ADVERTISING LABELS / complete blk-of-10 labels KLUB FILATELISTŮ BRNO 06 - 16 ČESKOSLOVENSKO; mint never hinged 1977 ADVERTISING LABELS PRAGA ´78 /author J. Liesler, complete 25 pcs of PB with production flaw - significant yellow stains printing color, supplemented with same PB without defects 1978 COUNTER SHEET / comp. 11 pcs of complete 30 pcs of counter sheet exhibition labels PRAGA 1978; several times little allowed in perforation, otherwise very fine 1945 2 pcs of letters, 1x postal-agency MAJETÍN (BRODEK U P.) blue nationalized cancel. on/for commercial R letter, CDS BRODEK U P. 24.VII.45 (folds and cut marginal stmp in perforation), 1x postal-agency NOŠOVICE (DOBRÁ U FRÝDKU) violet cancel. on/for window oblong envelope (2x fold), CDS DOBRÁ U FRÝDKU 11.VIII.45 (incomplete print) 1946 MILITARY ZAJATECKÉ TÁBORY KUŘIM, ZNOJMO, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ comp. 5 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes sent on/for prisoner to camp in/at Kuřimi, then answer part card Voj. POW camp in Znojmo sent from Austria with CDS VILLACH/ 26.8.46, card sent from prisoner from prison in/at Hradec Králové; good condition 1948 Dr. E. BENEŠ, B/W. postcard big format with mounted stamp. Pof.464, with black special postmark; good condition 1948-1985 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION / comp. of 8 envelopes V A/48 (signature Neumann, sent to parliamentarian NS), V A/73, V /73, V A/75, V A/80, V B/80, V A/85 and V B/85; nice quality 1950-1971 comp. 4 pcs of FDC without mounted stmp: 9/50 Prague 1950, 16B/64 Prague castle, 18A/69 Art, 4A/71 City Coats of Arms; sound condition 1953 1. DAY / 3 letters from 1.6.1953 paid/franked according to rate platného to 31.5.53: 1x Pof.487, MC BRNO 2; 1x Pof.488, CDS MICHALOVCE; 1x Pof.725, CDS ČESKÁ KAMENICE, window envelope C6, faded R margin; without postage-due, usual quality U:A4
1953 1. DAY / letter in the place sent to State bank Czechosl., with mnohonásobnou franking postage stmp Pof.666, 10x in front, MC BRNO 2/ 1.VI.53 + 10x on reverse without postmark; right value postage, common condition 1953 1. DAY / Reg letter in the place sent to State bank Czechosl., with 4-coloured mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.487 (2x), 488 (2x), 489, 521 (7x), 685 and 707 (2x), CDS BRNO 2/ 1.VI.53, postal-charge 110Kčs; Reg letters from 1. of day are rare!, format A5, envelope unprofessionally open from 2 sides (internal instruction bank), otherwise sound condition 1953 LETTER plate variety CIZINY / addressed to to East Germany, with multicolor franking postage and special stmp in front also on reverse, right postal-charge 50Kčs, CDS ŽACLÉŘ/ 6.VI.53 1953 FIREMNÍ CORRESPONDENCE / comp. 4 pcs of dopisů: 1x underpaid and nezatížený postage-due, 1x window envelope C6, 1x Ex-Reg letter with Pof.507 (18x) and 506 (4x) and letter above 20g with Pofis. 679 (20x) and 488 (6x), CDS TÝNEC above S. 8.VI.53; various quality 1953 CHYBNĚ VYPLACENÉ MAILING / two special delivery letters, 1x private with multiple franking Pof.726 (15x) in front also on reverse (= 120 Koruna), CDS KOUT on/for Š./ 8.VI.53 and 1x commercial franked by stmp Pof.488 (2x) and 507 (10x) in front also on reverse (= 90 Koruna), CDS SEKYŘANY/ 8.VI.53, arrival TLF. ÚSTŘEDNA/ PRAHA/ 9.VI.53 on reverse, window envelope 1953 MNOHONÁSOBNÉ FRANKATURY / comp. 4 pcs of dopisů: and) commercial letter franked with. in front also on reverse stamp. Pof.716 (20x), CDS STŘÍLKY 7.VI.53 (neděle!), sound condition; b) ditto, with Pof.504 (30x), CDS HROB 3.VI.53, window envelope C6; c) ditto, Reg letter with Pof.705 (27x), CDS TANNVALD - ŠUMBURK above D. 10.VI.53, viewing of quality recommended; d) letter above 20g with Pof.730 (40x), CDS HODONÍN 2/ 5.VI.53, format 28x16cm, in the middle 1x vert. fold, wrinkled margins 1953 NEDĚLE / letter in the place with mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.489, 666 and 702 (6x), rolled CDS PRAGUE 025/ 14.VI.53; non-philatelic correspondence, sound condition 1953 insufficiently franked letter with Pof.485 (2x) according to rate platného to 31.V.1953, CDS LUHAČOVICE 3.VI.53, handwriting "T" avizováné postage due was/were delivery post really chosen, on reverse mounted Postage due stamp Pofis. D75 (10x) and D77 (2x) in right value 54Kčs, arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 5.VI.53; envelope cut, missing back lapel, after all interesting U:A5
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 2. DAY OF USAGE / postcard sent to Slovakia with Pof.736, rolled cancel. MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ 20.VI.53 (hand-made 19.6.) + letter with Pof.733 (3x), CDS ŠUMPERK 1/ 27.VI.53; sound condition 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with meter stmp in value 15Kčs, MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ/ 15.VI.53 and PRAGUE 74/ 20.VI.53 (!) + 3 pcs of window envelopes (2x larger format) with commercial meter stmp Dřevona Prague, RAKO and Elektroodbyt Prague in value 30Kčs U:A4
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 10 Koruna / commercial papers, 2 pcs of with 1-zn. franking Pof.521, resp. 643, 1 pcs of multiple franked. Pof.721 (5x) and 1x meter stmp + POŠTOVNÉ 15 Koruna, commercial papers with franked. Pof.666 (15x) on face-side; 2 pcs of more/larger window envelope 1953 POŠTOVNÉ 10Kčs / commercial papers, 4 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of with multiple frankings Pof.671 (5x) with CDS PROTIVÍN/ 5.VI.53, resp. Pof.716 (7x) with CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 9.VI.53 and 2x mixed franking Pof.625 (9x), 711 with CDS PRAGUE 025/ 3.VI.53, resp. Pof.726, 728 - minor faults. with CDS TEPLICE; 3x window envelope U:A4
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 110 Koruna / Express letter with Pof.643 (10x), CDS BRNO 1/ 4.VI.53, small format + heavier commercial Reg letter with same franking, CDS HAVLÍČKUV BROD 2/ 6.VI.53, format 23x16cm; common condition 1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30 Koruna / comp. of 3 letters with mixed frankings, CDS VRAŇANY/ 5.VI., PARDUBICE 1/ 8.VI. and LEVICE/ 15.VI.53 U:A5
1953 POŠTOVNÉ 30 Koruna / comp. 5 pcs of letters with multiple frankings special stmp Pof.684, 702, 714, 729 and 730 1953 SELECTION of / 2 pcs of more interesting zásilek: heavier Reg letter with 4-coloured franking, CDS DRNHOLEC 4.VI.53, postal-charge 110Kčs, on reverse arrival BRNO 1/ 4.VI.53!; unprofessionally open envelope + larger part parcel of dispatch-note with mnohonásobnou franking Pof.521 in front also on reverse, CDS HUDLICE 8.VI.53, small post office, postal-charge 130CZK, on reverse arrival PŘEROV 10.VI.53 and red cancel. "Posádková administration Přerov; less usual rates, envelope on reverse with unprofessionally open, toned, both pieces exp. Dražan U:A5
1953 comp. 5 pcs of, from that 4 postcard (1x fold) + 1 picture photo postcard CPH - Kunětická hill, various mixed franking, by/on/at CPH brown spots, as multiple good U:A5
1953 MAILING VYPLACENÉ V HOTOVOSTI / printed matter with Pofis. 726, hand-made "cash paid 4h", CDS MOST 10.VI.53; sound condition 1959-1978 comp. 4 pcs of FDC with mounted stamp. without postmarks (!): World Championship in ice hockey 1959, Geologický congress 1968, Space Exploration 1977 and Prague bridges 1978; interesting, sound condition 1969-1978 comp. 3 pcs of FDC without postmarks: 18B/69, Art 1969 + 13A/78, Prague bridges + 15A/77, Space Exploration; sound condition 1971 FDC M A/71 + M B/71, 2 ministry FDC 50. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia + ministerial FDC M 24/78, Day of Stamp; sound condition 1973-86 SPECIAL ENVELOPES comp. 5 pcs of, P A/73, P 1/82, P A/83, P 2/84, P 5 /86; very fine 1980-85 Presidential Election republic, special envelope/-s V A/870, V B/80, V A/85, V B/85, red, resp. blue special postmark PRAGUE 012 HRAD/ 22.5.80 and 22.5.85; nice 1982-84 comp. 4 pcs of various special envelopes, contains Socfilex 1982 - P8/82, Telekomunikace - P A/83, Comecon - P2/84 and XIX. konges UPU - P11/84, sound condition 1986-1987 CZECHOSL. NÁMOŘNÍ PLAVBA / M/S SLAPY kapitánská post, without franking postcard Rio De Janeiro with ship cancel. M/S SLAPY with 2 pcs of envelopes with frankotype ČNP, PRAGUE 10/ 28.7.86 resp. 12.1.87, on reverse blue arrival frame cancel. DOŠLO with date; only 1x envelope on reverse described, other good condition 1993 postal-agency DOLNÍ NOVÉ MĚSTO/ PRAGUE 07, letter from 1. of day opening transport novodobých postal-agencies in Czech Republic (!), with Pof.2263 and 2753, CDS PRAGUE 07/ 1.3.93, blue framed pmk Postal Agency předpisově outside franking, arrival postmark PRAGUE 612/ 2.3.93 on reverse, sound condition 1970-1978 [COLLECTIONS] selection of advertising nálepek: Days post and telekomunikací Czechoslovakia 1970 (complete counter sheet) + exhibition hinge / label Praga 1978 in/at counter sheet and blocks; placed in 3 folders and on/for two cards A4 two-sided