wmk variety MNH, cat. for * £1.000, very rare! U:A5
1928-1930 set of 2 Reg-COB Coat of arms 3P uprated with 2x SG.240, Coat of arms 1P, and 4x SG.240; CDS BARBADOS R.L.O., arrival NEW YORK; also airmail letter with SG.253, with arrival CDS BUXTON and GEORGETOWN U:A4
1935 2 Reg letters to England with SG.241-244, Silver Jubilee, from that 1 letter without 1Sh, CDS BARBADOS G.P.O.; in addition 2 similar letters of BERMUDA with SG.94-97 CDS HAMILTON; all postaly used, cat. only as used stamps £160, on letters ca. £630 U:A5
1938 Reg letter with 9 stamps issue "colonial seal" SG.248-256, Reg label and CDS G.P.O.BARBADOS / REGISTRATION, arrival port PLYMOUTH, addressed to London; very attractive entire U:A5
1918-1922 SG.53c, George V. 5Sh dark green and red / yellow, NICK IN TOP RIGHT SCROLL, plate flaw; very nice piece, cat. £425 U:A5
1962 SG.168w, 6P Buildings, excellent piece with inverted wmk, cat. £300 U:A5
1918 SG.56x, War Tax 1/2P green with rare wmk inverted SIDEWAYS REVERSED; in addition normal stamp for comparison; perfect quality, cat. £320 ++ U:A5
1883 SG.29, Victoria Chalon Head, bisected overprint ONE PENNY orange with oblique Opt POSTAGE; perfect, certificate BPA, cat. £275 U:A5
1968 Mi.277-292, Elizabeth II. - Motives 1C - $5; complete set U:A5
1914-1952 letter 1914 franked with Sc.168 with additional ship postmark "Oranje Nassau" (line West India - Amsterdam, steamship 1909-1952); Reg letter 1922 through New York to Zagreb with 4-coloured franking Allegory 5C-25C Sc.311-314; letter with issues UPU 1949 and oths., total 6 letters U:A5
1937 Reg letter with stamps Coronation SG.118-120, CDS KINGSTON, to Czechoslovakia (Mukachevo), Reg-COB 2P George V. uprated with 3x 1/2P, rare CDS MONTEGO BAY, arrival CHICAGO ILL.;also airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with 2x SG.83, Columbus, CDS KINGSTON, in front arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT U:A5
1907 SG.29 var., Edward VII. 4P with provisional Opt "1d"; signed, cat. £250 U:A5
1921-1926 SG.75y, George V. 3P purple / yellow, WMK INVERTED AND REVERSED; rare, nice, cat. £500 U:A5
1935-1950 set of 9 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia and Switzerland, mostly with airmail 1927 and 1931, Sc.C1, C4-C7, for mailing abroad and C13 for inland mailing etc. U:A5
1873-1960 [COLLECTIONS] smaller accumulation of classic and modern stamps in 1 stockbook A4, cat. according to owner ca. 3.800MiM U:Z
1855-1955 [COLLECTIONS] collection on old sheets, period of Spanish West India from Mi.1, i.a. rarer Mi.12,16; also Spanish colonies from Mi.2, complete period 1875-1880, some stamps 2x, incl. unissued Mi.II, mostly complete Alfonso XIII. and "Impresos"; American occupation with various full sets, postage-due and others., cat. over 1.500€ U:Z
1890 [COLLECTIONS] SPANISH PERIOD - collection of issue King Alfonso XIII, on 11 sheets; Sc.133,142,143,145,146,149, Impresos P20-P22; gutters and outer blocks, omitted perf, outer inscriptions, i.a. rare block-of-15 5C blue with 5 unprinted perf stamps; some usual faults, cat. only as single stamps $890 U:Z
1912-1936 Reg letter with issues "Fort de France" and "Woman from Martinic" multicolor franking i.a. Sc.98 2Fr (color franking $55) CDS FORT DE FRANCE; also commercial letter with similar franking, CDS SAINT PIERRE; bank letter with Sc.153(2x), CDS PORT DE FRANCE; signs of age, nice selection U:A5
1876 SG.2b, issue of Antigua - Victoria 6P green with Opt MONTSERRAT, in overprint INVERTED "S"; rare stamp with certificate BPA, cat. £1.900 U:A5
1895 Reg letter via London to Hamburg with SG.58, Victoria 1Sh orange, CDS KINGSTOWN 26.6.95, transit pmk LONDON and arrival HAMBURG; some usual faults, nice postmarks; attractive letter! U:A5
1879 SG.6, Victoria 1£; violet, wmk CC; patina, new gum, on right repaired perf, cat. £4.250; very rare classic stamp U:A5