1866 BAVARIA completely in good condition parcel wrapping, sent from Regensburg, straight line postmark REGENSBURG, to Brno via Wien, parcel label WIEN, off. data, rests of seals 1908-1915 CZECH LANDS / selection of 14 entires with postal agency pmk, i.a. VŘESKOVICE, KLEŤ, MAŘATICE, WANNOW, TISMICE, LSTIBOŘ, KŠELY DOLNÍ, PŘISTOUPÍN, CHOTOUŇ, 5x on Ppc; good condition 1915 request líst on/for mailing field post, Nachfraggeschreiben, off. cancel. K.u.K. Infanterieregiment count von Ahensperg un Traun Nr.21 supplemented with postal FP-postmark./ 79/ 3.V.15, vert. fold 1917 K.u.K KRAFTWAGENKOLONNE No. 115, blue print circular FP cachet postmark with coats of arms supplemented with on/for letter envelope incomplete print FP/ 246/ 24.IV.17, good condition 1918 S.M.S. CUSTOZA, censor violet framed pmk, supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA 12.I.18, color postcard, good condition,