1970 LIESLER Joseph (1905-2005), Hydrological Decade, graphic/prints - similar motive as realizované post. stamps issue Hydrological Decade from year 1974, color lithography, size 135x190mm, No. 20/201, signed 1896 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939) / 4 pcs of B/W illustration Alfons Mucha from year 1896 in 2 číslech journal Revue Encyclopedique Larousse - Salon des Cent, Lorenzaccio, Menu Sarah Bernardt, La Dame Aux Camelias, format illustration 6x9cm, format journal 25x33cm; illustration good condition, envelope/-s with podlepením in backbone 1920-30 comp. 3 pcs of exlibris, Ludolf Frank, H. K. Frech and Wenceslas Kvapil (1x light stains) 1913-1950 VÁCHAL Joseph, BOUDA Cyril /comp. 7 pcs of Exlibris, 2x Joseph Váchal - Mařenka Honslová Hronková, 2x Cyril Bouda - ELK, 2x Rudolf Pařízek - LLD. Francis Hronek and A. D. Holešovský etc..; good condition 1898 [COLLECTIONS] MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939) / printing Alfons Mucha from year 1898 for title stránku journal Le Mois litteraire et pittoresque, 5x complete journal + 1x only main page, various color making, format 17x25cm; good condition 1896 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939) / 2 pcs of celostránkových vícebarevných illustration Alfons Mucha from year 1896 in/at prosincovém čísle journal Ĺ Illustration - Le Baiser de Laline + Le Bout de la Table, format 22x32cm, 6 numbers journal bounded in/at firm binding with mnohými other printings; damaged binding, illustration good condition 1894 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939) / 35 pcs of celostránkových illustration Alfons Mucha from year 1894 in book Le Judith Gautier - Mémoires d´un Éléphant blanc, format 12x18,5cm; good condition