1958 Mi.1072, exhibition 400 years Polish post, miniature sheet with 6 stamp., size 132x140mm, paste-in to gift plates with special postmark 1. of day issue 26.10.58; good condition
1966-1981 PLATE FLAWS / selection of various plate variety and other varieties, contains i.a. Pof.1780 plate variety 3/1 - "path" in/at printings mountains, Pof.1570, str-of-3 with ST I+II+I, Pof.2253 plate variety 31/2 - "curb" near the head horses, Pof.2339 plate variety 29/1 - crossed out "h" and other, i.a. also own výzkum; mainly in/at strips and multiblocks, placed on sheet A4, nice selection of
1966-1981 PLATE FLAWS / selection of various plate variety and other varieties, contains i.a. Pof.1780 plate variety 3/1 - "path" in/at printings mountains, Pof.1570, str-of-3 with ST I+II+I, Pof.2253 plate variety 31/2 - "curb" near the head horses, Pof.2339 plate variety 29/1 - crossed out "h" and other, i.a. also own výzkum; mainly in/at strips and multiblocks, placed on sheet A4, nice selection of
1977 ADVERTISING LABELS PRAGA ´78 /author J. Liesler, complete 25 pcs of PB with production flaw - significant yellow stains printing color, supplemented with same PB without defects
1978 COUNTER SHEET / comp. 11 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet exhibition labels PRAGA 1978; several times little allowed in perforation, otherwise very fine
1980 Pof.2422 plate variety, Peace Marathon 50h, corner blk-of-10 with sought plate variety - missing blue color after/behind běžcem on pos. 40/1; mint never hinged
1981 Pof.2493ST, Atomic Power Station 2Kčs, R corner block of 8, contains joined types: horiz. II. + I.., III.+I. and IV.+I., vertical II.+III.+IV.; decorative
1996 PTM 4, 100 years from birth K. Svolinský and establishment Czech philharmonic orchestra, commemorative print Czech Post; very fine, c.v.. 1.400CZK, illustrative photo
2015 stamp-booklet Exhibition CHOMUTOV 2015, on reverse 2 hologramy on/for sequence (shifted against sequence 0 1mm vertical and little horiz.); kuriozní and very unusual
2023BRATISLAVAFILA 2023 / invitation card for ceremonial annunciation výsledků exhibition with additionally printed motive stamp. 30. anniv of MC - Čestná guard prezidentky MC, Zber.784; very fine
2401 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps; decorative multiple, sought!
1850 Mi.1X, HP III, Coat of arms 1 Kr yellow, horizontal pair, tissue paper, very wide margins, straight line postmark LOSENSTEIN, 2x plate variety - incomplete-printing characters "U" and "K", for specialist interesting, cat. min. 600€
2000 Pof.AT1 production flaw, Veveří (castle), value 5CZK without asterisk, variant I, triple, significantly shifted print nominal value + otazníky at upper margin
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I (roll 1.5), newly set up values from January 2001 incl. 14CZK, i. e. 8 values, on/for all production flaw - significant black stain between „E“ (ČESKÁ) and building and so-called. „světlávoda“ (only field 9), in addition values 40h, 1CZK, 9CZK and 14,40CZK with same production flaw; total 12 values, sought, cat. only normálních stamps 2.445Kč
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I, values 5,40CZK and 9CZK without asterisk, all with production flaw No.2 - significant yellow stain L on bank
1954 TRAINING STAMPS - POSTAGE STAMPS / Pof.2A, 20h light brown, complete 25 pcs of counter sheet (!) with line perforation 10¾; mint never hinged, missing L margin, rare occurrence in/at sheets, extraordinary offer!