1939Sy.D3Xz production flaw, the first issue 20h blue, smooth gum, vertical pair with production flaw - 2x vertical hair paper crease in paper; mint never hinged, interesting
20005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, value 18CZK, str-of-3 with production flaw - 1x without print nominal value + 1x value 18CZK double impression + 1x standard stamp. with value 18CZK
2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, str-of-9 with production flaw - 2x print nominal value 22CZK + 7x without print nominal value; multiple stripe are rare
2006 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, value 24CZK, 2 pcs of with production flaw - 1x double significantly shifted print nominal value, 1x inverted print nominal value at top in/at republic
trial print 5h light green, Pof.3, horizontal pair with R margin, on both sides print same values in original color on/for stronger paper without gum; good condition
1840 SG.5, TWO PENCE blue, horizontal strip of 3, letters H-C - H-E, close to normal margins, cancel. of red MC; small reparation at upper margin, overall an attractive multiple, c.v.. £3.750+
1874 SG.5aw, Victoria (De La Rue) 3P yellow-buff with INVERTED WMK, wide R margin; minor faults in left upper margin - small tearing, after all rare stamp, c.v.. £1.400
1939Sy.D5Xz production flaw, the first issue., 40h blue, block of four, L pair stamps with production flaw - 2x thin paper crease in paper; mint never hinged
1863-1901 SELECTION / SG.9, 10, 33, 35, 38, 39, 49, 61, Victoria 4c and 6c wmk CC, then i.a. 30c grey-green, wmk CA etc..; only SG.9 and 10 without gum, others G-F
PLATE PROOF values 3CZK in/at original red-violet color, type I., UL blk-of-18 on pink paper; in upper part 2 significant smudges printing color, good condition, exp. Pofis-Beneš, exceptional multiple!
1858 Mi.10+12+14, fine tricolour franking Franz Joseph I. 2 + 3 + 10Kr, on small cut-square with 2x CDS WIEN/ 25.9.; VF, ex Dr. Rieger, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.300€
1940AS13a, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, black emblem, black text exhibition NY 1940, green exhibition hall on coupon; mint never hinged, warping paper, in margin small toned, sought
1919 PLATE PROOF Ornament, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs in definitive color on common paper without lepu: 5h, horiz. marginal Pr with control-numbers + 25h, horiz. corner str-of-7 and pair (incurred rozdělením one whole) + 100h, corner blk-of-4 with full print on the reverse side; 2x small tearing in margin
1993-2001 SELECTION of / Pof.15 production flaw, Plzeň 5CZK, corner blk-of-4 with significant shift numeral value downward + Pof.140 inverted harrow perforation, Historical Architectural Styles 4,60CZK, L upper vertical corner str-of-4 with inverted frame perf + Pof.A289 production flaw, Baroque 50CZK, miniature sheet with production flaw - violet circle in the middle upper blue area above PU (republic); mint never hinged
1951 Pof.L33, Spa 6Kčs green, block of four with wide bottom margin lower with perf from protějšího blk-of-10 (incomplete gutter); mint never hinged, unusual
1940 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.49, Prague - Charles Bridge 20K, complete 100 stamps sheet with plate mark ++; folded only in perforation, on gum in margin sporadically signs of storage, otherwise very fine, rare usage complete sheets!
1977 PLATE PROOF COB51, Exhibition Socfilex in Berlin, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs, 3x printed stmp 6Kčs, from that 1x master die in/at definitive colors, 2x in/at brown and black color, 1x plate proof added-print on envelope, supplemented with standard envelope, all on carton paper with wide margin; good condition