2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, str-of-9 with production flaw - 2x print nominal value 22CZK + 7x without print nominal value; multiple stripe are rare
20005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, value 18CZK, str-of-3 with production flaw - 1x without print nominal value + 1x value 18CZK double impression + 1x standard stamp. with value 18CZK
2006 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, value 24CZK, 2 pcs of with production flaw - 1x double significantly shifted print nominal value, 1x inverted print nominal value at top in/at republic
1951 Pof.L33, Spa 6Kčs green, block of four with wide bottom margin lower with perf from protějšího blk-of-10 (incomplete gutter); mint never hinged, unusual
1999 Pof.PL216DV, Europe - preserve and gardens 11CZK, 2x complete counter sheet, 1x with plate variety 5/F blue stain in mraku, 1x with plate variety 8/H green stain by stones; very fine
1915 request líst on/for mailing field post, Nachfraggeschreiben, off. cancel. K.u.K. Infanterieregiment count von AhenspergunTraun Nr.21 supplemented with postal FP-postmark./ 79/ 3.V.15, vert. fold
1890 POST OFFICE JUBILEE 1890 / 2 postal stationery covers incl. imprinted cards to 50. Anniv of the 1. stamps of the world, 1x uprated to Prague + 1x Un; good condition
1919 POSTA MILITARE 52, postcard sent from Kroměříž to Italian Raveny, with Hradčany 10h + 5h, 2x postal imprint PM 52 with dots/ 14.1.19; only in picture side hints after sticking to černému background, rare franking on/for mailing to Italy
1993 postal-agency DOLNÍ NOVÉ MĚSTO/ PRAGUE 07, letter from 1. of day opening transport novodobých postal-agencies in Czech Republic (!), with Pof.2263 and 2753, CDS PRAGUE 07/ 1.3.93, blue framed pmk Postal Agency předpisově outside franking, arrival postmark PRAGUE 612/ 2.3.93 on reverse, sound condition
1953POŠTOVNÉ 10 Koruna / commercial papers, 2 pcs of with 1-zn. franking Pof.521, resp. 643, 1 pcs of multiple franked. Pof.721 (5x) and 1x meter stmp + POŠTOVNÉ 15 Koruna, commercial papers with franked. Pof.666 (15x) on face-side; 2 pcs of more/larger window envelope
1953POŠTOVNÉ 10Kčs / commercial papers, 4 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of with multiple frankings Pof.671 (5x) with CDS PROTIVÍN/ 5.VI.53, resp. Pof.716 (7x) with CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 9.VI.53 and 2x mixed franking Pof.625 (9x), 711 with CDS PRAGUE 025/ 3.VI.53, resp. Pof.726, 728 - minor faults. with CDS TEPLICE; 3x window envelope
1953POŠTOVNÉ 110 Koruna / Express letter with Pof.643 (10x), CDS BRNO 1/ 4.VI.53, small format + heavier commercial Reg letter with same franking, CDS HAVLÍČKUV BROD 2/ 6.VI.53, format 23x16cm; common condition
1914-15 PROVISORY / comp. 2 pcs of FP cards to Bohemia, 1x with franking 5h, both cards with district postmarks IX/84 or IX/57, military unit postmarks and censorship from Tarnowa, good condition
1920 ATTACHED TERRITORY / CMUNT - ČESKÉ VELENICE / philatelically influenced Registered and Express letter without vypsaného addressee , used 12 pcs of Austrian stamp. 5h - 2 Koruna, all with 7 print red CDS CMUNT V Č./ 31.VII.20 - 1. day handover below Czechosl. administration, larger format envelope/-s; good condition