1998 Pof.179 production flaw, 181 production flaw, Nature Protection, marginal blocks of 6 values 4,60CZK and 8CZK, production flaw - 179/49 line by beak + 181/18 green stain in bushes; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1200CZK, production defects only part of edition
1970-71 Pof.1862, 1920, Intercosmos 1,20CZK with production flaw - significant red stains in circle L from satelitu (4 pcs of - 2x pair, str-of-3), part of edition in various pozicích, also with in addition Pof.1920, plate variety 2/7 (block of four); zajímavé
1971-1972 Pof.1877xb, 1879xb, 1964xb, 1966xb, comp. 6 pcs of stamp. on paper oz: Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, 3,60Kčs (2x, from that 1x marginal piece), 5Kčs (2x), 3Kčs; mint never hinged
1973 Pof.2060, Day of Stamp 1Kčs, 2x vertical pair with coupons and gutter-pairs, private additional printing Exhibition Jeseník 75 in blue color on/for L and P marginal coupons; 1x on coupon hint of sticking
1975 Pof.2129 plate variety, Anniv destruction Czech and Slovak village/community 1,20Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 35/2 - cut notch in addition in/at růži + plate variety 35/2 - thin lines through/over "1" and next to values; mint never hinged
1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Libra 9CZK, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - bands black color through/over UL pos.; mint never hinged, significant printing flaw!
1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Libra 9CZK, vertical corner str-of-5 with production flaw - bands black color through/over upper middle and the bottom pos.; mint never hinged, significant printing flaw!
1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Zodiac 9CZK, marginal block-of-4 with production flaw - bands black color through/over all pos.; mint never hinged, interesting
1999 Pof.218 production flaw, Zodiac 9CZK, vertical corner str-of-3 with production flaw - bands black color through/over middle and partially also the bottom pos.; mint never hinged, significant printing flaw!
1979-80 Pof.2363, Cosmos 4 Koruna, marginal Pr, shift green-blue color (by/on/at name state) + Pof.2375, Spoje 10h, corner str-of-3 with brown stěrem on edge and Pof.2454, Census 1Kčs, significant shift red color, corner piece
1979 Pof.2391 production flaw, BIB Bratislava 1Kčs, UR corner blk-of-9 (6 stamp. and 3 coupons) with production flaw - hair paper crease through/over 4 pos. with incomplete printing gravure colors, in addition plate variety 3,4 - blue lap at lower margin; interesting and unusual
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps, in addition with plate variety 8/1 "pavučina"; decorative multiple, sought!
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps, in addition with plate variety 8/1 "pavučina"; decorative multiple, sought!
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps; decorative multiple, sought!
1979 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps; decorative multiple, sought!
2401 Pof.2401 production flaw, Historical Clocks 60h, vertical strip of 5 with significant shifted perforation downward to picture all stamps; decorative multiple, sought!
1980 Pof.2422 plate variety, Peace Marathon 50h, corner blk-of-10 with sought plate variety - missing blue color after/behind běžcem on pos. 40/1; mint never hinged
1980 Pof.2423 plate variety, City Coats of Arms, Bystřice nad Pernštejnem 50h, the bottom corner blk-of-8 with plate variety on pos. 48, 49, 50/2 - strongly prorytá side state emblem / symbol; mint never hinged
2000 Pof.247 production flaw, Mining right 5CZK, upper str-of-6 with margin and with production flaw - significant incomplete-printing black color in/at name state on pos. 2 and partially also in/at of adjacent pos.; without defects
1981 Pof.2493ST, Atomic Power Station 2Kčs, R corner block of 8, contains joined types: horiz. II. + I.., III.+I. and IV.+I., vertical II.+III.+IV.; decorative
2000 Pof.256 production flaw, Nezval 5CZK, comp. 2 pcs of bottom bnd-of-20 from sheet A and B, both with omitted perforation hole between pane position 38, 39, 48, 49, incl. small plate variety on pos. 47/1 and 49/1, date of print 23.III.00; only vert. fold in perforation
1982 Pof.2574, Husák 50h, stmp with significant shift background print downward, on Ppc with CDS VODOUCHY 5. 3. 87, much rarer then stamps quite without background print
2000 Pof.261 production flaw, Prague 9CZK, right upper corner stamp. with production flaw 1 - shift blue color L-wards up; mint never hinged, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
2001 Pof.294 production flaw, Halas 16CZK, upper marginal bnd-of-10 with shifted perforation downward to closely to picture stamps; only vert. fold in perforation, interesting
2001 Pof.302/303 production flaw, Nature Protection 5,40CZK, marginal vertical bnd-of-10 with date of print, on/for several stamp. significant black stains (bad stěr color); folded in perforation, sought
2002 Pof.323 production flaw, Krteček 5,40CZK, marginal stmp with significant shift black ocelotiskové color downward transport; mint never hinged, interesting, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
2002 Pof.336 production flaw, Mikulášskánadílka 6,40CZK with production flaw - shift black ocelotiskové color compared to ostatnímbarvám downward transport; mint never hinged, unusual, also with common stamp. on/for comparison
1945-1949 Pof.353-532, complete set first 5 year incl. all miniature sheets, stamp. air-mail, postage-due, newspaper and official, in addition Pof.L31a; on 3 cards A4 two-sided; perfect condition, c.v.. 1.721Kč
1945 Pof.369B plate variety, Bratislava's 4 Koruna blue-green, comp. 2 pcs of bloks of four with vývojem plate defects - significant color stain between stamp. pos. 188/189; mint never hinged