1999 Pof.218, Zodiac - scale, block of four, marked shift green L, smaller brown L 2007 Pof.539, Praga 2008, block of four, shifted perforation L-wards 2008 Pof.543, Rosa 10CZK, R vert. bnd-of-20, through/over all 10 pos. 10. column significantly smudge yellow color 2008 Pof.569, Summer Olympic Games, block of four, shifted perforation L-wards 2008 Pof.569, Summer Olympic Games, shifted perforation L-wards 1995 competitive card f. Henkel franked Prague forgery to defraud the post Pof.P35a, MC Prague/ 30.3.95, good condition 1993 Pof.5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, complete set PB according to plate A - D; c.v.. 2.500CZK 1993-2001 SELECTION of / Pof.15 production flaw, Plzeň 5CZK, corner blk-of-4 with significant shift numeral value downward + Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, L upper vertical corner str-of-4 with inverted frame perf + Pof.A289 production flaw, Baroque 50CZK, miniature sheet with production flaw - violet circle in the middle upper blue area above PU (republic); mint never hinged 1994 Pof.41a, Children's Day 2CZK bright red, corner Pr 1997 Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-20, inverted frame perf + also with upper marginal bnd-of-20 with normal location perf, avšak with significantly downward transport shifted stroke hřebenu in margin, čímž came to deformaci L upper corner all stamp. in/at 1. line; interesting selection of, cat. min. 3.500CZK U:A4
1998 Pof.179 production flaw, 181 production flaw, Nature Protection, marginal blocks of 6 values 4,60CZK and 8CZK, production flaw - 179/49 line by beak + 181/18 green stain in bushes; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1200CZK, production defects only part of edition 1999 Pof.PL216DV, Europe - preserve and gardens 11CZK, 2x complete counter sheet, 1x with plate variety 5/F blue stain in mraku, 1x with plate variety 8/H green stain by stones; very fine 1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Libra 9CZK, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - bands black color through/over UL pos.; mint never hinged, significant printing flaw! 1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Libra 9CZK, vertical corner str-of-5 with production flaw - bands black color through/over upper middle and the bottom pos.; mint never hinged, significant printing flaw! 1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Zodiac 9CZK, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - bands black color through/over all pos.; mint never hinged, interesting 1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Zodiac 9CZK, vertical corner str-of-3 with production flaw - bands black color through/over middle and partially also the bottom pos.; mint never hinged, significant printing flaw! 2000 Pof.247 production flaw, Mining right 5CZK, upper str-of-6 with margin and with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing black color in/at name state on pos. 2 and partially also in/at of adjacent pos.; without defects 2000 Pof.256 production flaw, Nezval 5CZK, comp. 2 pcs of bottom bnd-of-20 from sheet A and B, both with omitted perforation hole between pane position 38, 39, 48, 49, incl. small plate variety on pos. 47/1 and 49/1, date of print 23.III.00; only vert. fold in perforation 2000 Pof.261 production flaw, Prague 9CZK, right upper corner stamp. with production flaw 1 - shift blue color L-wards up; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. on/for comparison U:A5
2001 Pof.A289 production flaw, miniature sheet Baroque 50CZK, comp. 2 pcs of with production flaw - violet circle, 2 various location, 1x in upper part printings above PU (republic) and 1x in the middle upper blue area above KÁ (Czech); mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.000CZK 2001 Pof.A289 production flaw, miniature sheet Baroque 50CZK, comp. 2 pcs of with production flaw - violet circle, 2 various polohy: in upper part printings above PU (republic) and in the middle upper blue area above KÁ (Czech); mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.000CZK 2001 Pof.294 production flaw, Halas 16CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-10 with shifted perforation downward to closely to picture stamps; only vert. fold in perforation, interesting 2001 Pof.302/303 production flaw, Nature Protection 5,40CZK, marginal vertical bnd-of-10 with date of print, on/for several stamp. significant black stains (bad stěr color); folded in perforation, sought 2002 Pof.323 production flaw, Krteček 5,40CZK, marginal stmp with significant shift black ocelotiskové color downward transport; mint never hinged, interesting, also with common stamp. on/for comparison U:A5
2002 Pof.336 production flaw, Mikulášská nadílka 6,40CZK with production flaw - shift black ocelotiskové color compared to ostatním barvám downward transport; mint never hinged, unusual, also with common stamp. on/for comparison 2003 Pof.379 production flaw, Jiřina 6,50CZK, 1x R marginal vertical bnd-of-10 with significant green band through/over 6 upper pos. + 1x R marginal bnd-of-20 with smudge red color on pos. 60 and offset on gum several pos.; mint never hinged, only folded 2003 Pof.382 production flaw No.1, Klaus 6,50CZK, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - significant shifted print nominal value; mint never hinged, also with common pair for comparison 2005 Pof.421 production flaw, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 6,50CZK, right the bottom corner horizontal strip of 5 with production flaw - significant black vlnité lines in the picture all stamp. (defect scrap); mint never hinged 2005 Pof.423 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers Lilie 7,50CZK, L the bottom corner str-of-3, production flaw - significant stains black color on 2 stamp.; mint never hinged, rare 2005 Pof.423 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers Lilie 7,50CZK, L the bottom corner vertical strip of 3, production flaw - significant stains black color on 2 stamp. + L corner horizontal pair, production flaw - significant shift golden iridescentní color L-wards downward; mint never hinged, rare 2005 Pof.423 production flaw, Beauty of Flowers Lilie 7,50CZK, L corner horizontal pair, production flaw - significant shift golden iridescentní color L-wards downward; mint never hinged 2005 Pof.443 production flaw, European Championships in baseballu 9CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-10 with production flaw - significant stains black printing color in the picture major-part stamp. (defect scrap); only vert. fold in perforation, interesting 2006 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.457 production flaw, Traditions Czechosl. stamp production 7,50CZK, complete 30 pcs of sheet with shift red frame and nominal numeral(s) downward; only folded in perforation 2006-8 Pof.459, 545, Bunch of Flowers (I), with coupon - anthem, offset, printing error - bad year 2007, Still-life with wine (II), 1x 1. variant - two coupons with shift yellow downward, 1x 2. variant with LK (Spanish paper), 2007 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 11CZK, complete 100 stamps sheet without print, only stamp. paper with gum and perf; mint never hinged 2007-2014 comp. 3 pcs of sought ofsetových catalogue flaws (all only on/for part/-s nákladu): 1x Pof.538, Schengen 10CZK, corner blk-of-4 with VV30/L - rose circle below „Če“, 1x Pof.798, Paralympic Games in/at Soči 13CZK, corner blk-of-8 with production flaw 32/2 - „bílý circle below Kč“, 1x Pof.803, Kopal 21CZK, corner Pr with production flaw 47/2 - big light blue stain v obličeji; mint never hinged 2008 Pof.546 production flaw, Year planety Earth 18CZK, 2x complete complete 35 pcs of sheet, L and right/genuine, on/for right upper margin with perf - 5x nepravý coupon; mint never hinged, without folds, sought 2008 Pof.554, Beauty of Flowers - azalka 3CZK, blk-of-18 with date of print, on 6 stamp. 1. column partially omitted print iredescentní color, on pos. 41, 51, 61 and 71 ca. to middle stamps 2008 Pof.PL578, Art - Braunerová 23CZK, light shifted print green color 2010 Pof.634 production flaw, 150. anniv of birth A. Mucha, value E - L half stmp booklet with sought production flaw - without pin hole, printing field 6; small light bend, cat. only as single stamps 18.000CZK 2010 Pof.659, Kamna 20CZK, unfolded bnd-of-10 with date 30.VIII.10 and number counter sheet, on 9 stamp. very significant production flaw - brown line from L ornament to/at vertical perf; unusual, interesting 2011 Pof.677, Eastern value A, corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 19/1 - stain above head right kuřete + upper corner blk-of-4 with different shade yellow also green, BTS on edge posunuty significantly transport; mint never hinged 2015-2017 comp. of stamps with production flaw, 2x vertical corner str-of-3 Pof.832, Kaprálová 17 CZK, catalogue production flaw 11/1 – white stain below „s“ (Czech) and 11/3 – black guideline below „s“ (Czech), 1x Pof.909, UNESCO 32 CZK, marginal Pr, catalogue production flaw 39/1 blue stain above „v“ (vědu), 1x Pof.935, Pneumatic tube post A, pair, dark color (katalogizováno); mint never hinged 2021 Pof.A1135-1136, miniature sheet Záhorský and Šejbalová, comp. 3 pcs of with odlišnými shades (L portrait Šejbalové on pos. 3 light brown, dark brown, grey-brown); nice, obtížně zkompletovatelná selection of U:A5
2017 off. letter-card Czechosl. post Modrý Maritius, nesložená (!), also with commemorative sheet with two stamp. Pof.942 and samolepicí stick-on label with logo exhibition