1945 comp. 10 pcs of letters without franking, burdened with postage-due, various postmark for marking postage-due, all addressed to to Prague, mostly on/for Czechosl. broadcast, various CDS, good condition 1945 address side Reg letter, provisional 2-lines cancel. PŘÍBOR 6.VII.1945, in UR corner by hand written potrvrzení about/by payment postage 42Pf in/at German currency (!); good condition, sought by specialists 1945 KOŠICE / red double-circle provisional postmark KOŠICE 1/ 19.J.45. / Czechoslovak Post on 2 entires, 1x letter addressed to to Sniny with cancel. out of stmp, 1x Un card Hungarian FP with franking 4 postal stamp. and 1 fiscal revenue, cancelled red cancel.; good condition, philatelically motivated 1945 comp. 10 pcs of letters with various provisory cancel. from region Sudetenland /Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia/, for example. Bohosudov, bottom Grunt, Podmokly, Windows, Příbor etc., franked/paid cash; standard quality 1945 selection of 20 pcs of various entires with provisory cancel. from region Sudetenland /Bohemia/, for example. Běhánky, Bojkovice, Brniště, Brumov, Český Jiřetín , Polevsko, Soběsuky, Vedryně, Žalany; mainly philatelic correspondence, good quality 1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 pcs of entires with various straight line pmk., for example. BOJKOVICE, BRNO 23, DĚDICE, DUBNICE, FRYMBURK; mostly nice print 1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of Reg mailings with various provisory cancel. and provisory R label, for example. BRNO 5, 15, 25 and 27, BRUMOV, BŘEZOVÉ HORY, DOUBRAVA; interesting 1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 29 pcs of Reg mailings with circular cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945" (26x) and "1946" (3x), for example. BEČOV n. T., BRANTICE, ČACHOVICE, ČESKÁ METUJE, ČÍMĚŘ; well readable print, common condition