eShop / Philately / Slovakia 1939-1945

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400 CZK
213102 - 1939 Sy.D3Xz production flaw, the first issue 20h blue, smoo
1939 Sy.D3Xz production flaw, the first issue 20h blue, smooth gum, vertical pair with production flaw - 2x vertical hair paper crease in paper; mint never hinged, interesting
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300 CZK
245582 - 1939 Sy.D5Xz production flaw, the first issue., 40h blue, bl
1939 Sy.D5Xz production flaw, the first issue., 40h blue, block of four, L pair stamps with production flaw - 2x thin paper crease in paper; mint never hinged
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700 CZK
232812 - 1942 CDV9/II, response I. part from double PC Tiso 50h green
1942 CDV9/II, response I. part from double PC Tiso 50h green, sent inlandly, uprated with stamp 20h Sy.49, posting special postmark BRATISLAVA/ CELOŠTÁTNÁ EXHIBITION POŠTOVÝCH ZNÁMOK 23.V.42; good condition
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4 000 CZK
259552 - 1939 CPL2, Hlinka 50h, almost complete set 14 pcs of certifi
1939 CPL2, Hlinka 50h, almost complete set 14 pcs of certificates of mailing for telegram, sorted according to Földes - Havlíček: Monografia celín Slovakia 1939 to 1945 (2018), from that 11 pcs of Un; overall very fine, obtížně zkompletovatelná selection of
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300 CZK
226970 - 1939 JEZDECKÁ KORÚHEV 2/ GULOMETNÁ ESKADRONA, blue off. f
1939 JEZDECKÁ KORÚHEV 2/ GULOMETNÁ ESKADRONA, blue off. framed pmk arrival post with date 20.VIII.1939 on reverse, on franked letter with black PR8, RUŽOMBEROK 19.VIII.1939; good condition, rare
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1 500 CZK
245499 - 1940 Reg and airmail letter addressed to to Austria, franked
1940 Reg and airmail letter addressed to to Austria, franked with. air stamp. Sy.L2, L3, L6, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 1.VII.40, passed through German censorship, mailing returned back with green cancel. RETOUR/ Poststamps Ein / Ausfuhr verboten, supplemented with vkládaným red censorship sheetlet with instructions; good condition, rare usage
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300 CZK
238840 - 1940 PR36, NÁDAŠ / 25.VIII.1940, Odhalenie pamätnej table
1940 PR36, NÁDAŠ / 25.VIII.1940, Odhalenie pamätnej table M. Kollára, Un envelope with 3 print blue special postmark; good condition
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