1945 comp. 10 pcs of letters with various provisory cancel. from region Sudetenland /Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia/, for example. Bohosudov, bottom Grunt, Podmokly, Windows, Příbor etc., franked/paid cash; standard quality 1945 selection of 16 pcs of official correspondence franked with. service stmp., contains 9x letter, 5x reply form and 1x message financial management, interesting combination various values, for example. 5x mixed franking I and II issues.., 2x multiple franking + 1x Reg letter big format with Pofis. SL2 (2x) and SL8, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 1.XII.45 - usage values 8K on letters is rare; well preserved 1945 selection of 20 pcs of various entires with provisory cancel. from region Sudetenland /Bohemia/, for example. Běhánky, Bojkovice, Brniště, Brumov, Český Jiřetín , Polevsko, Soběsuky, Vedryně, Žalany; mainly philatelic correspondence, good quality 1945 comp. 4 pcs of heavier commercial R letters sent in the place, franked with. various frankings stamp. issues London-issue and Bratislava's, all sent back with notices as "deportovaný and else/yet with nevrátil" etc.., all CDS KOŠICE 8/ 11.XII.45; good condition 1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 22.V.45; Un, good condition 1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 23. and 22.V.45; Un, good condition 1945-1949 comp. 3 pcs of letters addressed to ciziny: 1x as Registered to Switzerland franked stamp. London issue Pofis. 393, 397, 399 and 400 (2x), provisional postmark MORAVSKÝ BEROUN/ 1945 also Reg label, addressed. on/for International Red Cross, Czechosl. censorship; 1x TESTER to USA with Pof.425 (4x), nationalized cancel. KLADNO 6/ 3.VI.46; 1x airmail + reg to Brit. East Africa with Pof.518 (2x), cancel. OSTRAVA 2/ 19.7.49; good condition 1946 MILITARY ZAJATECKÉ TÁBORY KUŘIM, ZNOJMO, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ comp. 5 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes sent on/for prisoner to camp in/at Kuřimi, then answer part card Voj. POW camp in Znojmo sent from Austria with CDS VILLACH/ 26.8.46, card sent from prisoner from prison in/at Hradec Králové; good condition 1947 comp. 2 pcs of entires with mixed frankings I. and II. vydání: and) dispatch note without L cut Pof.SL2 (3x) and SL14 (2x), CDS NOVÉ ZÁMKY 1/ 27.IX.47, arrival and off. cancel. on reverse + cut parcel dispatch-note with Pof.SL7 (2x), SL10 (2x), SL14 and on reverse London-issue Pof.397, CDS BRATISLAVA 4/ 22.III.47, arrival PRAGUE 8/ 23. and 24.VII.47 + red off. cancel.; entires with more pieces stamp. 8K, in addition with mixed franking, are rare!; sound condition 1948 Dr. E. BENEŠ, B/W. postcard big format with mounted stamp. Pof.464, with black special postmark; good condition 1948 air mail matter to Turkey, with Pof.465, 417, 414, CDS Hulín/ 23.XII.48, arrival postmark Galata/ 28.12.48, addressee unknown sent back, on reverse MC ISTANBUL/ 29.XII.48; one stamp. with tearing, rare destination! 1948-1985 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION / comp. of 8 envelopes V A/48 (signature Neumann, sent to parliamentarian NS), V A/73, V /73, V A/75, V A/80, V B/80, V A/85 and V B/85; nice quality 1948-49 comp. 3 pcs of entires addressed to Austria in time of special rate 2,30 Koruna for PC and 11,80Kčs for Reg letter, 2x card with MC PRAGUE 15/ 31.V.48, ŠTĚPÁNOV/ 15.VIII.48, 1x Reg letter with Pof.517-518, 503, CDS NOVÁ ŘIŠE/ 28.VI.49, censorship; good condition 1950-1971 comp. 4 pcs of FDC without mounted stmp: 9/50 Prague 1950, 16B/64 Prague castle, 18A/69 Art, 4A/71 City Coats of Arms; sound condition 1953 1. DAY / 3 letters from 1.6.1953 paid/franked according to rate platného to 31.5.53: 1x Pof.487, MC BRNO 2; 1x Pof.488, CDS MICHALOVCE; 1x Pof.725, CDS ČESKÁ KAMENICE, window envelope C6, faded R margin; without postage-due, usual quality U:A4
1953 1. DAY / letter in the place sent to State bank Czechosl., with mnohonásobnou franking postage stmp Pof.666, 10x in front, MC BRNO 2/ 1.VI.53 + 10x on reverse without postmark; right value postage, common condition 1953 1. DAY / Reg letter in the place sent to State bank Czechosl., with 4-coloured mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.487 (2x), 488 (2x), 489, 521 (7x), 685 and 707 (2x), CDS BRNO 2/ 1.VI.53, postal-charge 110Kčs; Reg letters from 1. of day are rare!, format A5, envelope unprofessionally open from 2 sides (internal instruction bank), otherwise sound condition 1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / addressed to to East Germany, with multicolor franking postage and special stmp in front also on reverse, right postal-charge 50Kčs, CDS ŽACLÉŘ/ 6.VI.53 1953 FIREMNÍ CORRESPONDENCE / comp. 4 pcs of dopisů: 1x underpaid and nezatížený postage-due, 1x window envelope C6, 1x Ex-Reg letter with Pof.507 (18x) and 506 (4x) and letter above 20g with Pofis. 679 (20x) and 488 (6x), CDS TÝNEC above S. 8.VI.53; various quality 1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÉ MAILING / two special delivery letters, 1x private with multiple franking Pof.726 (15x) in front also on reverse (= 120 Koruna), CDS KOUT on/for Š./ 8.VI.53 and 1x commercial franked by stmp Pof.488 (2x) and 507 (10x) in front also on reverse (= 90 Koruna), CDS SEKYŘANY/ 8.VI.53, arrival TLF. ÚSTŘEDNA/ PRAHA/ 9.VI.53 on reverse, window envelope 1953 MNOHONÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 4 pcs of dopisů: and) commercial letter franked with. in front also on reverse stamp. Pof.716 (20x), CDS STŘÍLKY 7.VI.53 (neděle!), sound condition; b) ditto, with Pof.504 (30x), CDS HROB 3.VI.53, window envelope C6; c) ditto, Reg letter with Pof.705 (27x), CDS TANNVALD - ŠUMBURK above D. 10.VI.53, viewing of quality recommended; d) letter above 20g with Pof.730 (40x), CDS HODONÍN 2/ 5.VI.53, format 28x16cm, in the middle 1x vert. fold, wrinkled margins 1953 NEDĚLE / letter in the place with mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.489, 666 and 702 (6x), rolled CDS PRAGUE 025/ 14.VI.53; non-philatelic correspondence, sound condition 1953 insufficiently franked letter with Pof.485 (2x) according to rate platného to 31.V.1953, CDS LUHAČOVICE 3.VI.53, handwriting "T" avizováné postage due was/were delivery post really chosen, on reverse mounted Postage due stamp Pofis. D75 (10x) and D77 (2x) in right value 54Kčs, arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 5.VI.53; envelope cut, missing back lapel, after all interesting U:A5
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 2. DAY OF USAGE / postcard sent to Slovakia with Pof.736, rolled cancel. MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ 20.VI.53 (hand-made 19.6.) + letter with Pof.733 (3x), CDS ŠUMPERK 1/ 27.VI.53; sound condition 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with meter stmp in value 15Kčs, MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ/ 15.VI.53 and PRAGUE 74/ 20.VI.53 (!) + 3 pcs of window envelopes (2x larger format) with commercial meter stmp Dřevona Prague, RAKO and Elektroodbyt Prague in value 30Kčs U:A4
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 10 Koruna / commercial papers, 2 pcs of with 1-zn. franking Pof.521, resp. 643, 1 pcs of multiple franked. Pof.721 (5x) and 1x meter stmp + POŠTOVNÉ 15 Koruna, commercial papers with franked. Pof.666 (15x) on face-side; 2 pcs of more/larger window envelope 1953 POŠTOVNÉ 10Kčs / commercial papers, 4 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of with multiple frankings Pof.671 (5x) with CDS PROTIVÍN/ 5.VI.53, resp. Pof.716 (7x) with CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 9.VI.53 and 2x mixed franking Pof.625 (9x), 711 with CDS PRAGUE 025/ 3.VI.53, resp. Pof.726, 728 - minor faults. with CDS TEPLICE; 3x window envelope U:A4
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 110 Koruna / Express letter with Pof.643 (10x), CDS BRNO 1/ 4.VI.53, small format + heavier commercial Reg letter with same franking, CDS HAVLÍČKUV BROD 2/ 6.VI.53, format 23x16cm; common condition 1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30 Koruna / comp. of 3 letters with mixed frankings, CDS VRAŇANY/ 5.VI., PARDUBICE 1/ 8.VI. and LEVICE/ 15.VI.53 U:A5
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30 Koruna / comp. 5 pcs of letters with multiple frankings special stmp Pof.684, 702, 714, 729 and 730 1953 SELECTION of / 2 pcs of more interesting zásilek: heavier Reg letter with 4-coloured franking, CDS DRNHOLEC 4.VI.53, postal-charge 110Kčs, on reverse arrival BRNO 1/ 4.VI.53!; unprofessionally open envelope + larger part parcel of dispatch-note with mnohonásobnou franking Pof.521 in front also on reverse, CDS HUDLICE 8.VI.53, small post office, postal-charge 130CZK, on reverse arrival PŘEROV 10.VI.53 and red cancel. "Posádková administration Přerov; less usual rates, envelope on reverse with unprofessionally open, toned, both pieces exp. Dražan U:A5
1953 comp. 5 pcs of, from that 4 postcard (1x fold) + 1 picture photo postcard CPH - Kunětická hill, various mixed franking, by/on/at CPH brown spots, as multiple good U:A5
1953 MAILING VYPLACENÉ V HOTOVOSTI / printed matter with Pofis. 726, hand-made "cash paid 4h", CDS MOST 10.VI.53; sound condition 1959-1978 comp. 4 pcs of FDC with mounted stamp. without postmarks (!): World Championship in ice hockey 1959, Geologický congress 1968, Space Exploration 1977 and Prague bridges 1978; interesting, sound condition 1965-68 comp. 3 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, franked with stamps from miniature sheets or blk-of-10, 1x two pieces Pof.789, 1x two pieces Pof.1681, 1x one piece Pof.1606, some stamps over margin cuts, good condition 1969-1978 comp. 3 pcs of FDC without postmarks: 18B/69, Art 1969 + 13A/78, Prague bridges + 15A/77, Space Exploration; sound condition 1971 FDC M A/71 + M B/71, 2 ministry FDC 50. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia + ministerial FDC M 24/78, Day of Stamp; sound condition 1973-86 SPECIAL ENVELOPES comp. 5 pcs of, P A/73, P 1/82, P A/83, P 2/84, P 5 /86; very fine 1980-85 Presidential Election republic, special envelope/-s V A/870, V B/80, V A/85, V B/85, red, resp. blue special postmark PRAGUE 012 HRAD/ 22.5.80 and 22.5.85; nice 1982 Pof.2574, Husák 50h, stmp with significant shift background print downward, on Ppc with CDS VODOUCHY 5. 3. 87, much rarer then stamps quite without background print 1982-84 comp. 4 pcs of various special envelopes, contains Socfilex 1982 - P8/82, Telekomunikace - P A/83, Comecon - P2/84 and XIX. konges UPU - P11/84, sound condition 1986-1987 CZECHOSL. NÁMOŘNÍ PLAVBA / M/S SLAPY kapitánská post, without franking postcard Rio De Janeiro with ship cancel. M/S SLAPY with 2 pcs of envelopes with frankotype ČNP, PRAGUE 10/ 28.7.86 resp. 12.1.87, on reverse blue arrival frame cancel. DOŠLO with date; only 1x envelope on reverse described, other good condition 1993 postal-agency DOLNÍ NOVÉ MĚSTO/ PRAGUE 07, letter from 1. of day opening transport novodobých postal-agencies in Czech Republic (!), with Pof.2263 and 2753, CDS PRAGUE 07/ 1.3.93, blue framed pmk Postal Agency předpisově outside franking, arrival postmark PRAGUE 612/ 2.3.93 on reverse, sound condition 1970-1978 [COLLECTIONS] selection of advertising nálepek: Days post and telekomunikací Czechoslovakia 1970 (complete counter sheet) + exhibition hinge / label Praga 1978 in/at counter sheet and blocks; placed in 3 folders and on/for two cards A4 two-sided 1968-1978 [COLLECTIONS] BALONOVÉ A HELICOPTER FLIGHTS / selection of 32 pcs of letters and postal stationery covers and aerogram delivered flights balloons or vrtulníků on/for výstavách PRAGA 68, PRAGA 78, Lipník nad Bečvou 70, INCHEBA 72 and BRNO 74, contains COB23, COB31-36, COB53, COB55 and COB56; good condition, high catalogue value 1968-1978 [COLLECTIONS] BALONOVÉ A HELICOPTER FLIGHTS / selection of 35 pcs of letters and postal stationery covers and aerogram delivered flights balloons or vrtulníků on/for výstavách PRAGA 68, PRAGA 78, Lipník nad Bečvou 70, INCHEBA 72 and BRNO 74, contains COB23, COB31-36, COB53, COB55 and COB56; good condition 1980-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection of postal stationery covers and PC with added-print, mainly Un, supplemented with PC with special postmark; all in/at smaller little-box 1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 pcs of entires with various straight line pmk., for example. BOJKOVICE, BRNO 23, DĚDICE, DUBNICE, FRYMBURK; mostly nice print 1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of Reg mailings with various provisory cancel. and provisory R label, for example. BRNO 5, 15, 25 and 27, BRUMOV, BŘEZOVÉ HORY, DOUBRAVA; interesting 1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 29 pcs of Reg mailings with circular cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945" (26x) and "1946" (3x), for example. BEČOV n. T., BRANTICE, ČACHOVICE, ČESKÁ METUJE, ČÍMĚŘ; well readable print, common condition 1946-1971 [COLLECTIONS] / comp. 15 pcs of philatelically influenced letters, from that 12x Reg letter, franked with. Postage due stamps issues 1946-1971 used as postage, with CDS PRAGUE 025/ and PRAGUE 35/ 30.6.88 (last day of validity); by/on/at Reg letters inserted posting cards, very good condition, interesting