1938 SG.D9-D10, postage-due 40c and 1Fr with overprint POSTAGE DUE; very fine, c.v.. £100 1946 SG.135w, postal-revenue NZ Coat of arms £3 green with inverted wmk; very fine, c.v.. £70 1952 SG.180-183, George VI. Motives 1Sh - 5Sh; higher values from sought set, c.v.. £84 1953 SG.D11-D15, postage-due 5c - 1Fr with overprint POSTAGE DUE; c.v.. £30 1938 SG.75-77, George VI. - Motives 1Sh - 3Sh; complete set of 3, c.v.. £60 1940 SG.D11-D18, Postage due stamp Numerals 1P - 1Sh6P; complete set, hinged, c.v.. £140