PLATE PROOF values 500h dark green on stamp paper with gum, in/at joined printing with part of stamp. 600h violet with control-numbers; hinged, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF comp. 6 pcs of plate proofs hotových gravures this issue, values 50h and 1CZK multiple prints on white paper with unoriginal gum, values 2CZK (2x), 3CZK and 10CZK on/for rose maculature paper; good condition
trial print 5h light green, Pof.3, horizontal pair with R margin, on both sides print same values in original color on/for stronger paper without gum; good condition
PLATE PROOF values 3CZK in/at original red-violet color, type I., UL blk-of-18 on pink paper; in upper part 2 significant smudges printing color, good condition, exp. Pofis-Beneš, exceptional multiple!
1919 PLATE PROOF Ornament, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs in definitive color on common paper without lepu: 5h, horiz. marginal Pr with control-numbers + 25h, horiz. corner str-of-7 and pair (incurred rozdělením one whole) + 100h, corner blk-of-4 with full print on the reverse side; 2x small tearing in margin
Pof.164N production flaw, 100h light green, imperforated stamp. with significant výrobním ribbing paper and incomplete offset on gum; hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 500h, letterprint plate proof in gray color on stamp paper with nazelenalým background print, LR corner blk-of-4 with wide margin, with gum; label only in margin, exp. Vrba, in čtyřbloku rare usage!
1919 CDV13 I. + II., both single parts PC abroad Hradčany 10h, used in/at II. postal rate inlandly, uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h blue-green, CDS HVOŽĎANY and PRAGUE; good condition
1920 CDV12, single PC abroad Hradčany 10h, used in III. postal rate inlandly, uprated with stamp Hradčany 10h red CDS RYCHNOV N. K. 2.VI.20; good condition
1922 CDV26, Liberated Republic 150h red, for far abroad, comp. of 2 Un pieces, various types přitištěných stamp. 150h, I. and II. type, in addition various stage incomplete-printing "SLOVAQUE", incomplete-printing "DES" and state emblem / symbol; very fine
1922 CPP11, whole international dispatch note Hradčany 10h with monogram and valuable 12h, addressed to to Switzerland, cash franked/paid 32,40Kč, TŘEBOŇ 31.V.22; fold, c.v.. 1.900CZK
1921 CPP14, whole international dispatch note Hradčany 10h blue, emblem with sale price 30h, addressed to to Switzerland, paid/franked cash 11,50Kč, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 1/9.IV.21; good condition, without folds
1921-1922 CDV20 + CDV19 I. part, comp. 3 pcs of PC Hradčany 20h red, 2x uprated by. international post card sent 1x to Sicily and 1x to Switzerland (both tearing in margin), supplemented with I. dílem from double PC, uprated by. and sent to Sicílii; usual quality
1926SOUKROMÝPŘÍTISK / PC CDV34/II, T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK II. part, with private added print on front also back side f. Richard KühnSaalfeld Germany, Un; minor faults prohyby, decorative
1919 address cut square from parcel sent in the place, with 30h (pair), 5h light green (str-of-3), 3h and Express stamp 2h, CDS DOBRUŠKA 19.IV.19; good condition
1919 ITALY / POSTA MILITARE 52 with asterisks, Italian postcard with additional-printing YMCA to Bohemia, postal imprint PM 52/ 23.1.19, interesting lithographic spojenecká promotional Ppc; slightly wrinkled corners
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, postcard sent from Kroměříž to Italian Raveny, with Hradčany 10h + 5h, 2x postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 14.1.19; only in picture side hints after sticking to černému background, rare franking on/for mailing to Italy
1920 two cuts post. dispatch-note franked with. overprint stamp. Hradčany, 1x with stamp. 100h brown, Pof.SO17 with nationalized CDS PETŘVALD VE S. 5/8 20, 1x with 30h yellow, Pof.SO9 with nationalized CDS LAZY 21.IV.20 (cut cut)
1920 ATTACHED TERRITORY / CMUNT - ČESKÉ VELENICE / philatelically influenced Registered and Express letter without vypsaného addressee , used 12 pcs of Austrian stamp. 5h - 2 Koruna, all with 7 print red CDS CMUNT V Č./ 31.VII.20 - 1. day handover below Czechosl. administration, larger format envelope/-s; good condition
1920 comp. 2 pcs of entires sent in III. postal rate, 1x card with additional-printing Matice osvěty lidové pro Těšínsko, with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany 15h and stamp. 5h with overprint SO1920 (overprint), Pof.SO3B with CDS SLEZSKÁ OSTRAVA 27.IV.20, 1x small envelope franked with. overprint stamp. 30h, Pof.SO9 with nationalized CDS KUNČICE U OSTRAVY 13/5 20; good condition
1921 letter sent in the place franked with. 3 pcs of stamp. Pigeon-issue 20h orange, 3x imprint of commemorative postmark KARLOVY VARY/ XII. CONGRESS SIONISTICKÝ/ 7.IX.21; light bend
1921 smaller part dispatch-note franked with. i.a. 2x stamp. 125h, from that 1x with plate variety - shorter the bottom bar "2", CDS ŠPIČÁK 30.III.21; exp. and marked Vrba
1923-1924 comp. 7 pcs of entires addressed abroad - Switzerland, Germany, with mixed frankings stamp. issue Agriculture and Science, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, various types, pairs, commercial also personal correspondence etc..; mainly good condition
1937 airmail letter to Tokyo, with Towns 5CZK, 3CZK and T. G. Masaryk 50h, CDS PRAGUE 25/13.XI.37, on reverse frame PRAGUE 7/13.XI.37 AIRMAIL, round TOKIO 30.12.37, lower cancel. MAILING FROM LETTERBOX; signs of usage, interesting entire!
1938SMÍŠENÁFRANKATURA / letter sent as Printed matter franked with. mixed franking postage stmp Coat of arms 10h brown and stamp. Falcon in Flight (issue) with overprint OT 10h violet Pof.OT1, MC PRAGUE 6/ 22.X.38 (incomplete print); good condition, rare