1872 folded letter with Revenue 5 Kreuzer issue 1870 instead of postage stamp issue 1867, sent from Vienna to Třebíč, CDS WIEN 29/1 72, written Hebrew, all original, front side worn probably due to intention of removing the hand written notice of surtax, offered as is, cat. Ferchenbauer "LP"
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 22.V.45; Un, good condition
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 23. and 22.V.45; Un, good condition
1901-1918 SLOVAKIA / comp. 3 pcs of entires, 2x franked phonecard, various franking as Mi.67 with CDS POSTYÉN 01 Feb.9., Mi.100 4x with CDS TURÓCZ - SZKLENÓ 911 Feb.25., 1x certificate of mailing on/for mailing to Prague with Mi.194 with CDS RUTTKA 918 Jun.10.; fine
1938SMÍŠENÁFRANKATURA / letter sent as Printed matter franked with. mixed franking postage stmp Coat of arms 10h brown and stamp. Falcon in Flight (issue) with overprint OT 10h violet Pof.OT1, MC PRAGUE 6/ 22.X.38 (incomplete print); good condition, rare
1926SOUKROMÝPŘÍTISK / PC CDV34/II, T. G. Masaryk 1,20CZK II. part, with private added print on front also back side f. Richard KühnSaalfeld Germany, Un; minor faults prohyby, decorative
1949-76SPOJENÉTYPY selection of 5ks: Pof.499, Lenin 1,50Kčs, block of four with coupon; Pof.1570, Hare 80h, str-of-3, I+II+I type; Pof.1587, Water birds 30h, marginal Pr; Pofis. 2129, Zničené community 1,20Kčs, corner blk-of-4; Pof.2215DO Toximania 2Kčs, corner str-of-3, earlier type II.; c.v.. 2.460Kč
1963-1964SU1+SU2, comp. 2 pcs of souvenirs inquiry MF, 1. year/volume (low number 000176!) + 2. year/volume; on the reverse side hinged and small spots
1939Sy.D3Xz production flaw, the first issue 20h blue, smooth gum, vertical pair with production flaw - 2x vertical hair paper crease in paper; mint never hinged, interesting
1939Sy.D5Xz production flaw, the first issue., 40h blue, block of four, L pair stamps with production flaw - 2x thin paper crease in paper; mint never hinged
2017 off. letter-card Czechosl. post Modrý Maritius, nesložená (!), also with commemorative sheet with two stamp. Pof.942 and samolepicí stick-on label with logo exhibition
1921-1937 UZHHOROD, BEREHOVE / commercial Reg card with multicolor franking issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, CDS BEREHOVE 16.VII.21 (filling holes), court letter with CDS UZHHOROD 8.II.27 and pair postage-due stamp. Postage Due - overprint issue Agriculture and Science 50/500h green and off. envelope postage free with funeral special postmark UZHHOROD/ SMUTEKČESKOSLOVENSKA 23.IX.37; good condition
1946 MILITARY ZAJATECKÉ TÁBORY KUŘIM, ZNOJMO, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ comp. 5 pcs of cuts post. dispatch-notes sent on/for prisoner to camp in/at Kuřimi, then answer part card Voj. POW camp in Znojmo sent from Austria with CDS VILLACH/ 26.8.46, card sent from prisoner from prison in/at Hradec Králové; good condition
1948-1985 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION / comp. of 8 envelopes V A/48 (signature Neumann, sent to parliamentarian NS), V A/73, V /73, V A/75, V A/80, V B/80, V A/85 and V B/85; nice quality
1980-85 Presidential Election republic, special envelope/-s V A/870, V B/80, V A/85, V B/85, red, resp. blue special postmark PRAGUE 012 HRAD/ 22.5.80 and 22.5.85; nice
1971-1972VÝROBNÍVADY / Pof.1877 + 1964, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs and 5Kčs, selection of 16 used stamp. s výraznými production errors/flaws (much z nich isn't known v nerazítkovanémstavu): at value 2 Koruna 4x significant shifts colors, any other one, 1x shift red color L-wards up and shifted perforation L-wards to picture, 1x pair s posunem perf up (the first usage), 1x pair s výraznými black stains through/over hill kupole, 1x vertical smudge red color through/over complete pos., 1x red line z ozdobného circle up; 2x significant black smudges v obraze, at value 5Kčs 1x sheet offset, 1x shifted perforation up; for collector this issue very interesting and unusual selection of!
1938-1940WEIDANAU, SCHWARZWASSER, SETZDORF, SONNENBERG, SCHWAZ, SCHWEISSING, SEESTADTL, SEFERSDORF, GEDLNIZ / comp. 10 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, commercial also personal correspondence and philatelically motivated mailing; various quality, originates from important collection postal history from abroad
1938 occupation PODKARPATSKÉRUSI / BEREHOVE, UZHHOROD comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with Hungarian stmps with propagandistic cancel. VISSZATÉRT occupied post offices UNGVÁR and BEREGSZÁSZ, 2x as Registered, all addressed to to Hungary with arrival pmk.; good condition
1934 ZEPPELIN / letter to Czechoslovakia, franked with i.a. airmail stamp. Mi.319, 320, 337, CDS SAO PAULO 19.IX.34, on reverse machine cancel. MIT LUFTSCHIFE GRAF ZEPPELIN BEFÖRDERT/ FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 25.9.34, supplemented with arrival CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 25.IX.34; good condition
2015 stamp-booklet Exhibition CHOMUTOV 2015, on reverse 2 hologramy on/for sequence (shifted against sequence 0 1mm vertical and little horiz.); kuriozní and very unusual
1975 PLATE PROOF COB44, Exhibition Socfilex in Moscow, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs, 3x printed stmp 6Kčs, from that 1x master die in/at definitive colors, 2x in/at grey-violet and black color, 1x plate proof added-print on envelope, supplemented with standard envelope, all on carton paper with wide margin; good condition
1977 PLATE PROOF COB51, Exhibition Socfilex in Berlin, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs, 3x printed stmp 6Kčs, from that 1x master die in/at definitive colors, 2x in/at brown and black color, 1x plate proof added-print on envelope, supplemented with standard envelope, all on carton paper with wide margin; good condition
PLATE PROOF values 3CZK in/at original red-violet color, type I., UL blk-of-18 on pink paper; in upper part 2 significant smudges printing color, good condition, exp. Pofis-Beneš, exceptional multiple!
PLATE PROOF values 500h dark green on stamp paper with gum, in/at joined printing with part of stamp. 600h violet with control-numbers; hinged, exp. Vrba
PLATE PROOF values 500h, letterprint plate proof in gray color on stamp paper with nazelenalým background print, LR corner blk-of-4 with wide margin, with gum; label only in margin, exp. Vrba, in čtyřbloku rare usage!