1993- FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, all odmítnuté recipients, postage due nezapraveno, post LITOMĚŘICE 1; rare occurrence, sound condition 1994-1995 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, postage due paid/franked postage stamp., all post LITOMĚŘICE 1 with MC post LOVOSICE 2; rare occurrence, sound condition 1995 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, postage due paid/franked postage stamp., all with CDS LITOMĚŘICE 1; rare occurrence, sound condition 1995-1998 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of (from that 3x mark currency Koruna), postage due paid/franked special stamp., various post; rare occurrence, sound condition 1995-1998 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of (from that 8x with mark currency Koruna), postage due paid/franked special and postage stamp., all with CDS BENEŠOV by/on/at PRAHY and LITOMĚŘICE; rare occurrence, sound condition 1997-1998 FORMULÁŘ No. 11-082 for payment postage-due, comp. 10 pcs of, postage due paid/franked postage stamp., all with CDS BENEŠOV by/on/at PRAHY; rare occurrence, sound condition