Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, according to Pofis MS pos. 6, in stamp. 5 Koruna white circle above "OS" in/at name state, smaller rings also jinde in the picture stamp.; mint never hinged, 1x minor gum fault 1945 Pof.369B plate variety, Bratislava's 4 Koruna blue-green, comp. 2 pcs of bloks of four with vývojem plate defects - significant color stain between stamp. pos. 188/189; mint never hinged 1945 Pof.374, Linden Leaves 50h, whole counter sheet with margin, oblique perf, on gum some pos. lightly smudge printing ink, unusual, also with plate variety 45/1 (line through nulu), in addition several other small flaws in catalogue unlisted, in the middle folded in perforation, otherwise nice 1945 Pof.377 perforation error, Linden Leaves 80h orange, LR corner blk-of-12, between pane position 175 and 195 omitted 1. perforation hole from R; unusual position omitted perforation hole, mint never hinged orange color (mostly oxiduje) 1945 Pof.396 inverted comb perforation, London-issue 1,50Kčs, R corner blk-of-4 with upper neprozoubkovaným margin; mint never hinged 1947 Pof.450-452, St. Adalbert 1,60CZK - 5Kčs, complete set of L and P coupons; mint never hinged 1947 Pof.456 production flaw, World Youth Meeting 1,20Kčs, horiz. right upper corner Pr with expressive paper crease in upper margin; on this issue quite exceptional 1947 Pof.K459 plate variety, Masaryk 4Kčs, marginal stmp with L coupon, plate variety 31/1 - oblique roll embossing coupon; mint never hinged 1949 Pof.504 plate variety, Šverma 1Kčs with plate variety 33/1 - wavy line on forehead; mint never hinged U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, according to Pofis MS pos. 6, in stamp. 5 Koruna white circle after/behind value numeral before/(in front of) šrafováním; mint never hinged Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, according to Pofis MS pos. 9, white circle after/behind praporkem numeral value 5 and interrupted "perf" in UL corner same stamp.; mint never hinged Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, according to Pofis MS pos. 11, white circle below value numeral 2 and in stamp. 5 Koruna R lower in roof before/(in front of) last komínem; mint never hinged Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, according to Pofis MS pos. 11, white circle in stamp. 5 Koruna R lower in roof before/(in front of) last komínem; mint never hinged Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, according to Pofis MS pos. 15, white circle below value numeral 5 after/behind zkratkou currency K; mint never hinged 1949 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.516, Pushkin, complete 70 pcs of sheet with special postmark issue; fold in perforation, small permit in margin, original gum 1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.516, Pushkin 2Kčs, print nedokončené gravure in/at grey-green color on white paper without gum with wide margin; good condition 1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, plate 11a (K2/21), type XIIIa; mint never hinged 1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, plate 4, combination D / 8; hinged 1950 Pof.A564, PRAGUE 1950, 2 pcs, with shift red inscription transport and L-wards, mint never hinged, interesting 1951 Pof.574, Fučík 5Kčs, partial offset on gum, original gum, postmark from favor 1951 PLATE PROOF Pof.603, VI. Film festival Karlovy Vary 1,50Kčs, print definitive gravure in/at grey-green color on paper without gum with wide margin; without defects, exp. by Karasek 1954 print students' gravure according to stamp. Profession 75h, in/at orange color in larger format 21x26mm, without wedge [ ˇ ] above "C", frame and names authors on paper without gum 1954-63 Pof.780 + 1316, Profession 75h + Velká Morava 30h, 1x marginal and 1x upper corner blk-of-4, both with shifted perforation in the direction of up - passes names authors, interesting; by/on/at Pof.1316 in R margin sheet povolená perf 1954 PLATE PROOF Pof.806, Jesenský 60h, print original gravure in blue color on/for smooth paper with wide margin; undamaged 1955 Pof.A853/857B, miniature sheet PRAGA 1955 imperforated, comp. 5 pcs of, combination A4-E2, B1-K, B2-K, B3-K, X-G; several minor gum fault, overall but nice quality 1955 PLATE PROOF Pof.861, Mickiewicz 60h, print definitive gravure in/at hnědočerné color on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine, exp. by Karasek., Be 1956 PLATE PROOF Pof.880, Tradiční Czechosl. products 75h, print definitive gravure in black color on chalky paper without gum, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above "C", wide margins; very fine, exp. by Karasek 1962 PLATE PROOF Pof.1255, 1200 years Teplice 60h, print unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in black color on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine, exp. by Karasek 1963 Pof.A1308, miniature sheet Cosmos, complete set 12 pcs of miniature sheets, types I.-XII.; mint never hinged 1965 PLATE PROOF Pof.1414, Domažlice 30h, proof print definitive gravure in brown color on chalky paper without gum; small spot, exp. by Karasek 1965 Pof.A1466 plate variety, miniature sheet Tizian 5Kčs with plate variety - point between "AU"; small production omission gum, otherwise very fine 1966 Pof.K1543, Guernica, 1x shifted perf L-wards - unusual + 2x corner pieces with dates of print 1949-76 SPOJENÉ TYPY selection of 5ks: Pof.499, Lenin 1,50Kčs, block of four with coupon; Pof.1570, Hare 80h, str-of-3, I+II+I type; Pof.1587, Water birds 30h, marginal Pr; Pofis. 2129, Zničené community 1,20Kčs, corner blk-of-4; Pof.2215DO Toximania 2Kčs, corner str-of-3, earlier type II.; c.v.. 2.460Kč 1966 Pof.1573 production flaw, Prase divoké 2Kčs with production flaw - significantly shifted joined printing colors; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. on/for comparison 1966 Pof.1574, Hollar 1Kčs, comp. 6 pcs of, 1x KH, 1x KD and 2x gutter pair S1574, from that 1x with plate variety 3/2 - "tear"; mint never hinged 1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1619, Judaica 1,40Kčs, plate proof in/at definitive colors, (else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above Č), on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine 1967 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1630, 1631, 1636, Flowers botanických zahrad, values 20h, 30h and 60h in/at complete 25 pcs of sheets, all with rolled cancel. PRAGUE; without lepu
1968 Pof.1698, Congress slavistů 30h, vertical pair with significant red stain above small frame lower stamp.; mint never hinged, partially povolená perf between stamp. 1968 PLATE PROOF Pof.1708, 30. Anniv Munich (München) 1Kčs, proof master die, definitive making in original colors, on paper without gum; exp. by Karasek 1968 Pof.1718 production flaw, Coat of arms Prague 1Kčs, stamp. with significant shifted perforation L-wards partially to picture of stmp.; minor gum fault, unusual, by/on/at die stamping from area are takové shifts very zřídkavé 1968 Pof.PL1718, Coat of arms Prague 1Kčs; minor gum fault in corner, otherwise nice quality 1969 PLATE PROOF Pof.1750, University Brno 60h, plate proof gravure in/at definitive colors on white paper with wide margin; without defects 1969 Pof.1780, Tatra National Park 60h, corner Pr with coupons, plate variety 3/2 - path, c.v.. 250CZK 1969 Pof.1780K plate variety, Tatras 60h grey-violet, marginal Pr coupons and with plate variety "path" on pos. 3/1 ; mint never hinged 1969 Pof.1780K plate variety, Tatras 60h grey-violet, marginal Pr with coupons and with plate variety "path" on pos. 3/1 ; mint never hinged 1969 Pof.1780K plate variety, Tatras 60h grey-violet, right marginal strip-of-5 coupons and with plate variety "path" on pos. 3/1 ; mint never hinged 1970-71 Pof.1862, 1920, Intercosmos 1,20CZK with production flaw - significant red stains in circle L from satelitu (4 pcs of - 2x pair, str-of-3), part of edition in various pozicích, also with in addition Pof.1920, plate variety 2/7 (block of four); zajímavé 1971-1972 Pof.1877xb, 1879xb, 1964xb, 1966xb, comp. 6 pcs of stamp. on paper oz: Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, 3,60Kčs (2x, from that 1x marginal piece), 5Kčs (2x), 3Kčs; mint never hinged 1971-1972 VÝROBNÍ VADY / Pof.1877 + 1964, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs and 5Kčs, selection of 16 used stamp. s výraznými production errors/flaws (much z nich isn't known v nerazítkovaném stavu): at value 2 Koruna 4x significant shifts colors, any other one, 1x shift red color L-wards up and shifted perforation L-wards to picture, 1x pair s posunem perf up (the first usage), 1x pair s výraznými black stains through/over hill kupole, 1x vertical smudge red color through/over complete pos., 1x red line z ozdobného circle up; 2x significant black smudges v obraze, at value 5Kčs 1x sheet offset, 1x shifted perforation up; for collector this issue very interesting and unusual selection of! 1971 PLATE PROOF Pof.1913, Bienále 1,60Kčs, plate proof in original colors on stamp paper with gum with wide margin; mint never hinged 1971 Pof.PL1927-1932, 25. Anniv UNICEF, value 60h type II.; mint never hinged, only value 80h print black color in gum on edge 1971 Pof.1928xb, UNICEF 80h, optically cleared paper; mint never hinged, exp. Pažout U:A5
1973 PLATE PROOF Pof.2019, Bojovníci against fascism 1,60Kčs, master die in black color on/for stronger chalky carton with wide margin; without defects, exp. by Karasek 1973 Pof.2060, Day of Stamp 1Kčs, 2x vertical pair with coupons and gutter-pairs, private additional printing Exhibition Jeseník 75 in blue color on/for L and P marginal coupons; 1x on coupon hint of sticking U:A5
1973 Pof.K2060, Day of Stamp, marginal stmp with 3 coupons, plate variety K1/1 - double "N", c.v.. 100CZK 1974 PLATE PROOF Pof.2070, Czech and Slovak Graphic Arts, Umělá bunch 1,80Kčs, proof print definitive gravure in black color on paper without gum; good condition, exp. by Karasek 1974 Pof.2095xa, Můza with maskami 30h, paper without optical brightener; mint never hinged 1975 Pof.2129 plate variety, Anniv destruction Czech and Slovak village/community 1,20Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 35/2 - cut notch in addition in/at růži + plate variety 35/2 - thin lines through/over "1" and next to values; mint never hinged 1975-1987 PLATE FLAWS/ Pof.2129 with DO/35/2 + plate variety 35/2 (corner piece), 2249PV (omitted perforation hole) corner blk-of-6, 2253 with plate variety 31/2 (marginal), 2351ST I+II+II+I (corner str-of-4) and 2444 with plate variety 9/2 (corner str-of-3), 2785 with plate variety 30/1 (marginal) and 2803 with RE 45/2 (corner blk-of-4; very fine, c.v.. 1.550CZK 1976 Pof.2129 plate variety, 30. Anniv destruction Czech and Slovak village/community 1,20Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 35/2 - cut notch in addition in/at růži + plate variety 35/2 - thin lines through/over "1" and next to values; mint never hinged Price regál: 400 CZK