1982 Pof.2574, Husák 50h, stmp with significant shift background print downward, on Ppc with CDS VODOUCHY 5. 3. 87, much rarer then stamps quite without background print
1982-84 comp. 4 pcs of various special envelopes, contains Socfilex 1982 - P8/82, Telekomunikace - P A/83, Comecon - P2/84 and XIX. konges UPU - P11/84, sound condition
1986-1987 CZECHOSL. NÁMOŘNÍ PLAVBA / M/S SLAPY kapitánská post, without franking postcard Rio De Janeiro with ship cancel. M/S SLAPY with 2 pcs of envelopes with frankotype ČNP, PRAGUE 10/ 28.7.86 resp. 12.1.87, on reverse blue arrival frame cancel. DOŠLO with date; only 1x envelope on reverse described, other good condition
1987 letter addressed to printing agentuře ORBIS Prague, franked with. 96 pcs of special stmp., from that 53 pcs of in front, CDS POSTES AFGHANES/ KABUL; 7 pcs of stamp. damaged before mounting, stripped/pull-down stamp. excluded from sum; format 36,5x25,5cm
1987 letter addressed to printing agentuře ORBIS Prague, franked with. 96 pcs of special stmp., from that 53 pcs of in front, CDS POSTES AFGHANES/ KABUL; 7 pcs of stamp. damaged before mounting, stripped/pull-down stamp. excluded from sum; format 36,5x25,5cm
1993 postal-agency DOLNÍ NOVÉ MĚSTO/ PRAGUE 07, letter from 1. of day opening transport novodobých postal-agencies in Czech Republic (!), with Pof.2263 and 2753, CDS PRAGUE 07/ 1.3.93, blue framed pmk Postal Agency předpisově outside franking, arrival postmark PRAGUE 612/ 2.3.93 on reverse, sound condition
1994-1995FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, postage due paid/franked postage stamp., all post LITOMĚŘICE 1 with MC post LOVOSICE 2; rare occurrence, sound condition
1995-1998FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of (from that 3x mark currency Koruna), postage due paid/franked special stamp., various post; rare occurrence, sound condition
1995-1998FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of (from that 8x with mark currency Koruna), postage due paid/franked special and postage stamp., all with CDS BENEŠOV by/on/at PRAHY and LITOMĚŘICE; rare occurrence, sound condition
2017 off. letter-card Czechosl. post Modrý Maritius, nesložená (!), also with commemorative sheet with two stamp. Pof.942 and samolepicí stick-on label with logo exhibition
1939 BRNO 1/ Visit leader and empire chancellor/ 21.III.39, comp. 3 pcs of Us entires with red special postmark with rozlišením and, b, c; good condition
1993-1998 POB2 + POB3, President Czech Republic Wenceslas Havel, 2 special envelope/-s Czech post with additional-printing, 2x special postmark PRAGUE 012 - HRAD/ 2.3.1993 and 22.1.98; very fine
1943Bennebizzatok! (Věřímemu!) color propaganda Ppc with siluetou soldier and Hungarian emblem / symbol, signed LégrádySándor 1943, 3x print special cancel. KASSA HAZATÉRT and circular cancel. Košice-issue exhibition of stamps CASSOVIABÉLYEGKIÁLLITASA; Un, good condition
1964 Czechoslovakia / Alphabetical listing village/community and their/its part/-s with appropriate dodávacími post offices in Czechoslovakia according to status to/at day 1. July 1964, issued by Publ. transport and communications, 1183 sides, plátěná binding; good condition
1988 MONOGRAFIE CZECHOSL. ZNÁMEK 17. DÍL - ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ POSTMARKS 1919-1939, E. catalogue of Votoček, still basic literature to problematice Czechosl. prvorepublikových postal postmarks, both volumes; very well preserved
2024MERKURREVUE / Czechoslovakia 1918 - 1939 part I., J. Klim, J. Štolfa, Z. Filípek, nejnovějšíaktualizované issue 1. part specialized catalogue stamps and entires; very fine
1893-1926 [COLLECTIONS] fine old collection on 5 pages Schaubek, contains i.a. Yv.13, 18, complete 21-35, postage-dues 1-8 etc..; overall good quality, we advice examination
1948-1980 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection on pages Schaubek in screw stockbook and spring folder, contains coupons, i.a. Mi.28-29, 41, also souvenir sheets etc..
1970-1978 [COLLECTIONS] selection of advertising nálepek: Days post and telekomunikací Czechoslovakia 1970 (complete counter sheet) + exhibition hinge / label Praga 1978 in/at counter sheet and blocks; placed in 3 folders and on/for two cards A4 two-sided
1995-2010 [COLLECTIONS] MERKURREVUE / accumulation black-prints, incl. better variants, in addition supplemented with about/by several exhibition black-prints, black print Terezín etc..; total more than 40 pcs of, nice quality, high catalogue value
1997-2000 [COLLECTIONS] FeroHorniak - publication Graphic Art on/for postal stamp. with black print Jánošík PT15a + Exlibris Svatopluk Šablatúra - Filmovámůza from DušanaKallaye
1968-1978 [COLLECTIONS] BALONOVÉ A HELICOPTER FLIGHTS / selection of 32 pcs of letters and postal stationery covers and aerogram delivered flights balloons or vrtulníků on/for výstavách PRAGA 68, PRAGA 78, Lipník nad Bečvou 70, INCHEBA 72 and BRNO 74, contains COB23, COB31-36, COB53, COB55 and COB56; good condition, high catalogue value
1968-1978 [COLLECTIONS] BALONOVÉ A HELICOPTER FLIGHTS / selection of 35 pcs of letters and postal stationery covers and aerogram delivered flights balloons or vrtulníků on/for výstavách PRAGA 68, PRAGA 78, Lipník nad Bečvou 70, INCHEBA 72 and BRNO 74, contains COB23, COB31-36, COB53, COB55 and COB56; good condition
1980-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection of postal stationery covers and PC with added-print, mainly Un, supplemented with PC with special postmark; all in/at smaller little-box
1995 [COLLECTIONS] FORGERIES / Pof.CDV8 B, Village Motive 3CZK, selection of 41 pcs of various variants forgery, 5x unused (on the reverse side marked FORGERY), 36x upotřebené (non-philatelic užití, mainly exp. Kraus); nice quality, interesting
1921-1959 [COLLECTIONS] ORIENT / selection of 45 letters from commercial correspondence addressed to Czechoslovakia or Protectorate, contains countries as Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libanon, Turkey and Egypt, various frankings, censorship marks,, mainly air-mail letters, several Reg; various quality
1936-1950 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 letters from commercial correspondence addressed to Czechoslovakia or Protectorate, 12 sent as Registered, various frankings, censorship marks,, airmail letters; various quality
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 pcs of entires with various straight line pmk., for example. BOJKOVICE, BRNO 23, DĚDICE, DUBNICE, FRYMBURK; mostly nice print
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of Reg mailings with various provisory cancel. and provisory R label, for example. BRNO 5, 15, 25 and 27, BRUMOV, BŘEZOVÉ HORY, DOUBRAVA; interesting
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 29 pcs of Reg mailings with circular cancel. with pevným date of printing "1945" (26x) and "1946" (3x), for example. BEČOV n. T., BRANTICE, ČACHOVICE, ČESKÁ METUJE, ČÍMĚŘ; well readable print, common condition
1946-1971 [COLLECTIONS] / comp. 15 pcs of philatelically influenced letters, from that 12x Reg letter, franked with. Postage due stamps issues 1946-1971 used as postage, with CDS PRAGUE 025/ and PRAGUE 35/ 30.6.88 (last day of validity); by/on/at Reg letters inserted posting cards, very good condition, interesting
1935-1959 SELECTION of / 3 pcs of various philatelic titulů, contains Czechoslovak stamps, E. Hirsch - J. Franěk 1935 (missing several first sheets) + Hundred years post. stamps 1840-1940, K. Basika 1946 + Trial about/by philatelic collections Postal museum - E. Hirsch 1956; overall fine